Obviously, when Ji Zi asked Ye Xuan if he could tell fortunes, she was just joking with him and talking casually.

She had never thought that Ye Xuan could really tell fortunes.

Because, when Ye Xuan said before that he knew the plot, it was all just talk. He was a time traveler in the game, so he knew the plot, not because he could see the plot like Elio.

But now Ye Xuan said in his diary that he could tell fortunes, which really shocked Ji Zi and the girls who were reading the diary.

Fu Xuan: Everything else is easy to say. If he really can tell fortunes, how could he not know that we are secretly reading the diary?

Ji Zi: Don't panic, let me ask him.

At this time, Ji Zi looked at Ye Xuan with curiosity in her eyes, and asked Ye Xuan:

"You are really good at fortune-telling. What can you predict?"

"It depends on the situation."

Ye Xuan said:"Generally speaking, I can calculate what has happened, but I can't calculate what hasn't happened yet."

【According to Boshizun, everything in this world is an objective fact. Therefore, as an absolute materialist, he firmly believes that as long as he knows the initial arrangement data of all the basic substances such as atoms and protons in this world, he can directly calculate everything that will happen in the future of this world.】

【His algorithm is to infer the results through the existing processes in the material world.】

【However, the way cultivators tell fortunes is different from the way Boshizun predicts the future. Cultivators predict the past and future through destiny.】

【Every world has its own destiny, but this destiny is only one of the orbits predetermined by heaven. Destiny cannot be violated, but it can be followed and guided. Destiny can be changed. You can change your destiny by following heaven or by going against heaven.……】

【These are things that a cultivator would definitely try to understand and do if he mastered the art of fortune-telling.】

【To put it bluntly, when a cultivator calculates a person's fortune, he or she will get the result directly, and then see if he or she is satisfied with the result. If he or she is satisfied, then it is God's will. If he or she is not satisfied, then man can conquer nature.】

【In other words, if a cultivator is willing to believe in the fortune-telling, then it is destiny. If he is unwilling to believe it, then it is just for fun. I don't believe that the future is predetermined, so I never like fortune-telling.】

【The so-called destiny is nothing more than a reminder from heaven to the cultivator. As long as he is willing to promote it, he will definitely be able to achieve the future.】

【So, I will never say such a stupid thing as"I can predict the future". No one can predict the future.】

【Even a saint in the prehistoric times would get angry and bring disaster upon himself when the heavens need him to see and understand something. Why should I, a mere Nascent Soul cultivator, flatter myself? I might as well just say that I can’t figure it out. 】397

【However, if you really want me to tell fortunes, I can still tell you some things.】

【For example, I once privately calculated the marriage between me and Ji Zi. Not only are we compatible, but we will also have several children.】

【But, I don't like this kind of future, because in this destiny, I am devoted to Ji Zi and have no interest in other women. Although I like Ji Zi very much, but for her, I am not willing to give up Sanyueqi, Beloberg, Ester, Xianzhou Luofu, Pinoconi and so many beauties.】

【So, that future disappeared after I chose to give up.】

【Even if Ji Zi and I are still together in the future, the children who were originally destined to be born will not appear in this world.】

【However, I won't say this to Ji Zi. After all, Ji Zi is such a charming woman. If she knew that I had the opportunity to have her give birth to several children with me, but gave up, she would definitely be angry in her heart, haha.……】


Sanyueqi: Uh... OK, several children? Jizi, you are too fertile--!!!

Xing: You are too fertile.

Sanyueqi: You are repeating a grade again. Estelle

: So, Ye Xuan can not only calculate things that have happened, but also things that will happen in the future? But, the future is uncertain in his eyes, so he said he can't calculate the future? This, it seems that he has one more skill. Fu Xuan

: Do immortal cultivators really have only so many abilities... He can even choose whether a certain future will happen or not?!

Huanlong: Is he really that powerful, he can calculate things that have already happened?

"Ye Xuan, can you figure out what I was like in the past?!!"

San Yue Qi excitedly approached Ye Xuan and asked him


Ye Xuan looked at March 7, thought for a moment, and said:

"It's not impossible to calculate it, but……"

"But what?"

Sanyueqi looked at Ye Xuan in confusion.

【Haha, I can't tell this girl that she is a character in a game, because the plot of the game has not yet determined her fate, so the cause and effect involved in her life is even greater than that of the sea of trees.】

【If I figured out her fate, it could cause the entire world to collapse, right?】

"But if you don't believe me even if I tell you, I'd better not tell you."

