Night is a time of tiredness accumulated over the day compared to day.

Because of exhaustion, it is easier for people to let go of their guards.

But it is also because of this that people lose their guard at the moment of daylight when they let go of their guards.

Thus, intrigue and darkness will breed at this time.

In such darkness, it can always make people tremble and make the scalp numb, as if there are countless pairs of eyes watching something intently.

It was in this chaotic and dim night that Bronia saw the familiar figure at the end of the corridor.

If a person’s body is like Kiana, the hair color and length are also like Kiana, and they appear in this room, then the other party must be Kiana.

At least in Bronia’s life, that’s exactly what she thinks.

In the entire corridor, there are not too many lights on, just two dim guiding lights in the middle and at the end that do not make people go to the wrong room.

Bronia is in the dark, while Kiana of the other party is in the light.

Then in the dim light, Bronia could see the other person with his head down, as if looking for something.


So strange.

Judging from his observation of Kiana in this period of time, this guy’s brain is indeed a little missing strings.

But in addition to the brain being difficult for a long time, other physical fitness, physical coordination and even sensory ability are definitely in the first grade.

And as far as Kiana’s personality is concerned, after seeing herself, she will directly rush over to talk about herself.

And now… Even when he heard Bronia’s footsteps, the other party did not choose to raise his head to say hello as usual.

Sure enough, something strange….

This strangeness is based on Bronia’s observation of Kiana.

Although a person’s habits do not change to a large extent, this possibility is not 100%.

If Kiana is in a low mood today, such as being chased by a dog on the street, or being splashed by a passing car on the sidewalk, she will probably become so dull.

Bronia makes a reasonable guess about the behavior of the person in front of her.

It’s just that even so, she didn’t rush close to this somewhat strange guy in front of her.

As a mercenary, he should be a former mercenary to be exact.

Although Bronia is no longer in danger all the time, she still has that string in her heart all the time.

A string that is always tense, always tense about unknown and strange things.

[Today is also the little grass god who can’t go out: is that Kiana?] How can you keep this posture all the time? 】

Everyone in the chat group can obviously feel that something is wrong with the current scene.

It’s just that the place with Hades present is absolutely safe no matter what.

There is no doubt about this, so there is no need to be afraid of any big turmoil.

[Fallen angel addicted to games: Maybe Kiana thinks this place is good, maybe she just fell asleep there. ] 】

[Fish Toucher: Hmm… In every sense, this is possible. 】

[Can you give me your time: But today’s Kiana is indeed a little weird, not at all like Kiana.] Could it be that you were dumped by the bud clothes? 】

[Fish Toucher: Wait!? 】

[Fish Toucher: Think about it, if a person who used to be very familiar suddenly changes an unfamiliar posture… So this person is really still…].

Xiao Bury immediately thought of this, and immediately looked at the situation on Bronia’s side again.

[Fallen Angel Addicted to the Game: Groove!? Don’t say it, your back is a little cold…].

At this moment, Bronia finally decided to call Kiana first to see the situation.

“Kiana… Sister? ”

Under the soft call, the other party finally moved.

The head that was originally lowered was raised at this moment and looked directly at Bronia.

But in this instant!

Bronia saw the blonde under the other party’s white hair!

Kiana’s original azure eyes have been replaced by gold now!

A pair of golden eyes, from top to bottom, like a queen’s eyes, looked down at Bronia.

No, this is definitely not Kiana who wears some beautiful eyes on a whim!

The dangerous aura emanating from the other party’s body all the time, and a disdainful smile that extended from the corner of his mouth…

This guy… Not Kiana!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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