"Feng Changqing, let me ask you again, where did the body of Patriarch Qingyun go?"


Feng Zhentian stepped forward and asked coldly.


Even after suffering such a brutal blow, Feng Changqing still did not tell the truth of the matter. He just lowered his head and remained silent.


A strong look of determination floated in a pair of eyes...

That way!

It seems that he is ready to die!

Seeing this scene, