The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Xiao Shi found a stone that was about the same height as a person, and in front of Fu Ming's shocked eyes, he molded out a body that looked exactly like Cocolia.

"Xiao Shi, aren't you a Herrscher of Consciousness? How can you mold a body?"

"Besides, aren't you going to kill her?" Fu Ming looked at the body that Xiao Shi had created. Isn't this something that only a Herrscher of Reason would do?

After that, after Xiao Shi gradually transferred Cocolia's consciousness into the new body, he looked at his chest that was gradually rising and falling, and nodded with satisfaction.

Xiao Shi wiped the sweat from his forehead, took out the star core and threw it to Fu Ming, saying:

"Huh~ I was almost exhausted. I didn't expect that transforming a body in reality would consume so much energy. This broken thing is for you."

"As for why, that's needless to say. I don't want to dirty my hands." In fact, he just didn't want Fu Ming to see such a cold and ruthless scene.

As the star core was taken out, the body gradually turned into a light spot and disappeared in the air, leaving only a beautiful aurora in the air.

Seeing this, Fu Ming didn't say anything more. He looked at the star core in his hand and looked at it curiously for a moment. Then a voice sounded in his mind: "Help you... realize your wish..."

"Oh~? Can any wish come true?" Fu Ming asked curiously with a grin on his face.

"......Yes... realize all wishes." The consciousness of the star core was stunned, and then continued to bewitch.

"Then I hope you can become a 1.56-meter-tall, light, soft, and easy-to-pull-down cat-eared little loli."

Star Core Consciousness: "....."

"Tsk, can't you even do this?"

"Don't think you're a ball and think you're a dragon ball. You're not as useful as my Xiaoshi." Fu Ming looked at the silent star core in his hand and complained with disdain.

Star Core Consciousness: "......."

Xiaoshi looked at the star core and asked curiously: "What are you going to do with this thing? It seems that there is no other use except to make wishes come true in a bloody and cruel way."

"Tsk, Lao Yang seems to have said that the star core can only be sealed, and we don't seem to have the means to seal it..." Fu Ming recalled Lao Yang's words in his mind, and immediately turned his head to look at Xiaoshi awkwardly.

Xiaoshi spread his hands helplessly and said: "Then we can only leave it to the train crew to deal with it."


"It seems that this is the only way... You haven't told me why you can pinch the body." Fu Ming put away the star core, and then looked at Xiaoshi intently.

"Because I can do everything. Under the power of consciousness, pinching the body is not a piece of cake." Xiao Shi stretched his body and looked at Fu Ming like a fool.


"Isn't your power to modify consciousness and create illusions?" Fu Ming was even more confused. Apart from these, it seems that he has never seen any other functions of the power of consciousness.

"Today is different from the past. I have to talk to you about this." Xiao Shi put one hand on his waist, doubting whether the other party really understood him.

"Hey! The fundamental of controlling consciousness is not to change consciousness, but to gain people's trust."

"As long as someone believes, even absurd fantasies can exert extraordinary power."

Fu Ming interrupted: "So what is the relationship between your manipulation of people and consciousness?"

"Of course there is a relationship. When consciousness reaches a certain level, it can distort reality and convert a certain substance into another substance, and the body is just one of the thousands of substances."

"For example, this stone, in your eyes it is just an ordinary stone, but I can turn it into a real chicken leg."

After speaking, Xiao Shi picked up a stone and threw it to Fu Ming, signaling him to try it.

"Is this really edible?... It seems to taste good, but it feels a bit hard." Fu Ming looked at the 'chicken leg' in his hand, smelled the fragrance it exuded, and took a bite.

"Is it still like this?" Fu Ming gnawed the chicken leg, it seems that he still underestimated the power of consciousness.

"Ruzi is teachable... cough, but the chicken leg you ate was just me modifying your cognition, there is no change in essence, sorry~hahahaha!"

"Cough! So on the other hand, if no one believes, even if there is a real power, it may not be able to do anything."

Xiao Shi reminded Fu Ming who was eating delicious food, and then continued to explain, and then heard Fu Ming inhaling.

"Hiss! Pah! What did I eat?"

Fu Ming put the leftovers

He threw the stone on the ground, glared at Xiao Shi, and asked while holding his stomach.

Xiao Shi looked at Fu Ming's aggrieved expression, raised the corners of his mouth and continued to explain:

"Of course it's also a stone. I won't be so idle that I really turn the stone into a chicken leg. That would be very tiring, but don't worry, you can still digest the stone."

"And this is a piece of advice for you. If a person can realize that the environment he is in is not real, then he can offset most of the effects of fantasy, and complete the first step to get rid of these shackles."

"Don't look at things you don't like, don't play with things you don't like to play, send the garbage to the garbage dump, and ask others for help with troubles. As long as you are "You are relaxed, who can do anything to you?"

"So no matter what you see in the illusion, it is the malice of the world, just wanting you to believe it."

"No matter how real it is, no matter how close it is to your inner fear, it is just an illusion."

"No matter how real it is, as long as you don't believe it, the illusion can't do anything to you, let alone hurt you."

"You can even say: this is the limit of the power of consciousness."

"From this point of view, the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness is not as simple as imagined." Fu Ming looked at Xiao Shi with shining eyes, this is so cool!

"If you can get me a few hundred Herrscher cores, maybe by then, I can get whatever I want, no matter whether it exists in reality, whether it is reasonable or not, as long as I can think of it, I can change it, and I don't even need to use other substances to convert it, but summon it out of thin air..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Shi couldn't help but raise his head and chest, looking at Fu Ming expectantly.

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