Huangquan Tower is located on the eastern street of Tianyuan Ancient City!

It took less than half an hour.

Under the leadership of Han Qingshan, Lin Wudao came here...

Looking up, the so-called Huangquan Building is not as tall as its name suggests. It is just an ordinary-looking two-story attic.

And, it’s not big either!

In the dark space, there are coffins and many items used for funerals. It is indeed a place dedicated to the business of dead people.

"Boss, come out to greet the guests~"

Han Qingshan roared.




When the words fell, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps, a man over one foot tall and as majestic as a wild tyrannosaurus was seen striding out.

The muscles all over the body are tangled, revealing explosive power!

at the same time!

In his big hand, he was still holding an ancient knife the size of a door panel, and his whole person exuded a fierce aura...

"Old Han, are you here?"

Seeing Han Qingshan, a man like a wild tyrannosaurus, he grinned.


Coupled with his ferocious appearance, it always gives people a terrifying feeling of murderous intent, which makes people shudder.

Lin Wudao's impression of him was: a born vicious person!


His strength is indeed as Han Qingshan said, he has reached the late stage of the other side, and is much stronger than the deputy governors of the Demon Suppressing Division.

Name: Zhao Mang

Identity: Boss of Huangquan Tower

Cultivation level: Late stage of the other side

Physique: Ancient Barbarian King Body

Talent: Possession of the Barbarian King

Kung Fu: "The Ancient Sutra of Capturing the Dragon Volume 1"

Skills: Dragon Capturing Hand, Overlord Sword Technique, Powerful Bull Demon Fist

Item: Demon-Slaying Knife

Note: A staunch follower of Lin Daoshan!

Under the insight of the eyes of the gods, all the information about Zhao Mang was revealed.

After reading.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but secretly nodded.

"It is indeed a gift of genius..."

He praised.

Compared with Zhao Mang, my qualifications are so inferior that I dare not meet anyone.

"Zhao Mang, let me introduce you. This is Young Master Lin Wudao."

"Now, he has succeeded me as the master of the Demon Hunting Palace, and he also killed a demon and ten remnants of the Huangquan Demon Sect in Liyang Palace."

"Now, the young master is short of manpower, you..."

Han Qingshan hinted crazily.

Hear the words!

Zhao Mang's fierce eyes immediately fell on Lin Wudao.


Without any explanation, he suddenly punched him.

The powerful fist makes the air explode!

In this punch, Zhao Mang only used 70% of his strength, but even an ordinary monk from the other side couldn't bear it.

"Zhao Mang, what are you doing?"

Han Qingshan screamed in shock.


His eyes were filled with anger and anxiety.

Just as he was about to yell at Zhao Mang to stop him, Lin Wudao hit him with the same punch...


A sharp explosion sounded in the air.

With one punch, Zhao Mang's body instantly flew backwards...

at the same time!

The extremely powerful fist directly tore the items in Huangquan Tower into pieces; even the entire Huangquan Tower was penetrated by one punch.

"Hiss, he's actually stronger than the palace master!"

Zhao Mang stood up from the ruins and looked at Lin Wudao with eyes full of shock.


After examining it, he immediately fell to the ground.

"Zhao Mang pays homage to the young master!"

"I have offended you a lot before, please don't blame me, young master..."

He said in a low voice.

What Zhao Mang believes in is that strength is respected and force is supreme!

Even if Lin Wudao is Lin Daoshan's son, he will never give in if he cannot get his approval.

Geniuses all have their own arrogance!

"Get up~"

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.

He was quite satisfied with Zhao Mang's qualifications and strength.

There is still a lot of room for growth in the future!

"Palace Master, what is your strength now?"

"you guess?"

"Well, I have already reached the late stage of cultivation on the other side. Even if I only use seven percent of my strength, it is definitely not something that ordinary monks on the other side can bear."

"Palace Master, you not only received a punch from me, but also knocked me away. This strength is at least that of the late stage of The Other Side, or even the peak of The Other Side..."

Zhao Mang's eyes were burning.

To this.

Lin Wudao smiled but said nothing.

"Since you choose to follow me, then don't open the Huangquan Tower, clean it up, and move to the Demon Suppression Division with me."


Zhao Mang nodded.


He was ready to clean up.


Just when he turned around, a mysterious man came to Huangquan Tower...

"Is the boss here?"

