Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1225 Unifying the Tianxiao World, the War of Gods breaks out!

[The Dao Fa of the Other Shore is the most powerful Dao method created by the Lord of the Other Shore. If the host practices it, he will definitely be involved in cause and effect with the Lord of the Other Shore. ]

[However, the host has already owed a lot of debts, and does not care about this one more cause and effect. ]

[In the future, I will slowly pay it back...]


The system teased.


Is this the case of not worrying about too much debt?

Lin Wudao shook his head with a wry smile.

However, if you think about it carefully, what the system said seems to make some sense. The cause and effect between him, the Lord of Mythology, and the Lord of the Other Shore has been involved more than once.


It seems that it is no big deal to owe another cause and effect, and it will be slowly paid back in the future.

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao concentrated on looking at the Taichu Divine Mountain for a few times, and then put the Taichu Mirror into the system space.

Although he already has the qualifications to practice the Dao Fa of the Other Shore, it is not something that can be done overnight to comprehend such a powerful Dao method.

This requires a lot of time!

The Land of the Gods' Mausoleum is undoubtedly the best place...


Lin Wudao said hello to Ye Qingtian and the others, and then flashed back to the Land of the Gods' Mausoleum.

In the Kingdom of the Gods.

He suspended the Taichu Mirror in the void, reflecting the complete Taichu Divine Mountain, and then concentrated all his mind and attention, sinking into cultivation.


Cultivation is timeless!

Soon, a month passed.

A month later, with the help of the powerful talent of infinite comprehension, Lin Wudao spent 30,000 years in the Land of the Gods' Mausoleum, and finally cultivated the Dao of the Other Shore to the realm of the True Immortal.


"The Land of the Gods' Mausoleum has been as long as 30,000 years. Under the talent of infinite comprehension, it is only possible to cultivate the Dao of the Other Shore to the realm of the True Immortal."

"It is worthy of being one of the three most powerful Dao methods in the world. It is really not something that ordinary people can practice and comprehend."

"People without the title of the complete Dao are not even qualified to watch..."

Lin Wudao sighed helplessly.

Although he knew that it was not easy to practice the Dao of the Other Shore, he did not expect it to be so difficult.

Even if he was a True Immortal, it took him 30,000 years. What if he reached the realm of Ancient Immortal, Immortal King, or even Immortal Emperor?


Although the Dao of the Other Shore was extremely difficult to practice, the might of the Dao it displayed was also ridiculously strong.

The Dao of Taiqing that he had obtained before was far inferior to the Dao of the Other Shore.

The two were not at the same level at all...

[System, if the luck value is consumed, how much luck value is needed to practice the Dao of the Other Shore to the realm of Ancient Immortal? ]

After a long silence, Lin Wudao asked curiously.

[Twenty trillion! ]

Hearing this, Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

He was mentally prepared for this result, and considering the supreme power of the Dao of the Other Shore, twenty trillion luck flowers were worth it.


He didn't have that much luck right now, so he had to wait a little longer if he wanted to cultivate the Dao of the Other Shore to the ancient immortal realm.

"By the way, there are still a batch of corpses that haven't been collected yet. No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat..."

Speaking of luck, Lin Wudao immediately thought of the ancient immortals who died in the previous battle.

Anyway, they are all dead, so they can't be wasted!


With a thought, he directly used the power and will of the Great Demon God Qingshan to move the ancient immortal corpses buried in the Land of God's Fall to the Kingdom of the God of Life.

The whole process did not alarm anyone.


He threw all the more than 10,000 corpses of the ancient immortals who died in the battle into the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin.


[System, I want all the luck! ]


[You collected 18,526 corpses of ancient immortals. After the system strengthened them a hundred times, you have obtained a total of 489.65 billion luck flowers! ]

The prompt sound of the system sounded in his mind.

"Nearly 5 trillion luck points, not bad..."

More than 10,000 ancient immortal corpses, harvested nearly 5 trillion luck flowers, for this result, Lin Wudao can't say satisfied, but not too disappointed.

