Collapse! The Elephant Ran Into My House And I Couldn’T Drive It Away.

Chapter 203: Feeling Sorry For The Savage Who Is Uneasy About His New Life! 【2 More】

The savage also got up very early.

It just kept sitting in the room.

Now hearing Li Fan's voice, it opened the door and came out.

The two special forces guarding the door glanced at the savages and did not dare to say anything.

Just quickly tell their captain on the intercom.

It is said that the savages have gotten up! They are now walking towards the lawn.

The captain of the special forces also immediately informed Li Fan:

"Xiao Li, the savages have risen!"

Li Fan stretched his head and looked towards the warehouse, saw the figure of the savage, and then waved to him.

"Hey, I'm here! Come over here!"

Savage is extremely fast!

Just as fast as it was on the other side of the snow-capped mountains, a shadow flashed past and it came to Li Fan.

It is always silent.

He stood silently behind Li Fan without making any sound.

At this time,

Zhao Zhengming and Wang An also came.

Also brought in are two new experts.

They introduced Li Fan:

"Xiao Li, these two are experts in the study of human evolution and great apes.

"The two of them came here mainly to help take care of the savages' daily life."

Zhao Zhengming said: "We have also discussed that we cannot treat savages as ordinary animals.

"Judging from the tokens it gives you, it is thoughtful and has independent ideas."

"We should respect it and treat it as an independent individual!"

What Zhao Zhengming said is exactly what Li Fan thought827.

Li Fan nodded: "Yes, I think so too."

"At least we can't let it live the same life as an animal."

The new expert reached out to Li Fan:

"Hello, Xiao Li, I am Sun Wan, and I will be responsible for the savage affairs from now on.

Li Fan shook hands with him and said:

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, but before making any decision, you need to discuss it with me first."

Sun Wan nodded repeatedly: "Definitely! Definitely!"

Sun Wan and the others brought some cooked steaks, rice and fruits in several basins.

Said to Li Fan: "This is what we think, let's try savages to eat cooked food first."

"Otherwise, eating raw meat all the time is not an option."

Li Fan: "Okay."

He glanced at the food in the basin.

Very clean, just like what ordinary people eat.

The staff followed Sun Wan's instructions and moved a table and several chairs to the lawn.

Then put several basins filled with food on the table.

Li Fan sat on the chair first.

Said to the savage: "Come on, eat something first!"

The savage hesitated and did not dare to sit down.

Li Fan stood up again, walked over and pulled out a chair.

Said to the savage: "Come, sit here, as I have just sat down."

The savage thought for a while before slowly sitting down.

Sun Wan also sat opposite the savage.

Said to Li Fan: "Xiao Li, can you tell the savage that I am a trustworthy person.

In the future (agfi) I will take care of it and help it adapt to life here?"

Li Fan nodded slightly.

He pointed at Sun Wan and said to the savage:

"This man is a very good person. He will help me take care of you in the future!"

"You can fully trust him, don't be afraid, no one here will hurt you!"

The savage didn't reply.

But the alertness in his eyes has softened a bit.

Sun Wan knew that he couldn't teach the barbarians how to use tableware so quickly.

So he took a disposable plastic glove and put it on his hand.

Then he picked up a piece of steak in the basin with his hands.

He took a bite and said to the savage:

"It's delicious. You can learn how to make it."

Li Fan also said to the savages:

"He will be the one to take care of you from now on. He will teach you many things. You have to learn to follow him.

The Savage was silent for a moment.

He was obviously a little hungry.

It wants to grab the meat in the basin with its hands and eat it directly.

But something came to mind, so he grabbed the disposable plastic gloves on the table.

I looked through it for a while and didn't know where to go.

The fact that he can't wear gloves seems to make him feel embarrassed.

It stood up suddenly and ran quickly to the warehouse!

He ran to the warehouse and closed the door!

Everyone was shocked.

Zhao Zhengming asked: "What's wrong with it? Is it angry?"