Ye Xuan said with a smile


After hearing Ye Xuan's words, San Yue Qi was dumbfounded.

The girls who were looking at the diary were also dumbfounded. No one expected that San Yue Qi's fate would involve such a big cause and effect? Could the fate of a character who had not yet been determined in the game plot actually involve such a big cause and effect?

【This is also the reason why I don’t usually use fortune-telling. This thing can only be used to deal with some minor characters who are not important in the original plot. It doesn’t work when it is used to calculate the fate of those who are deeply involved in the cause and effect.】

【Even if Bo Shi Zun has calculated for his whole life, he will probably never understand this truth.……】

【What he called fortune-telling, after all, was just like seeing a ball rolling towards a hole. If nothing unexpected happened, the ball would definitely go into the hole. However, he couldn't predict whether the ball would be interfered with by people outside the table.】

【In fact, there are people outside this world.——!】

Black Tower: From what Ye Xuan said, he really doesn't think highly of Boshizun's fortune-telling method.

Silver Wolf: If it's really according to what Ye Xuan said, all the destinies in this world are determined by the result first and then the process... and this result can be changed. The fortune-telling of the mechanical head is really not worth mentioning in front of his fortune-telling. What the mechanical head sees is even just the future produced by this process.

Illusion: Master Ye is really amazing. He doesn't even seem to take Boshizun seriously.


The girls didn't pay attention to Huanlong's words.

Now, they were just looking at March Seven, waiting for her reaction.

And March Seven's reaction did not disappoint them.

She looked at Ye Xuan with some depression and said:

"If you don't tell me, how do you know I don't believe it? However, if you don't want to tell me, I think you must have your reasons, so I won't ask."

March Seven: No way? If Ye Xuan calculated my fate in advance, would it cause the whole world to collapse? Is my fate so powerful?

Fu Xuan: It's not that your fate is powerful, but that the things involved in your fate are too powerful.

March Seven: That's also powerful——!


Hearing San Yueqi's words, Ye Xuan looked at her with some surprise:

"You really don't want to ask?"

"I won’t ask any more questions."

March 7 said:"Any questions?"


Ye Xuan shook his head slightly

【Although San Yueqi looks silly and naive, and seems very lively and cheerful, she actually has an unknown fear buried deep in her heart.】

【She doesn't know her past, has no memory of it, and has no idea who she is.】

【This feeling has been bothering her.】

【Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, she gave up asking me about her past so easily. She must have been worried about the consequences of my doing so.】

【This girl is a little silly, but she is really cute.……】

March 7: Ye Xuan, you are going too far! Why didn’t you mention that I am stupid in three sentences? How am I stupid?——!!!

【However, if I tell her that this world is a game world, and as a game world, her unknown past fate will be revealed one day, she should feel better, right?】


San Yueqi, who was secretly depressed, suddenly had a sudden flash of light in his eyes.

What? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

One's fate will be revealed one day. Is this true?

"Don't worry."

Ye Xuan said to March 7:

"Although I can't tell you the reason now, one day, you will find your destiny yourself."


After hearing Ye Xuan's words, Sanyueqi was stunned for a moment, then forced himself to pretend to be surprised and said to Ye Xuan:

"Thank you for your kind words."

"Well, let's talk about this pioneering mission first."

Ji Zi said to everyone.

Everyone looked at Ji Zi.

Ji Zi crossed her arms and said with a smile:

"We will talk to Ye Xuan later about whether he can tell fortunes. Now let me tell you about the distribution this time.……"

This guy had the chance to have several children with me, but he actually gave up. He really doesn't want to have children with me, right?!

Just as Ye Xuan thought, Ji Zi was now complaining to Ye Xuan in her heart.

After all, Ji Zi was also a woman. Ye Xuan had the chance to be devoted to her, but he actually gave up. What a philandering man.

Ji Zi looked at everyone present and said:

"Dan Heng does not plan to go to Xianzhou Luofu due to special circumstances. This time, I decided to send only Ye Xuan, Xing, and San Yueqi to go to Xianzhou Luofu together."


Hearing Ji Zi's words, Yang couldn't help but be a little surprised. He pointed at himself and asked Ji Zi:

"And me?!"[]

Although he is old, he still has a heart that wants to show himself.

Last time, Ye Xuan stole the limelight. This time, he also wants to carry out a mission to try.

Seeing Walter Yang like this, Ji Zi couldn't help but laugh:

"Walter, since Ye Xuan has proven his strength last time, let's let the young people show their strength first."


