Dear brothers and sisters!

We’ve finally come this far, that’s right! As of today, this book has reached 120,000 words! That means it’s about to be put on the shelves!

First of all, let me say that this book is popular with elephants.

The author himself also likes these wild animals, especially the news about elephants every day. He was so excited that he came up with the idea of ​​writing this book.

I would like to send 30 million blessings to the elephants! Be safe! Be sure to eat enough! Be happy! And hope to find a suitable habitat soon.

Ahem~~ Let’s talk about this book again.

This book was distributed on the night of the 5th, and it has been exactly ten days since the 15th today.

120,000 words in ten days, not too fast, but not too slow either, I think it’s average hehe~~

The amount of updates every day is more than 10,000 words, with a minimum of five chapters. Only one day is updated with four chapters, but they are all long chapters, which add up to tens of thousands of words!

The author is really coding all the time, and he never dares to be lazy. It’s just that his hand is too slow to code! (Maybe the author doesn’t like to hit flying drops, so his hand speed is too slow hehe)


It will be released at 12 noon tomorrow, and five chapters will be updated at once. Five more chapters will be released in the future, which can be regarded as 10 chapters!

As long as he can earn enough money to eat instant noodles and drink clean water, the author will not be a eunuch!

I hope everyone can give me an initial order. The young author is also very nervous, fearing that he will rush out!

Until now, the book has more flowers than collections. The flowers are more than 20,000, but the collection has not reached 20,000, so the author feels very uneasy.

I don’t dare to say how many first orders I hope to get, for fear of being slapped in the face (crying)

So I hope everyone will make a first order tomorrow!

I hope everyone will make a first order tomorrow!

I hope everyone will make a first order tomorrow!

I hope everyone will make a first order tomorrow!

I hope everyone will make a first order tomorrow!

I hope everyone will make a first order tomorrow!

I hope everyone will make a first order tomorrow.

I also wish you all a safe and happy life!

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