Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 1374 Zixuan Demon Realm, this master is too treacherous!

The third layer of the abyss black market!

Since this time he was trading with the legendary master in the abyss, Lin Wudao naturally did not dare to be careless.

So, he condensed a sinful clone to come...

"Fellow Daoist Gong, is the matter settled?"

In the black market square, Lin Wudao asked immediately after seeing Gong Ziyu.

In response.

He nodded with a smile.

"God, I am glad to fulfill your mission!"

"I have already told Lord Zilong about your requirements and conditions, and she agreed."

"If it is convenient for you, God, we can go to the Purple Mystic Demon Realm to trade now."

"Of course, in order to ensure the safety of the transaction, you have to sign a letter of intent."

"Since the Purple Mystic Demon Realm is the territory of Lord Zilong, as long as this letter of intent is signed, if there is an accident at that time, Lord Zilong will be responsible."

While speaking!

Gong Ziyu handed a black contract to Lin Wudao.

Lin Wudao did not refuse this proposal.

It is always better to be careful in everything!


After a quick glance, he signed the letter of intent without hesitation.

"Can we go now?"

"Oh, we can..."

After confirming that the contract was correct, Gong Ziyu immediately took Lin Wudao through the dedicated teleportation array of the Abyss Black Market and successfully arrived at the Purple Mysterious Demon Realm.


Purple Mysterious Demon Realm!

Located in the southern area of ​​the third layer of the Abyss, it is a high-level living creature demon realm.

When Lin Wudao entered here, he found that the abyss magic power of the Purple Mysterious Demon Realm was richer than that of other high-level demon realms.


Various resources are also extremely rich!

Compared with the high-level demon realms he bought before, it is much better; compared with the two, his demon realm is garbage.

"This Zilong Lord knows how to enjoy himself, knows how to manage, and knows how to do business."

"Such people are rare in the Abyss..."

Lin Wudao whispered.

Hearing this!

Gong Ziyu also nodded in agreement.

"Zilong Lord is indeed different from other creatures in the abyss."

"In fact, although Zilong Lord is a little mysterious, she is the easiest to talk to. She doesn't fight or compete, and is always kind to others."

"However, if you provoke her, basically the whole clan will be destroyed, and all the people related to her will be affected."

"Especially, Zilong Lord is more treacherous, and you can only listen to one point out of ten of what she says."

"Sometimes, not even one point."

"But you don't have to worry, God, this transaction is supervised by the will of the abyss, and even Zilong Lord dare not make any small moves."

Gong Ziyu introduced the situation of Zilong Lord in detail.


While chatting, they had arrived in front of an ancient and magnificent magic palace, and someone had been waiting for them.

"Miss Biyuan, we have an appointment with Zilong Lord to come here to do business."

Gong Ziyu said respectfully to a woman in green outside the gate of the magic palace.

"Well, come with me."

"The master has been waiting for you for a long time..."

Bi Yuan nodded lightly, led Gong Ziyu and Lin Wudao, and walked into the Purple Profound Demon Palace.

After a long time!

After going through many levels and corridors, they finally came to the deepest part of the Demon Palace.

Here, there is also a small world.

The magic power and resources of the abyss are even more powerful than the Purple Profound Demon Realm outside.

At the highest point of the sky, a graceful purple-clothed woman was seen leaning lazily on the chair.

"Report to the master, the guide Gong Ziyu is here."

"Well, go down!"

The lazy voice sounded slowly.


When the voice fell, Lin Wudao instantly felt a strong pressure falling on him.

At the same time, Chen Shen's sharp eyes were examining him...

"Hey, interesting~"

It seemed that he could not get any useful information from Lin Wudao. Zilong Lord was not angry, but showed strong interest.

The look he gave Lin Wudao was also a little strange.

The same!

When Zilong Lord's voice sounded, Lin Wudao also looked at the highest point of the sky.

"Yinshan Demon Clan?"

Looking at the information fed back by the system, Lin Wudao was very surprised.

He really didn't expect that the mysterious Zilong Lord actually came from the Yinshan Demon Clan.

"According to Gong Ziyu, although the Yinshan Demon Clan had a mythical master in the past, it has long been defeated now."

"If they knew that Lord Zilong came from the Yinshan Demon Clan, this matter would definitely not be concealed."

"With a legendary master in charge, the Yinshan Demon Clan would not be as defeated as it is today, and would not be reduced to selling off its ancestral property."

"Is Lord Zilong deliberately hiding her identity, or is she not a creature from the third layer of the abyss?"

Lin Wudao kept analyzing in his heart.

He guessed that Lord Zilong either came from the lower realm or from the upper abyss.

No matter which one, Lord Zilong is not simple!


"Gong Ziyu, where is the stuff?"

"Before the transaction, you have to let me see the stuff, right?"

Just as Lin Wudao was speculating, suddenly, the lazy voice of Lord Zilong came from the sky.

Hearing this!

Lin Wudao spread his hands and showed the mythical master demon seed.

"It is indeed a mythical master demon species!"

Feeling the breath of the mythical master, the Zilong master, who was originally leaning lazily, also straightened his body slightly, and a hint of strong interest flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"There is currently only one ownerless mythical demon seed in the third layer of the abyss, which was left by the former Taiwei Lord."

"As far as I know, the demon seed seems to have been taken to the human world by the Xuanhuang Lord."

"It seems that only the Demon Owl Lord knows the specific location and traces."

"The Demon Owl Lord attacked the human world with all his strength some time ago, and he should have gone for the mythical demon seed of the Taiwei Lord."

"So, the master behind you is the God of Sin?"

"No wonder you want the higher creatures and demon worlds, and you also want superior creatures and beliefs. It turns out that the God of Sin wants to be promoted to the forbidden demon god."

"If all the fifty higher creatures and demon worlds are digested, they are indeed qualified to reach the level of ordinary forbidden demon gods."

"It seems that the God of Sin seems to be very anxious..."

The voice of the Zilong Lord, which seemed to be smiling, slowly sounded from the sky above.

"The master has a keen eye, nothing can be hidden from your eyes."

"Yes, my Lord is indeed the God of Sin!"

"But Lord Zilong is not simple either. No one in the third layer of the abyss knows that there is a legendary Lord in the Yinshan Demon Clan."

Lin Wudao said lightly.


Lord Zilong is from the Yinshan Demon Clan?

Hearing this, Gong Ziyu on the side was shocked.

The identity and origin of Lord Zilong have always been a secret in the third layer of the abyss.

However, what Gong Ziyu did not expect was that Lord Zilong actually came from the Yinshan Demon Clan.

This identity is indeed surprising!

At the same time.

When Lin Wudao's voice fell, Lord Zilong above also sat up straight instantly, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"God of Sin, really good."

"Since you have come to my Zixuan Demon Realm, why don't you show your true face?"

"If the great god looks down on me, then forget about this deal..."


The Lord of Nine Dragons is the God of Sin?

Hearing what Lord Zilong said, Gong Ziyu's eyes widened again.

These secrets one after another made him feel overwhelmed.

This time!

He knew too much...

Facing Lord Zilong's words, Lin Wudao also frowned slightly. He didn't know whether Lord Zilong really saw through his identity or was deliberately testing him.


No matter which one, he didn't need to continue pretending.

"The Lord really has a good eye."

After the voice fell, Lin Wudao removed the disguise and restored the appearance of the God of Sin.

However, this is still not his true self... (End of this chapter)

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