Collapse! The Elephant Ran Into My House And I Couldn’T Drive It Away.

Chapter 91: Let The Dolphins Into The Sea, And Say Goodbye! (Sixth Update)

Li Fan waited around the corner for a while.

When the animals calmed down, there was nothing unusual.

He just called the person in charge.

"Aren't you going to a meeting? Come over, too!"

Only then did the person in charge react.

"Ok ok! Let's go now!"

Everyone was still looking around in the zoo, not recovering from the shock just now!

When he came to Li Fan's side.

The person in charge couldn't wait to ask:

"Mr. Li, what happened just now? Why did the animals give you something?"

Li Fan handed the bag of things from the animals to a staff member next to him.

Said: "I don't know that either!"

Li Fan said he didn't know anymore, and everyone couldn't ask any more questions.

After all, this question has been asked too many times!

Although it is shocking, it can't just be shocked and do nothing.

A few people still came to the meeting room in the hotel.

The meeting room is very spacious, with a total of more than a dozen experts sitting together, all eyes are on Li Fan.

Some even asked curiously about what happened at the zoo just now.

But Li Fan still said that.

He doesn't know 06 either!

Several experts—introducing themselves to Li Fan.

These experts are all experts from the National Institute of Marine Biology. They have used trackers and waterproof cameras to shoot several documentaries.

And all have many years of experience in diving to the bottom of the sea for scientific research.

Li Fan said: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, let's talk about your plans!"

A specialist asked an assistant to come in with a black box.

Open the box and let Zhen look at the contents inside.

"It's a microchip tracker, and the idea is to put a tiny chip under the dolphin's skin," he said.

Li Fan looked down at the chip.

The chips are really small and thin, about the size of a human fingernail.

He asked: "Is this chip harmless to dolphins?"

The expert replied confidently: "No! We have used this chip to track many marine organisms, and there has never been any mistake!"

Li Fan nodded.

Then asked: "What about the pager?"

The experts took out a black, very small needle camera.

Said: "This is it. This camera is a military product. It can not only be used for shooting, but also can be used as a pager! The battery life can last up to one year, which should be enough for dolphins to swim to the Dragon Kingdom!"

"We will hang this camera on the dorsal fin of the dolphins. This camera is very small and will not have any impact on the actions of the dolphins!"

Looking at these high-tech products, Li Fan couldn't help but lament the power of science and technology.

He said: "Okay, let's do what you say."

Another expert came out and talked about the road map.

The final decision was to release the dolphins into the English Channel.

That strait is the closest sea area to this place, and it only takes five hours to drive there.

After the dolphins set off.

The institute will also send a boat to follow the dolphins all the way.

Then select a few experts, divers, and veterinarians to follow on board.

To ensure that if the dolphins have problems, they can be rescued in time!

so decided!

Everyone started to act.

The first is to install the tracker and camera on the dolphin.

Because Li Fan was there, the installation process went smoothly.

Moreover, local anesthesia was also given, and the dolphins didn't feel anything, so the chip had already been implanted in the skin!

Li Fan patted its head and said:

"Okay, you can go home soon!"

Another expert checked the body of the dolphin to make sure it was all right!

Without further ado!

Li Fan's time is precious, don't delay too long!

Everyone took action.

The dolphins are given to the water tank and the water tank is put on the truck.

And so off we went.

In order to appease the dolphins, Li Fan still sat in the compartment of the truck and stayed with the dolphins.

When we got to the beach, it was already afternoon.

The sun is about to set, the sea meets the sky, and the setting sun is like residual blood [It is spectacular!

There is a boat waiting on the shore.

Under the command of experts, the staff moved the water tank from the truck to the ship.

Everyone boarded the boat together, and asked the captain to drive the boat far away!

Been driving for half an hour.

The expert said to Li Fan: "It's ok, this sea area is almost done, now we can release the dolphins!"

Li Fan nodded.

Look at the dolphin in the tank and say to it:

"I'm going to put you into the sea now, and I won't be able to accompany you after that. You have to swim to find me by yourself, can you do it?"

The dolphin looks very excited.

Gulu Gulu was blowing bubbles, and responded to Ji Fan's words.


"I can do it! I will definitely find you!"

Li Fan: "Very well, I will also guide you, when you hear my voice, that's me telling you how to swim next.

"Don't worry, I've always been by your side and watched you all the time!"

dolphin called:


"I can definitely go home!"

Subsequently, several staff members worked together to push the water tank to the edge of the deck.

Then tilt the water tank and dump the dolphin into the endless sea!

The dolphin didn't leave immediately, but jumped out of the water with its head, and said goodbye to the dolphin.

Li Fan stood on the deck, leaned out and reached out to touch its head.

At the same time, he quickly fed a bottle of life water into its mouth. The capacity of life water is very small, and no one saw Li Fan's movements.

Li Fan patted its head.

110 "Okay, it's time to go! When you arrive, I will pick you up!"

The dolphin was still a little bit reluctant, it told Fan over and over again.

"Remember to pick me up!"

Li Fan: "Understood, definitely will!"

The dolphin put a kiss on the back of Li Fan's hand, and then dived into the vast sea, slowly disappearing without a trace.

After it swam for a few minutes, it poked its head out on the distant sea again.

Shout out to Li Fan:


"Remember to pick me up!"

Li Fan waved towards it: "It will definitely! Be careful! Don't feel lonely, I will always be by your side!"

The dolphin spewed out a high column of water, then dived into the deep sea, and never came out again.

Everyone was a little moved when they saw all this.

"I'm so touched, I want to cry!"

"I'm already crying! I'm crying like a child who weighs more than two hundred catties!"

"It's another day for the hunk to cry, woo woo woo~"

"I hope the dolphins swim safely to the East China Sea."

"Dolphin: Goodbye mom, I'm going on a long voyage today!"

"Why not dad? Brother Fan is dad!"

"Can't you be a male mother? You must be a male mother! You must be a male mother!"

Sixth watch, big guys, ask for an automatic subscription! In addition, I would like to thank the big guy who voted for a lot of monthly tickets, thank you!.

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