【Black Swan: Wait, self-destructor? ? ?】

【Black Tower: ???】

【Placer gold: ???】

【Ruan Mei: He is a self-destructor, how could it be possible?......】

【Silver Wolf: What a surprise】

【Kafka: It seems that this"daughter-in-law" has a difficult life story......】

【Silver Wolf: ???】

【Estelle: ???】

【Firefly: ???】

【Silver Wolf: Kafka, you're also infected with Qiongbao?】

【Kafka: Just kidding.~】

【Ying: Kafka, are you Qiongbao's mother?】

【Ester: This is complicated.......Theoretically, it can also be said that Qiongbao was created by her and Xiaolanglang.】

【Ying: Wait, aren't these two women? Can they give birth?】

【Yae Shinko: Huh?】

【Kiana: Huh?】

【Bronya Zajicek: Huh?】

【Silver Wolf: Stop talking nonsense, please! I printed this out using the Ether Editor.】

【Silver Wolf: We are not related by blood!】

【Xing: Yes, my brother and I are both star core spirits!】

【Plain dress: 6】

【Gui Naifen: 6】

【���Luwa: 6】

【Ying: Fortunately, we are not related by blood, otherwise Qiongbao's harem would be missing two more.】

【March 7: Is this what you are focusing on?!】

【Ying: Because I think Xiaolanglang still has her charm.~~~~】

【Silver Wolf: Get lost, I'm still young! Do you know how to use words?】

【Kiana: Hey, hey, aren't we talking about Yomi right now? No, the other Mei?!】

【Jing Yuan: At least now we know that there is a reason why Huang Quan doesn't talk much】

【Walter: Indeed.......】

【Kiana: Wait, what is a self-annihilator?】

【Bronya Zajicek: It always feels like it’s not a good word】

【Kiana: Walter, Mr. Walter, can you tell me what a self-destructor is?】

【Star: Lao Yang Encyclopedia is online!】

【March 7: Lao Yang Encyclopedia is online!】

【Walter: It's okay. I just came to the think tank to check the information.】

【Walter: The Self-Destroyers are one of the factions in my current world.】

【Walter: They are the people who accidentally stepped into the shadow of the Void Star God IX and thus lost the meaning of their existence.】

【Walter: The shadow of nothingness equally covers the starry sky. The self-destructors may be born in any world. These poor people have one thing in common: their various attributes of existence: body, cognition, memory....Will gradually die on the journey of self-destruction】

【Walter: Some people who commit suicide will have their skin become like rotten dead wood, covered with scars and holes.

Some people's endocrine system begins to become disordered, and they cannot distinguish between happiness and pain, and become numb to everything; some people lose their memories, and some people lose their senses.......

They seemed to have been deprived of the meaning of life by some existence, and could only see their own figures disappearing into a black hole at the end of the horizon in dreams and hallucinations.

【Kiana: Huh? How could this happen?......】

【March 7: This is too pitiful......】

【Xing:"Sister-in-law" is so pitiful】


【Su Shang: +1!】

【Xier: +1!】

【Clara: +1!】

【Gui Naifen: +1!】

【Bronya Rand: +1.....】

【Qingque: I can't see the future at all, it's just like going to work......】

【Fu Xuan: This is different. At least you can quit.....Ahem, looking forward to retirement, those who destroy themselves can't even talk about retirement】


【Bronya Zajicek: So there is no solution?】

【Walter: Difficult】

【Walter: Some people who have destroyed themselves will have the idea of rebellion. They join the Chaos Doctor and vow to do their best to heal the nothingness of others in the limited time in exchange for their own salvation.】

【Walter: Some even use strong beliefs as support to try to cut off the curse of nothingness from the root by killing the star god sleeping in the abyss, but this is even more ridiculous.】


【Bronya Zajicek:......】

【Kiana: Is there any way to become a Chaos Healer?】

【Walter: Chaos Doctor actually accidentally touched the thinkers of nothingness. He attempted to resist the fate of nothingness and prove to Him the meaning of the existence of all things.】

【Walter: What’s more, there is no record in the think tank.】

【Walter: Everything related to nothingness is mysterious, and not many records are left.】

【Ji Zi: Actually, there is no need to worry too much. Isn’t Miss Huang Quan fine now?】

