The battlefield is filled with fragments of Susano’s shattered days, like floating dust in the air, which carry traces of the cruelty and destruction of battle.

At the same time, in the fierce attack, the Chakra rod also shattered, turning into countless fine powders, exuding the afterglow of residual heat and energy.

Madara shrank sharply when he saw Kiana and Bud Yi behind him.

“Why are you here?”

Otsuki Ichiseki also noticed the two mysterious people who suddenly appeared.

“You’re the ones coming.”

The clothes on their bodies were very strange, and the energy emanating from their bodies was also telling him

The two girls in front of me are not creatures of this world.

[Fish Immortal: We only come here to do three things, elimination, elimination, or TMD elimination. 】

[It’s not Brother Pink: Aren’t you going to help?] 】

[Fish Immortal: Eh…. I still help remotely like the little grass god to put it….].

The corners of Uchiha’s eyes twitched slightly.

Originally, Madara wanted to run, using the different time flow rates of each world to fully grasp this newly opened power, and with his current strength, he was completely unable to deal with it.

For the sake of that ideal, he can fake his death and survive for decades.

It doesn’t matter if you retreat strategically now

It’s a big deal to send the eyes over and wait for them to revive themselves with these eyes in the back, but why did Kiana and them come?


Issaki on the side watched all this with more interest.

“Is this your technique?”

“It’s really interesting.”

“Listen to you, no matter what you want to do, today, Uchiha’s body is mine.”

[Fallen angel addicted to the game: yooo? 】

[It’s not the big brother of the pink hair: It turned out to be a forced marriage, I thought it was something. ] 】

[Can you give me your time: You two are really enough!] 】

Tokisaki looked at the nonsensical two, and really wanted Bangbang to give them two punches.

[Fallen angels addicted to the game: Kiana are they okay?] I’m worried about them. 】

[It’s not a big brother with pink hair: I’m so worried about why you won’t go over. ] 】

[Fallen angel addicted to the game: I want to go too, but I faint that cube! ] 】

[Can you give me your time: Trust them, I think it’s okay.] 】

Uchiha looked at Otsuki.

The surrounding trees have stopped burning.

It turned into coke and collapsed on the earth.

The few attacks he had just made finally tested something.

That is, his own ninjutsu does not seem to work for Otsuki.

Moreover, the other party’s posture like a cat playing mouse can completely overwhelm him.

Those people in the group now, the little grass god is still imprisoned, Raiden Bud Yi and Kiana are not strong in combat, that Hades… He had absolutely no reason to make the other party make a move.

So start typing to prepare for moisture.

But I didn’t expect them to come so quickly, so recklessly, and they didn’t even collect a little intelligence.

The large tube of wood floated erratically like a phantom, and the figure quickly shuttled through the air, seemingly blending into the surrounding reality.

They haven’t waited for Uchiha and Kiana to make a move.

The big tube of wood directly used Shaoming Kunguna with the big black sky, lowered the huge sealing cauldron, and prepared to serve them in one pot.

The pitch-black sealing cauldron instantly descended from the sky, like a giant beast in the dark night opening its huge mouth and swallowing them inside.

The boundless darkness pervaded all around, oppressive and heavy, and in this deep darkness, their breathing became difficult, their bodies were restrained, and they could not break free.

[Addicted to the game of fallen angels: broken, they’re trapped inside that teapot!] 】

Jia Baili looked at the pitch-black teapot and could feel the oppressive feeling.

All of a sudden, I wasn’t so happy playing games.

[Little grass god who still can’t go out today: That thing seems to be able to seal the ability. ] 】

Xiaocaoshen was very worried, and was still thinking about a plan to help.

Madara was silent.

The body bloomed with a dazzling purple light.

Susano’s skeleton appeared instantly.

However, the moment Susanoo touched that substance, it was instantly annihilated.

Kiana and Bud Yi on the side had not yet moved, curiously looking at the black substance in the sky.

Completely unaware of the danger of death.

Because of the perennial war in the ninja world, even children of a few years old have to go to battle, they don’t understand anything, but they know how to fight and how to grasp intelligence.

Madara forgot for a while, other group friends seem to be biased towards the daily world, and tactical literacy can only be said to be the same as nothing.


Suddenly, the wind blew the ends of her hair, and even the ponytail braided by the girl almost spread out into pure and flawless long white hair, and her right hand unconsciously touched her eyes.

The golden, color from amber replaced blue in an instant, and a completely different but more essential force was finally no longer suppressed at this moment, the authority naturally tilted, and the round ‘door’ appeared in front of him.

The purple border outlines the general outline of the circle, and the inside is like a collapsed black hole, the deeper the center, and it seems that there is an inexplicable gravitational force absorbing all the matter of the cognitive world.

At this moment of crisis, the energy of the Void Law instinctively poured out, but at this moment, the girl’s body was far from being able to carry this power, and the golden liquid like tears was left in her right eye.

What happened in this instant was captured by Uchiha, and it was clear that Kiana did not have the ability to control this power.


His hands were already in his sockets, ready to gouge out his eyes and teleport away.

Suddenly, a voice came, and Uchiha seemed to have seen a life-saving straw.

“When you go through seven layers of loneliness, you can become a real strongman, and our world is born from this!”

The aura of darkness enveloped the earth, as if all hope in the world had been swallowed.

A cold and cruel shadow announces the arrival of Hades.


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