After all!

These luck points are equivalent to picking up for free.

"A month has passed, and I don't know what the situation is now in Tianxiao World?"

"Logically speaking, the remaining nine fairy domains should have been taken down long ago."

Lin Wudao frowned slightly.


He was about to check the situation of Tianxiao World.

However, at this moment, the system's voice sounded again...


[You conquered the nine fairy domains of the fairy land and the twenty-four fairy domains of the forbidden land with your powerful personality charm, and all creatures are willing to become your people. ]

[Congratulations, you have gained the faith of the entire Tianxiao World, luck flowers + 10 trillion! ]

[Tianxiao World, the twenty-four fairy domains of the forbidden land, and the nine fairy domains of the fairy land held a grand sacrificial ceremony for you, and you received a lot of incense. 】

[Congratulations, under the magnificent incense of the Tianxiao World, you have cultivated one-third of the true body of the gods! 】

Gathering faith in just one month?

Listening to the prompt sound in his mind, Lin Wudao raised a satisfied smile.

Tushan Cangyue and the others are very efficient, and this time is much less than he expected.


With a thought, under the powerful divine power of the ruling divine power, in an instant, the scene of the entire Tianxiao world was in Lin Wudao's sight.

At this moment!

Under the auspices of Tushan Cangyue and others, all 33 fairy domains where the forbidden land and the fairy land are located are holding grand sacrificial activities.

A large amount of incense, like a torrent, rushed in...


Lin Wudao clearly saw that under the impetus of the incense of the entire Tianxiao world, his god's true body condensed by one third.

At the same time.

His luck value on the books also reached 152165 billion luck flowers.

This cultivation speed is much faster than Lin Wudao expected before.


According to his expectations, in order to cultivate a perfect god's true body, he needs to harvest the incense of Tianxiao world, Yuhuang world, and Xianlin land.

But now it seems that it doesn't take that much.

"Another two incense from the Great Wilderness Fairyland should be enough..."

Lin Wudao secretly estimated in his heart.


Just as he frowned and thought, suddenly, a prayer came into the god's fruit.

He looked closely!

He saw that the person praying was Tushan Cangyue.

"Cangyue, what do you want?"

Lin Wudao sent a ray of divinity to the temple of Tianxiao World and asked Tushan Cangyue who was praying below.

"Report to the great god, something happened in the Jade Emperor World!"

"Just now, I received a message from Yin Siming, saying that the Shangqing God System sent a large army to start a large-scale attack on the Beidou Fairyland."

"Now, Yin Siming is organizing the people of Dayan Fairyland to resist the attack of the Shangqing God System."

"The situation seems to be quite critical!"

"According to Yin Siming's message, the Jade Emperor World has undergone very big changes recently, and the speed of the world's upgrading has increased several times."

"At this rate, at most three hundred years, the Jade Emperor World will be upgraded to a high-level world."

"At present, a large number of immortal kings have appeared in the Jade Emperor World."

"In addition, the Shangqing God seems to have cultivated into a holy god..."

Tushan Cangyue reported respectfully.


The Shangqing God System is attacking?

Hearing this news suddenly, Lin Wudao frowned slightly.

A month ago, Yin Siming said that the Dayan Fairyland and the Shangqing God System could break out in a war of gods at any time.

After a month of delay, the battle finally came.

"What is coming will eventually come!"

"Cangyue, you will immediately lead the immortal kings, ancient immortals, and true immortals in the kingdom of God to the Jade Emperor World to support the Great Yan Immortal Kingdom."

"We must not let the Shangqing God System occupy the Beidou Immortal Realm..."

Lin Wudao ordered majestically.

After that!

He opened a world door to the Beidou Immortal Realm through the ruling power of God and the power of space.

"Yes, Great God!"

Hearing the order, Tushan Cangyue responded, and then led the long-prepared army of the kingdom of God to the Jade Emperor World in a mighty manner.

At the same time.

Lin Wudao also cast his eyes on the Beidou Immortal Realm... (End of this chapter)

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