Following the sound, a man wearing a black cloak and a ghostly face mask appeared in front of him.

There was a strange aura all over him.

"What's your business?"

Zhao Mang frowned slightly as he looked at the mysterious man in front of him.

His intuition told him that the person in front of him was not simple!


Lin Wudao on the side was also looking at the cloaked man with a strange look at this moment...

"I have a big business involving one million low-grade spiritual stones. I wonder if Boss Zhao is interested?"


A big business worth millions of spiritual stones?

Hearing this, Zhao Mang couldn't help but be shocked.

He had opened a shop in Tianyuan Ancient City for ten years, and he had never been exposed to such a big business. Now that it was about to close, he suddenly came to his door.

"What big business is this?"


The cloaked man looked at Lin Wudao beside him, as if he didn't want to say more.

See it.

Lin Wudao didn't take it seriously, greeted Han Qingshan, and walked out of Huangquan Tower.

"Can we talk now?"

Zhao Mang's tone was low.

He seemed to be able to feel that this so-called big business was unusual.

"I heard that Boss Zhao specializes in the dead business and is extremely powerful. I wonder if he is interested in the Lu family's ancestral tombs?"


Do you want to dig up the Lu family's ancestral grave?

Upon hearing this, Zhao Mang's eyes suddenly widened.

The Lu family, a big family in Tianyuan Ancient City!

It is said that it has been passed down for more than a thousand years...

His ancestor, Lu Cangmang, is now a Dzogchen cultivator on the other side, only slightly weaker than Zhao Xuanxiao, the Commander-in-Chief of the Suppressing Demon Division.

With such strength, he is an absolute master!

Based on Zhao Mang Bian's later cultivation, it would be overestimating his ability to dig up other people's ancestral graves.

"Why, Boss Zhao is afraid?"

The mysterious man seemed to notice Zhao Mang's shock and couldn't help but sneered.

To this.

Zhao Mang smiled coldly.

"It's really scary!"

"The ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Cangmang, is a Dzogchen monk on the other side. With my strength, I still want to dig up someone else's ancestral grave? I'm simply asking for death!"

"Your Excellency, if you want to die, don't hold me back!"

"I don't do this business..."


Zhao Mang was ready to drive them away.


The mysterious man smiled, as if everything was as expected.

"Lu Cangmang is in retreat, and has reached the most critical moment. It will take at least three days before he can leave the retreat."

"Now is the best time!"

"At midnight tonight, I will be waiting for Boss Zhao at Panlong Ridge..."

Say it.

The man didn't care about Zhao Mang's reaction, he turned into a black shadow and disappeared from the place.

See this scene!

Zhao Mang sneered coldly.

"Sneaky, it's not a good thing at first sight!"

"The Lu family's ancestral grave is probably a pit. How could I be fooled by you?"

He cursed and walked out the door.


At this time, Lin Wudao walked out of the alley on the side.


"Well, I met a madman! I don't know what it is. He actually wants to invite me to dig up the Lu family's ancestral graves. He is simply asking for death."

"You agreed?"

"How is that possible! This is obviously a trap, how could I be fooled? Besides, my Huangquan Tower is closed, why should I care about those things..."

Zhao Mang shook his head.

Speaking of this, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"This person is definitely from the Lu family!"

"how do you know?"

"Because I've been to Lu's house once before, and I smelled a special aroma there. It happened to be the same smell on the person just now."

"Although the fragrance is very light and even ordinary people can't detect it at all, I am born with a keen sense of smell and am very sensitive to smells and other things."

"Therefore, that person is very likely to be from the Lu family!"

Zhao Mang said truthfully.

Hear this!

A smile appeared on Lin Wudao's lips.

"You are right, that person is indeed from the Lu family!"

"His true identity is Lu Yunsheng, the ninth son of the Lu family..."

The loser Lu Yunsheng?

Zhao Mang's eyes widened!

"Since he is from the Lu family, why would he dig up his own ancestral grave? Is he crazy?"

"It should be for revenge..."


Zhao Mang became more and more confused.

He couldn't understand the deep hatred between Lu Yunsheng and the Lu family!

"If you want to know, wouldn't it be clearer if you go to Panlong Ridge tonight?"

At this time.

Lin Wudao's plain voice rang out.


Want to see Lu Yunsheng dig his ancestral grave?

After hearing this, Zhao Mang suddenly became interested and rubbed his palms together with excitement...

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