【Ji Zi: And with the live broadcast room, everything is possible】

【Kiana: Yes! There is a live broadcast room!】

【Kiana: Wait, the Pera Theater is still open!!!!】


【Kiana: My Mei......】

【Xing: Kiana, think about it brightly. If you become my sister-in-law, then you don’t have to worry about my brother and Mei’s sister-in-law, right?】

【Kiana: ???】

【March 7: ???】

【Estelle: ???】

【Firefly: ???】

【Su Shang: ???】

【Qingque: Is this child really a genius?】

【Ying: Xing, I think it’s great too!】

【Xing: You still understand me! Yingbao!】

【Kafka: Baby, I understand you too.~】

【Xing: Yeah, mom is the best!】

【Now start playing the video associated with the correct answer!】

【《Self-destructor - Huangquan》】

【Scene 1——《Izumo, the hometown of Huangquan》!】

In the picture, the blood-red sky is swaying in the wind and rain.

A lone figure stands in front of a high mountain.

The mountain, like a block of black iron, is pierced with long knives.

"Do you remember......"

"Why does Izumo want to forge a sword?"

A man with a steady voice asked

【Kiana: ???】

【Walter: ???】

【Bronya Zajicek: ???】

【Kiana: Did I hear it right?】

【Walter: Probably not.】

【Walter: This is exactly the same as Kevin's voice.....】


【Kiana: Hometown of Yomi, real name Raiden Mei, and the voice of Kevin......】

【Bronya Zajicek: Isn’t this too much of a coincidence???】


【Qingque: Now Luosha will not be able to wash away this stain.】

【Silver Wolf: Music】

【Su Shang: If I were Mr. Walter, I wouldn't believe anything Luosha said.】

【Gui Naifen: +1】

【Jing Yuan: +1】

【March 7: Unless the live broadcast room can prove】

【Ester: Even if it's a homologue, it's still dangerous, right?】

【Walter: Indeed.】

【Rakshasa: Offline, please do not disturb me】

【Hanabi: Laughing to death~]

A bloody world.

It was raining heavily. A girl with purple hair and two red horns on her head was wearing wooden clogs and walking in the mud.

The bright red blood flowed down her right calf and merged into the rain.

She held her right hand and held a katana in her left hand, and kept walking forward.

【Kiana: Eh? So this Mei also has two red horns?!】

【Kiana: Isn't this exactly the same as Mei?!】

【Kiana: I wonder if I exist in her world?】

【Bronya Zajicek: Bronya is also curious】

【Walter: Theoretically, if Kevin has it, you should have it too?

The girl answered Kevin's question.

She said:

"Because a long time ago, eight million gods came to this world, killing people and bringing disaster to the world."

"In order to save the world, the Izumo Kingdom broke 733 swords and forged them into a sacred"

"Twelve Guardian Swords"

"One is true"

"Cast by Zhandu Muka God"

"It can enable mortals to observe the principles of law, deconstruct everything, and recreate miracles."

【Kiana: ???】

【Kiana: Twelve Guardian Swords?】

【Kiana: Could this correspond to the number of Herrschers?!】

【Walter: Eight million gods collapsed???】

【Bronya Zajicek:.....】

【Bronya Zajcek: Forged by the slayer god, this is clearly the key to God in our world.......】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Bronya Zajicek: And"to observe the principles of law, deconstruct everything, and recreate miracles", isn’t this the power of the Ruler of Reason?】

【Bronya Zajcek: This Bronya is so familiar! Oh no, Walter is here too.......That's okay.】


【March 7: Are you all the Rulers of Reason?】

【Bronya Zajicek: I am Walter's successor】[]

【March 7: Wow, Uncle Yang is indeed a senior!】

【Ester: Come to think of it, Qiongbao has also rewarded the Ruler of Reason with power!】

【Kiana: ???】

【Bronya Zajicek: ???】

【Walter: Now that Qiong has the power of a Herald, I wonder if it will allow the Herr of Reason to reach a higher level. Theoretically, it should be possible.】

【Bronya Zajicek: I'm jealous】

【Kiana: Can I beat him?】

【Walter: It's hard to say. As the Cocoon of the End, you must be at least as powerful as the Master. As for the difference between you and Qiongbao, I can't tell without a competition.】

【Kiana: That’s good.......】

【Kiana: If he really harms my Mei, I will have to beat him up to vent my anger!!!】


"The second is heaven"

"Cast by Zhan Tian Chang Li Zun"

"It can turn the sky into a wall, and make the gods of disasters difficult to penetrate."

