Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1322: Creation Immortal Gold, Second Generation Sky Ancient Blood!

This time!

Each of the three items that Meng Tiandu opened was extremely valuable and could be said to be something that could only be encountered once in a while.

The first was five pieces of Immortal Emperor quality Creation Immortal Gold, which was an extremely rare Immortal Dao material and possessed the property of immortality.

According to Lin Wudao's observation, the quality of Creation Immortal Gold was only one level lower than that of Origin Immortal Gold.

The most important thing was that Creation Immortal Gold could carry the power of the Great Dao and was one of the materials for refining Great Dao weapons.

The World-Suppressing Cauldron and the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation used by Meng Tiandu before were both made of Creation Immortal Gold.


The World-Suppressing Cauldron and the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation were only Great Dao Titled Weapons at the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level.

The Creation Immortal Gold that had been strengthened by the system had reached the level of the Immortal Emperor.

Using it, you can refine Great Dao Titled Weapons at the Immortal Emperor level...

Exactly, five pieces!

Thinking of this, Lin Wudao stretched out his hand and took out the Cauldron of the World and the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation.

These two things are all incomplete treasures of the Great Dao title!

As for the Cauldron of the World, Lin Wudao is interested in the will of the God of the Wilderness, as well as the divine power and might of the God of the Wilderness.


The level of the God of the Wilderness is too high, and with his current strength, he can't analyze the information on it.


Compared with the Cauldron of the World, Lin Wudao is more concerned about the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation. If this Great Dao title weapon is well refined, it can also exert a powerful combat power.

"The Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation can bless the power of four incomplete Dao title holders and four complete Dao title holders, and combine them into a sword formation, thereby stimulating a powerful Dao sword energy."

"In theory, the power of four Dao title holders is needed, but in the final analysis, it should be only four Daos."

"If this is the case, as long as the power of four Daos is added to the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation, it can also be transformed into a powerful Dao weapon."

"However, weapons of this level are more troublesome to refine, and they need to be constantly upgraded."

"Every time you upgrade a level, you need to spend a lot of time and energy to re-refine it."

"For now, it seems that no one can do it except my God of Domination."

"In the future, if the power of Cangyue and Wu Daotian is added, it seems that it can also..."

Looking at the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation in front of him, Lin Wudao kept analyzing in his heart.

At this moment!

Through the Eye of the Dao and the analysis of the God of Domination, he has figured out the mystery of this sword formation.

Although the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation is very powerful, it is not easy to refine or maintain.

Compared with this weapon, the Yuanshen Tree and Daogu Sword in his hand are much less troublesome.

"This Quasi-Immortal Emperor-level Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation can be re-refined and endowed with the divine power and divine power of the God of Control."

"Thus, the power of control, the power of destiny, the power of sin, and the power of order, the four great powers, are gathered together."

"In this way, the only one who can truly control this sword formation is Yan Ruoshui."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

Thinking of this!

He put the Four Emperors Heaven-Slaying Formation aside and turned his eyes to the drop of Qiongtian Ancient Blood.

"This is also a rare good thing..."

After carefully examining it, Lin Wudao did not try to analyze the information in the Qiongtian Ancient Blood.


There is the existence of the God of Wilderness behind the Qiongtian Ancient Clan, and he will definitely not be able to analyze it.

By then, another drop of the third generation of ancient blood will be wasted in vain.

However, although the bloodline secrets in the Qiongtian Ancient Blood cannot be directly analyzed, it can be upgraded to become a purer Qiongtian Ancient Blood.

With this idea in mind, Lin Wudao began to cleanse the Qiongtian Ancient Blood with the Dominant Divine Power, the Origin Divine Power and the Absolute Divine Power.

And, trace it back in reverse!


Under the power of the three great divine powers, he successfully upgraded the level and level of this drop of Qiongtian Ancient Blood.

It became the second generation of ancient blood!

This result surprised and surprised Lin Wudao.

"Under the blessing of the three divine powers, it can only be upgraded to the second generation of ancient blood?"

"The bloodline of the Qiongtian Ancient Clan is so powerful?"

He was a little unbelievable.

You know, the Dominant Divine Power blesses the Absolute Divine Power and the Origin Divine Power, even the bloodline of the Tushan clan can be reshaped to the level of the original divine blood.


The bloodline of the Qiongtian Ancient Clan can only be upgraded to one level, which makes Lin Wudao a little disappointed.

"Could it be that the bloodline of the Qiongtian Ancient Clan is even older and stronger than that of the Tushan Clan?"

In doubt, he asked the system this question.

[The host has a wrong understanding of bloodline! ]

[First of all, the bloodline of a clan is divided into many levels. ]

[Take the host as an example. The host's current ruling true body and the other three true bodies are all the true blood of the Great Dao. ]

[However, the bloodline of Yan Ruoshui and Lin Jiuxiao is inherently weaker by one level. No matter how much they are upgraded, they cannot reach the level of the host. ]

[Therefore, the bloodline level of Yan Ruoshui and Lin Jiuxiao is called the original divine blood. ]

[If the descendant clan derived from them is upgraded, it can theoretically reach the original divine blood. ]

[However, there is another situation besides this, that is, the original people of the incense god. ]

[The gods born from the natal kingdom will be divided and diluted by generations of gods, so that the level of the original blood will continue to decrease. ]

[Therefore, in this case, no matter how much you upgrade your bloodline, it is impossible to reach the original bloodline. ]

[This is the so-called ethnic branch! ]

[The bloodline of the Tushan clan has been diluted and divided by many generations of gods of the Tushan clan. What you upgraded is only the bloodline of a branch, not the most original bloodline of the Tushan demon. ]

[The same is true for the Qiongtian Ancient Clan! ]

[It's not that the bloodline of the Qiongtian Ancient Clan is stronger than the bloodline of the Tushan clan, but the source of their branches is different. ]

So that's it~

Listening to the detailed explanation of the system, Lin Wudao finally figured out what was going on.

[That is to say, the source bloodline of this branch of the Qiongtian Ancient Clan is stronger than the source bloodline of this branch of Tushan Cangyue, right? ]

[Yes! ]

[This drop of second-generation ancient blood in the host's hand is still good. ]

[The host can consider giving it to outstanding people under his command, or try to merge it with himself. At that time, there is a very low probability that a complete avenue title phenomenon will be born. ]


It's just a possibility?

Shouldn't it be a certainty?

Lin Wudao's eyes were confused.

[If the host doesn't believe it, you can try it. ]

[The three supreme bloodlines absolutely do not allow low-level bloodlines to exist. ]

[As long as the host integrates the ancient blood of the sky into his body, he will be suppressed and rejected by the three supreme bloodlines, or even directly swallowed up. ]


Hearing the reminder of the system, Lin Wudao also woke up instantly.

Although the second generation ancient blood of the ancient sky clan is very powerful, it can't fight against his three supreme bloodlines.

Being swallowed is inevitable!

At that time, nothing will be left...

"It's a pity that the avenue phenomenon of the chaos is still very powerful."

Since it can't be merged with itself, it can only be put aside for now.


He set his eyes on the last thing that Meng Tiandu opened.

Ancient World Law!

"This method is very unusual."

"So far, this is the second time I have seen this special method. This is the most valuable thing in Meng Tiandu and even in the entire Qiongtian Ancient Clan."

Lin Wudao exclaimed.

Ancient World Law is very special... (End of this chapter)

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