Collapse! The Elephant Ran Into My House And I Couldn’T Drive It Away.

Chapter 74: The Strange Relationship Between The Red Wolf Family And The Little Antelope (Fifth Upda

After waiting for a while, Zhao Zhengming and the others came over.

A staff member drove another tricycle. He parked the car next to the canteen and put the meat down.

He said to Li Fan in a panic: "Brother Fan, I'm a little scared, just feed yourself, I'll wait outside first!"

Li Fan also understood him.

Nodded: "Okay, let's go."

But this time, Zhao Zhengming pushed the iron cage over again!

When he got close to Li Fan and saw that he was almost in position, he got into the cage again and closed the iron door from the inside.

He also said to Li Fan: "It's better to be safe like this! I will put this iron cage here in the future. If the same thing happened just now, I will go directly into the cage and close the door to be safe!"

Li Fan also smiled at him: "As long as you are happy~, you are worthy of being a driller!"

Although the remaining experts are not as exaggerated as Zhao Zhengming.

But they were also so panicked that they all stood leaning against Li Fan and tried their best to hide behind Ji Fan.

The little wolf cub has been reluctant to get off the tricycle.

It picked up a piece of meat and ran to the car to eat it.

The red wolf couple stood nearby, eating the meat in the basin.

To everyone's surprise.

The little antelope has been following the red wolf couple.

When the red wolf couple was eating meat, the little antelope also brought some vegetable leaves in its mouth and ate them next to the red wolf couple.

It stands to reason.

The duiker is a herbivore.

He was supposed to be with the elephants and the baby rhinos.

But no, it has been following the red wolf family.

After the little wolf cub was full, he shouted to the little antelope.

Li Fan could tell that the wolf cub wanted the little antelope to get in the car and play with it.

After eating a few mouthfuls of vegetable leaves, the little antelope wanted to jump onto the car.

But it is still small and has insufficient jumping power. It cannot jump up no matter how hard it jumps!

The little wolf cub was also anxious.

It yelled "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" to its parents.


"Mom and Dad, come and help us!"

Li Fan and the others did not interfere with this magical scene, but just watched what happened.

I saw the wolf father coming over.

He put his head on the little antelope's buttocks, pushed hard, and helped the little antelope get into the car.

The little wolf cub happily rubbed against the little antelope and played with it in the car.

Everyone can't understand what's going on!

"What is the relationship between this little antelope and the wolf? Why does the wolf father help it like this?"

"I told you this is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but you still don't believe it!"

"What nonsense!"

"Even if the King of Heaven comes, it is still an antelope!"

"Could it be that the wolf fell in love with the sheep, madly in love?"

Several experts looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

Li Fan first said: "These two wolves should be North American red wolves."

Mark quickly replied: "Yes, it's the North American red wolf. I can tell it right away! Most red wolves live in the southeastern part of the beautiful country!"


He also specifically added: "They are wolves from our country!"

Zhao Zhengming sat in the iron cage and said: "Now that they have come to the Dragon Kingdom, they should be considered as belonging to our country."

Mark: "But they are from our country! Red wolves are distributed in the southeastern part of the beautiful country!"

Although Zhao Zhengming sometimes finds it difficult to talk to Li Fan.

But for these crooked nuts, he was very slippery.

He added: "Then why did they come to our country? Are you treating them badly?"

Mark was speechless: "How do I know why they come here!"

Charles said: "Okay, no more!"

He analyzed the current situation.

"It stands to reason that the little white oryx lived in Africa, while the red wolf lived in North America, so how did they meet and become good friends?"

Zhao Zhengming also said: "This is unreasonable. Why didn't they eat the little antelope?"

The second uncle held a handful of vegetable leaves and stood beside the tricycle to feed the little antelope.

He said: "If you ask Xiaofan, you will know!"

Li Fan himself wondered what was going on.

But he felt that there should be nothing to ask.

0…Please give me flowers…

Because the expression and understanding abilities of these animals are indeed limited.

They shouldn't be able to understand such a complicated issue.

Li Fan called Father Wolf over.

Try to simplify the question as much as possible and ask it in a simple way.

He pointed to the little antelope playing with its cubs.

Ask it: "Did you come with that lamb? If so, just nod."

Father Wolf nodded.

Li Fan thinks they came together after they bumped into each other on the road.

Otherwise, the small antelope is in Africa and the red wolf is in North America. They cannot possibly start from the same place.

Li Fan asked again: "Did we meet each other on the road and come together?"


Father Wolf nodded again.

Get through this.

Li Fan is also basically certain that his followers are connected to each other, otherwise they would not get along so harmoniously.

When believers first meet, the conflicts that occur are inevitable.

For example, at the beginning, Mother Bear brought Brother Bear into the village.

But Lao Da chased him out, and the mother bear thought that Lao Da was going to attack Brother Bear, so the group started to confront him.

Another example is the conflict between the red wolf and the lions just now.

That's because the red wolf couple jumped forward and took out the cubs and antelopes, causing the lions to think that the red wolf couple was going to attack the lion cubs, so they all started to conflict.

If it weren't for the worries about the cubs, the animals would hardly have conflicts.

Looking at Father Wolf who nodded.

Netizens are talking about it.

"Now I really believe that these animals can understand the anchor's words."

"You only believe it now? There's no need to question it, okay?"

"That's right! Brother Fan asks Lao Da to go home every day to get dog food for Aguai. Lao Da understands every time."

"So what's going on with the red wolf family and the little antelope? I'm so worried!"

"It's been said that it's a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

"It was the wolf who fell in love with the sheep (dog head)"

There is only the fifth update today, I’m so sleepy! Good night everyone!

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