【Kiana: Herrscher of the Sky???】

"The third is Ming"

"Can summon lightning to tear the sky apart"

"Stars and lightning strike, punishing people from heaven!"

【Kiana: Mei’s Herrscher of Thunder???】

"The fourth is Lan"

"It can make the wind break the earth, the clouds rush and the rain howl, and the hurricane never stops."

【Kiana: Herrscher of the Wind???】

"The fifth is frost"

"The frozen land is endless and the moment is hard to pass away"

【Kiana: Herrscher of Ice???】

"The sixth is destiny"

"Life and death, endless cycle"

【Kiana: Herrscher of Death???】

"There are also strong, feel, foundation, thousands, bundle, and 吳......"

【Kiana: This doesn't seem to be a coincidence.】

【Bronya Zajicek: Even the order of the Herrscher is exactly the same.....】

【Walter: Indeed.】

"..With these twelve swords"

"We hold the hope for tomorrow"

"Win one victory after another!"

Huang Quan said

"Kevin responded again:

"The price of every victory is everything in the world"

"And finally, all of this was lost"

"Izumo Kingdom broke twelve swords and finally forged the sword that could defeat the world...."

"Second name"

"The first one"

"The second is the end"

【Kiana: Indeed!】

【Kiana: Both the Herrscher of the Origin and the Herrscher of the End!】

【Kiana: This world of Yomi Mei is indeed very similar to our world!】

【Walter: There is a difference. There are no star gods in our world.】

【Walter: But in Huangquan's world, there are star gods, which also determines that the endings of the two worlds are completely different......】

Meanwhile, in the Pera Theater,

Mei Raiden felt mixed emotions when she saw the news of Huang Quan's hometown.

She actually wanted to talk to Huang Quan, but she couldn't talk yet.

When the narration read the first part, she wanted to ask Huang Quan if there was someone like Alicia in her world ? Especially when she heard the voice of"Kevin" say,

"Only one of them can save Yun."

No doubt, that represents the previous civilization that Kevin carries.

Huangquan represents the current civilization.

Just like she and Kiana and Bronya did.

"There are 747 swords forged in the world"

"Only one can save the cloud"

"But you and I already knew"

"There is no way to salvation"

"There is no trace of tomorrow"

【Kiana: Save the world???】

【Bronya Zajicek: ???】

【Walter: ???】

【Kiana: And you still say you are not Kevin!】

"Humans Revolt Against the Gods"

"Eventually turn yourself into a demon"

"We bet everything"(Qian Zhao)

"Only the destruction of two worlds"

"Takamagahara, where the gods fell, was also a beautiful place like Izumo a long time ago."


"Kevin paused.

【Walter: So, why do birds fly? ? ? (alert)】


【Bronya Zajicek:......】

【Kiana: This tone, this is actually what I was thinking in my mind】

【Bronya Zajicek: This has almost become a conditioned reflex. When I hear this sound, it is hard not to think of it.】

【Mockingbird: So, why do birds fly?】

【Sunday: So, why do birds fly?】

【Xing: So, why do birds fly?】

【March 7: Eh! Why are we all acting as riddlers?】

【Ying: So, why can Paimon fly?】

【Paimon: ???】

"So, do you remember.....Why did Izumo forge swords?"

"Kevin asked

"For a lie"

"An end that never existed"

"We have already stepped into His shadow"

"Every step forward, there is no turning back"

"Until the last knife (man) is forged into nothingness.

Huang Quan answered.

In the Pera Theater, when she saw the word"knife" with the word"man" above it,

Raiden Mei, like Walter, instantly became alert and associated it like a conditioned reflex.



"The Ruler of Man?"

"Alicia? ?"

"wrong...Nothing, should be what they call nothingness"

"But this character......"

As a result, it was really hard for Mei Raiden not to associate these words with the beginning and the end.

"I know this world is as fleeting as dew, but......"


Huang Quan's voice became sadder.

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