Sun Wan said: "Maybe he is not used to the life here and is a little afraid of us, so he refuses to have contact with us."

Li Fan also stood up and walked to the warehouse.

He knocked on the door and said:

"Come out, it's okay, no one will laugh at you!"

"Everyone is fine. You don't have to be afraid or nervous.

"I told you I would protect you, and I will definitely protect you! Come out and have something to eat."

It lasted about five minutes.

The savage opened the door of the warehouse and slowly walked out of it.

Li Fan took it back to the lawn.

Let it sit at the table again.

Then he took a glove and put it on.

Sun Cheng also took a glove and whispered to Li Fan:

"Xiao Li, let me put it on with your other hand."

"You have to slowly make it trust me, otherwise it will always rely on your words and you won't have that much time to take care of it.

Li Fan felt the same way.

Sun Wan is an expert in this field. In the future, if we want to teach the savages how to adapt to life here, it would be better to let Sun Wan take action.

Think so.

Li Fan raised the savage's other ungloved hand and said:

"Let him put this one on for you. He is a very good person. Don't be afraid of him.

Looking at the savages, I felt less nervous.

Sun Wan quickly picked up his gloves and put them on, and said softly:

"Don't worry, we will treat you as a friend!"

"We are all Xiao Li's friends and will treat you as well as he does!"

After putting on the gloves.

Sun Wan sat in front of the savage again and put on a new pair of gloves.

Then he picked up a piece of steak and took a big bite.

"Here, it's delicious, try it!"

Looking at the savage, he still didn't make a move.

Li Fan said to it: "Come on, give it a try, and learn from the person in front of you.

The savage looked around cautiously, then slowly imitated Sun Wan, picked up a piece of beef, and took a small bite.

Li Fan asked it with a smile: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

The savage finally spoke up.

This is the first time it has made a sound since it got up in the morning.

It whispered: "Woooooooo~"


Seeing that the savage's mood was getting better, everyone felt relieved.

Sun Wan grabbed another handful of rice and put it in his mouth and said:

"Come on, try this! This is delicious too!"

At this moment.

Ah Guai ran over slowly and climbed onto Li Fan's lap.

While it was frightened to death, it looked at the savage curiously:

"Wow woof~~"

"It's so scary!"

The savage's attention was attracted by Ah Guai's cry, and he turned to look at Ah Guai.

Then he gently touched Ah's head with the hand that had not grabbed food.

This scares Ah Guai so much!

Crying and shouting, run away!

I have to say that although Ah Guai is very funny sometimes, he always does all kinds of ridiculous things.

But it is undeniable that Ah Guai is indeed very cute!

It can be regarded as the leader in the world of dog appearance.

With round eyes and fluffy brown hair, he looks very cute.

No wonder the savages thought it was cute, so they touched it.

Although Ah Guai is very afraid of the savages.

But the wildlings loved it.

Still looking at Ah Guai who seems to be in the distance from time to time.

Li Fan shouted:

"Baby! Come here, hurry up!"

Aguai was hiding behind the little Tyrannosaurus Rex and was unwilling to come over.

Li Fan said again: "Come here, I will give you a bottle of milk later!"

Ah Guai came running slowly.

Li Fan put Ah Guai on another chair.

Say to the savage: "If you like it, let it stay with you here.

Facing the savage's gaze, Aguai was so frightened that he didn't dare to move!

On the barrage:

"I originally thought the savage would be very savage, but I didn't expect it to be so silent!"

"It must be very afraid of humans. Look at how cautious it is."

"Suddenly I feel so pitiful."

"Seeing it looking so cautious makes me feel so sad."

"The more cautious it is, the more it shows that it has independent thinking."

"It looks so pitiful, Brother Fan, you should be kind to it!"

"Ah Guai is so pitiful, look at it shaking like that, hahahaha!"

"Brother Fan, you'd better let Ah Guai go, because he's going to fly down three thousand feet again! (Dog Head)".

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