When Kiana rushed into the room, even the air was filled with some familiar smell.

That’s right.

Don’t say it, it’s really right.

At least the piece of smart temperament that was missing in the room just now was made up.


When Kiana first looked into the room, she could only see Bronia with a frightened face.

Only this time, Kiana finally understood why she was so frightened.

Ordinary people stay with Hades, who can eat this thing.

Although the current Hades has always been kind to people and is a good person in general, few people can eat well.

Then, when Kiana entered the field, she immediately had to face a new problem.

What exactly should Bronia do with it?

With Kiana’s current external brain not online, it is obvious that she can’t do anything smart.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng had already made a plan for this point.

The relaxed hand gradually clenches into a fist.

This is such a simple action for everyone else, and for Jiang Cheng, it is the most basic hour like breathing or blinking.

It’s even as if you’ve just pinched a little bug to death.

This tiny movement was never noticed by anyone except Jiang Cheng.

This problem is solved.


When real danger comes, it is often silent.

Perhaps Koliah has the highest say in this….

Even if it was just a glance at the past, Kokolia had enough reason to conclude that the man was the cause of all the changes!

Whether it is Bud Yi or Bronia, they are inseparable from that man!

When the brief shock passed, Kokolia regained her own rhythm.

“Lock Bronia’s position, there must be a middle-aged man by her side, find him!”

Plans absolutely cannot be changed.

“No matter who you are, you can’t escape…”

This decision of the secret rubbing is probably Kokolia’s last decision.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is also gazing at you.

And this time….

I’m afraid it’s not just a stare!

Quick as a wink!

The unprovoked gravitational pull raged from behind Kokolia, and even directly attracted Kokolia towards his back!

Silence, in silence, everything will return to the original darkness and chaos!


The sound that comes out of the vibration of the vocal cords can no longer be transmitted through the air.

All of them are completely covered by the dead silence of the black hole!

Dead silence, which does not belong to the silence of the living at all, is so deafening!

Kokolia never thought that there would be an extra black hole around him one day.

Such an unrealistic thing can happen in any comic book world, and it can’t happen around you.

At least today, Jiang Cheng helped her realize this dream!

Xuanxi, unfold at this moment!

Devour all living beings, devour everything!

This is the ultimate weapon under truly indiscriminate means!

It’s just the blink of an eye!

The radius of the black hole began to expand sharply!

The extremely massive and infinitely small singularity began to wreak havoc throughout the gloomy base with its absolutely domineering power!

This is not a living storm or some other catastrophe – they don’t even deserve to be compared to this scene!

The Xuanxian black hole begins at this moment, and even the vast starry sky can be swallowed!

In the constant state of the last turn back, Kokolia once again saw the gloomy and dark black.

That kind of scene is not much different from the black hole in the man’s eyes… No, it’s not right!

Kokolia’s instantly shrunken pupils began to tremble, trembling endlessly!

That man’s eyes are not some so-called black hole!

That man is the black hole itself!

The closer to the black hole, the particles of time and life will be elongated indefinitely.

Because of this characteristic, Kokolia had time to understand all this.

At least at the last moment, Kokolia understood everything and likewise lost everything.

Cause and effect pros and cons, under the trade-off, is always not a loss.

In the midst of the rage, everything will return to calm.

In the end, all that can be left is the original appearance of this universe…

Everything, it’s over.



When she heard Jiang Cheng’s decision to allow Bronia to live here temporarily, Kiana’s whole person was stunned.

[Paramecium: It’s broken, you really have to go home with me now…].

[Fish master: What are you waiting for, big guys, open clams! ] 】

[Can you give me your time today: pick up a little loli and go home, no loss. 】

[Fallen angel addicted to the game: so envious (no). 】

As we all know, if the group is not for fun, it will be useless.

And now, the big guys can indeed turn into a wave of fun people in place.

It’s just that no one noticed that when the Xuanxian black hole quietly raged somewhere, a touch of gold also climbed into Kiana’s eyes.

The murderous Kim took over the blue color, and then quietly disappeared, waiting for the moment when it really appeared.


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