Hearing Ji Zi's words, Walter Yang remembered Ye Xuan's performance in Beloberg, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

How to say it, Ye Xuan's performance, indeed, left him speechless.

He even suspected that if he went on a mission with Cun, he would become a pendant beside Ye Xuan.

Just like Dan Heng last time, think about it, it's better for him not to go out, so that he can maintain some face as an old senior.

Thinking of this, he had to adjust his glasses and said to Ye Xuan:

"In this case, you should be careful on your own. No matter what, I still say that you must remember that no matter what the circumstances, you must implement, explore, understand, establish, and connect the pioneering path."

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded.

March 7 said excitedly:"Thank you, Uncle Yang——!"

Xing:"This time, I will definitely perform well.——!"


Now that the preparations have been made, Ji Zi naturally began to contact Xianzhou Luofu.

"Hello, is this the Xianzhou Luofu? This is the Starry Sky Train, requesting to land... er, this place should be called the deck, right? Requesting to land on the deck"


"This is Xianzhou Luofu. We have received a request and are about to open the Jade Realm Gate. Please prepare to land."

At this time, a female voice appeared in the train communication.


Hearing this voice, Ye Xuan couldn't help but show doubt

【Huh? What is this?���According to the plot, the train crew should not encounter many problems when they want to land on Xianzhou Luofu, right? The first problem is that Xianzhou Luofu's signal was intercepted by Silver Wolf, which made it impossible for the Starry Sky Train crew to contact Xianzhou Luofu. Finally, under the deliberate arrangement of Silver Wolf, the train crew landed, but the place where they landed was the dock that was out of stock, not the place where tourists landed.】

【How come it was so easy to contact Xianzhou Luofu this time?! 】

Fu Xuan: Haha, this finally shocked him, the plot he knew, didn't work anymore--!

Su Chang: Master Taibu, how did you know that Yinlang was going to make trouble on purpose?

Fu Xuan: I didn't know that Yinlang was going to make trouble, I just knew that Ye Xuan was coming, so I asked people to prepare in advance, and I must not neglect the people on the Starry Sky Train.

Su Chang: Wow, so that's how it is, Master Taibu, you are really amazing--!

Fu Xuan: Of course--!


At this time, Yinlang really wanted to tell Fu Xuan, sorry, I still made trouble.

But, Yinlang is not stupid, she knows that if she tells Fu Xuan now that she made trouble, the people on the Xianzhou side intervened, it would only cause trouble for her. It

's better not to say it at the beginning, and they will understand it naturally later. If she, Yinlang, wants to make trouble, how can the people on the Xianzhou prevent it?

The huge Jade Realm Gate slowly opened, and in front of the Starry Sky Train, it looked like a huge steel beast in the starry sky, opening its mouth.

As the Jade Realm Gate opened, Ye Xuan and his party followed the train's station and headed towards the Immortal Boat Luofu.


After the three of them landed, San Yue Qi took the lead, walked forward, looked around, then frowned and said:

"There are so many containers here. Why does it look like a unloading dock?"


Looking at this scene, Ye Xuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

【Haha, I was naive. I thought that if I contacted the people of Xianzhou Luofu directly this time, I would not be tricked. I didn't expect that we were still sent here. Could it be that we could really encounter Tingyun in distress, and then we could be heroes to save the beauty? 】

Tingyun:? ?!!

At this time, in order to contact Ye Xuan as soon as possible, Tingyun had already put aside the business she was going to do, and came to the passenger dock of Xianzhou Luofu on behalf of Xianzhou Luofu, wanting to receive Ye Xuan.

However, through the diary, she also saw that Ye Xuan and his group did not get off here at all.

Tingyun: Silver Wolf, it's your good deed--!!!

Tingyun was really angry at this moment. If she could be the first person to receive Ye Xuan on Xianzhou Luofu, she might be able to seize this opportunity and soar to the sky.

However, unexpectedly, Silver Wolf made trouble and made her miss the opportunity to be the first person to receive Ye Xuan.

This overwhelming wealth and honor, it seems that it does not belong to her.

In this case, how can Tingyun not break the defense?!

��In addition, Ye Xuan also said that she would encounter danger and be rescued by them. If there is such a relationship, it would be easier for her to make friends with Ye Xuan.

But now, she hasn't even seen Ye Xuan——!!!

Huanlong: Hehe, it's really interesting, Miss Tingyun, you seem to be very disappointed.

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