The duck leg in the squad leader's hand was so tempting.

Looking at Kiana who was staring at him and Shibao who pretended not to care, Fu Ming proudly shook the duck leg in his hand, then took a bite and made a chewing sound.

Kiana's eyes lit up, and her arm wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth from time to time. Although she was full, she didn't know why the duck leg in the squad leader's hand was so tempting.

"Squad leader, just give me a bite, just one bite."

"Do you really want to eat it so much?" Fu Ming looked at Kiana jokingly, shaking the duck leg in his hand, and Kiana's eyes followed wherever he shook it.

"Hmmmm!" Kiana nodded, and her expectant eyes shone towards Fu Ming.

"Then how about you learn to meow a few times~" Fu Ming turned his head aside and said something intriguing with a red face.

For food, this request is nothing! "Meow~ meow~ meow~" Hearing Fu Ming's request, Kiana shamelessly comforted herself and learned to meow.

Hearing Kiana's numb cat cry, Fu Ming satisfiedly brought the duck leg to Kiana and motioned her to take a bite.

"........." Looking at the meat in his hand that was almost 2/1 less, and looking at Kiana who was chewing non-stop, he still underestimated her love for food.

"Ming, there's me too, I want to eat too!" The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't bear it and pounced on Fu Ming, trying to grab the duck leg in his hand.

Being hit by the sudden knowledge treasure, Fu Ming felt that his chest was greatly damaged, especially the hardness of the flat chest of the knowledge treasure was comparable to the material of anti-atomic bomb.

"Okay, okay, here you go." In order to avoid a second trauma, Fu Ming quickly handed the duck leg in his hand to the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"That's good enough." The Herrscher of Knowledge gnawed the duck leg in his hand and ignored Fu Ming.

Fu Ming rubbed his chest and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.


The neon lights of Changkong City at night intersect and shine, the vehicles coming and going, the people walking, it seems to be bustling, but you can't see the depths of people, and the products of collapse are rampant.

Fu Ming and Kiana walked on the street, watching the people coming and going around them, but they felt sorry for the city because of the third collapse four days later.

"Classmate Kiana, you have to go to school tomorrow. Have you done your homework?"

"Ah! I forgot that I have to go to school tomorrow, and I haven't done a single word of my homework. I'm screwed. If Nun Miejue knows, she'll nag me again."

Kiana heard Fu Ming's words, and thought of Nun Miejue who had a poker face and showed no mercy to anyone. She said goodbye to Fu Ming and ran away in a hurry.

".........Sure enough, it's still that careless paramecium." Looking at Kiana running away, Fu Ming laughed, but when he thought that he didn't seem to have done anything, his face immediately fell and he let out an angry wail.

"Why can't I wait until the original owner finishes his homework before I can come through!!!!!!"

The passers-by showed strange eyes, and some mothers with children pointed at Fu Ming and said: "Stay away from such people in the future, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, mom."

Seeing the eyes of the crowd, Fu Ming shook his flowing long hair and glared at him: "Why, haven't you seen a handsome guy before?"

The people present heard it and quickly turned their eyes away, but some people blushed and whispered to the people next to them: "I found that I don't like women, I like good-looking ones. The glare just now melted my heart and I want to sleep with him."

"Me too, brother, this appearance is amazing. If he wasn't flat-chested, I would have thought he was a woman. He is more beautiful than a female star."

The people next to him took a strange look and quickly distanced themselves. Although he was indeed good-looking, it was okay to say it so openly?

Hearing what the group of people said, Fu Ming covered his body, looked at the two people in surprise, and fled the scene like a frightened cat.

Fu Ming returned home, picked up Shi Bao who was sleeping on the sofa, carefully put him on the bed, covered him with a quilt, and left the bedroom.

The Herrscher of Knowledge opened his eyes and looked at Fu Ming who was leaving, pulled the quilt, then closed his eyes and whispered: "It feels so good to be cared for, Ming."

The last barrier in the Herrscher of Knowledge was also quietly resolved. The relationship that was originally just a friendship suddenly rose to a family relationship. The Herrscher of Knowledge completely recognized the existence of Fu Ming.

"This group of people is so weird. They don't even let men go these days." Standing outside the door, Fu Ming whispered, using the Taixu Sword Technique to calm his inner surprise.

"It's important to do your homework. If you don't do it, you will be punished to stand with the paramecium tomorrow morning." Fu Ming didn't think Qia

Naneng could finish her homework in one night, but she might fall asleep while writing.

The next morning, Shibao was reluctant to get up, but Fuming had to carry his schoolbag and go to school, singing leisurely, not knowing that he was about to be late.

"Some deserts on this planet were oceans once"

(The deserts on this planet were once oceans)

"Somewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shine"

(Where the night shrouds, the sun will shine)

"Sometimes I see a dying bird fall to the ground"

(Occasionally, I see a dying bird fall to the ground)

"But it used to fly so high"

(But he used to fly so high)

"I thought I were no more than a bystander Till I felt a touch so real"

(I thought I was just a bystander until I felt so real)

"I will no longer be a transient When I see smiles with tears"

(When I see people's smiles with tears, I will no longer be a transient)


Kiana, holding a piece of bread in her mouth, saw the figure in front of her and quietly approached and put her arm around Fu Ming's shoulders.

"Good morning, monitor, what did you sing just now? It's so nice."

"Good morning, the name of this song is Moon Halo, which tells the story of an innocent girl who inherits the teacher's will and fights for the beauty of the world." Fu Ming looked at the arm on his shoulder and Kiana with a smile on her face. The protagonist of the song was right in front of him.

"Really? Fighting for the beauty of the world." Kiana didn't know why, she felt that this person was talking about her, but as a single-celled organism, Paramecium had never experienced this and quickly forgot about it.

"If you don't hurry up, you'll be late, monitor." After saying that, Kiana ran towards the school, and Fu Ming ran behind her.

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