Collapse! The Elephant Ran Into My House And I Couldn’T Drive It Away.

Chapter 82: Preparations Before Parting, The Sadness Of The Animals (Seeking Subscription)

Originally, the fact that the animals were looking for Li Fan has already attracted an unprecedented amount of topic around the world!

Everyone is talking about what the hell is going on!

And now, the dolphin incident has pushed this enthusiasm to a new height

The name Li Fan caused an uproar all over the world again!

As netizens ridiculed.

Now those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, and those who swim in the water, all come to Li Fan!

It is really a collection of precious animals from the three domains of sea, land and air!

Li Fan decided to pick up the queen of dolphins.

I just called the person in charge of the aquarium directly and said that he can leave tomorrow.

The person in charge couldn't be happier!

If Li Fan comes, it will not only save this precious white dolphin!

And a free promotion for their aquarium!

Let them also catch the heat of Li Fan!

Now people all over the world are paying attention to Li Fan, as soon as Li Fan comes, the advertising effect is immeasurable!

The person in charge immediately said: "Mr. Li, you don't need to book a ticket, we will book it for you here! When you arrive at the airport, we will also arrange someone to pick you up!"

Li Fan: "That's fine, then as soon as possible, after you make arrangements, just send me the information.

"Good! We can't wait to meet you!"

To go to Eagle Country from the nearest airport, it is also a 10 hour flight.

It takes 20 hours to go back and forth, and we have to deal with the dolphins when we get there.

The dolphins will follow him back, and all of this must be properly arranged.

Once Li Fan left, even at the fastest it would take him three days to come back.

If he's not around for three days, the animals in the house will have to be properly arranged!

Sanmao came to Li Fan with a ball rolled up in his nose, and wanted Li Fan to play with them.

Li Fan touched its head.

"Sanmao, good boy, play by yourself first, I don't have time right now~.

San Mao rolled the ball aggrievedly, and went to look for Xiao Zai again.

The second uncle quickly picked up a ball and shouted to Sanmao:

"Sanmao, come here! Grandpa will play with you! Grandpa will play with you!"

The new animals are generally a little unfamiliar, and they haven't played with everyone yet.

Just like now, the four pandas, the red wolf family and the little antelope are all attached to Li Fan, unwilling to be too far away from Li Fan.

Li Fan picked up Xiao Huihui.

They said to Zhao Zhengming: "I'm leaving tomorrow, and these animals will stay in the village. If you are afraid, you can prepare some anesthesia guns in advance.

"If the animals want to attack people, you can anesthetize them. However, I will tell them not to hurt people, just stay on the lawn, and they will be obedient.

"Preparing the tranquilizer gun is just to give you some peace of mind."

Zhao Zhengming nodded.

Li Fan's consideration is still very thoughtful.

He said: "Okay, I will follow your arrangement!"

Now everyone knows that animals listen to Li Fan.

But once Li Fan is gone, it is unknown whether the animals will be as docile as they are now!

If the animals suddenly went crazy, the consequences would be disastrous!

Li Fan said again: "Also, if there are new animals coming, don't worry about them, just keep away.

"But I think that if I'm not here, even if the new animals come, they should hide on the mountain first, so you don't have to worry too much about it.

The staff are busy now.

While Li Fan is still here, everyone must do all the protective work first!

Now that there are so many animals in the lawn, you must not be complacent!

Siberian tigers, brown bears, lions, red wolves, and elephants are all potential dangers!

Just in case, the staff first evacuated all the villagers in the village and kept them away from the village for the time being.

The second uncle and the village head took the initiative to ask for instructions to stay.

It is said that they play with these animals every day, and they have feelings, and the animals should not hurt them.

Zhao Zhengming and the others disagreed at first.

But if I can't stand the second uncle's soft and hard palate, I can only agree.

After all, judging from the current situation.

Apart from Li Fan, the one who gets along best with the animals is the second uncle.

But Zhao Zhengming also clearly told the second uncle.

If there is any abnormality, let the second uncle have to obey the command of the staff, and can't make his own decisions!

The second uncle groomed the lions and saluted them.

He said firmly: "Don't worry! I have been a soldier before! I will definitely obey orders!"

Except after that.

The staff is still under the arrangement of Zhao Zhengming.

Several specially made, extremely strong iron cages were prepared!

Of course, these iron cages are not for animals!

In case the animals go crazy, these experts can have a sanctuary!

If the animals attack people, experts may quickly get into the cage to escape!

at the same time.

The country also sent 20 snipers over, equipped them with anesthesia guns and sniper rifles, and made them stand by at any time at the commanding heights of the village.

If the animals attack people, just shoot them a tranquilizer gun.

In the worst case, if the animals attack people and the anesthesia gun fails, then the real gun can only be fired.

Of course, firing a real gun is the last resort!

In addition, 100 forest rangers with guns were sent to wait at the entrance of the village to do double insurance work!

Seeing that everyone is busy.

Li Fan also called all the animals over and told them from now on that he was leaving tomorrow.

Animals are not as rational as humans.

They are more strongly attached to feelings.

We must tell them from now on, let them (good Zhao) be mentally prepared for the parting tomorrow.

Otherwise, if you just tell them before you leave: Dad is leaving, you stay at home.

Such an abrupt farewell would definitely upset their troops and they would not be able to accept it for a while.

Li Fan sat on the chair.

Holding Xiao Huihui in the left hand, and a little panda in the other hand.

Brother Xiong lay on Li Fan's feet, holding an apple and gnawing it cutely.

The cubs also cling to Li Fan, and Aba even climbed onto Li Fan's shoulder.

Li Fan said to everyone: "`" I'm leaving tomorrow, and I should be back in three days. You have to be obedient at home and don't make trouble, do you understand?"

Li Fan usually asks the animals if they understand.

All the animals will shout loudly one by one: "Got it!"

but now.

They were all puzzled, and all of them looked sad.

I am also very anxious, and I don't understand why the owner wants to leave them?

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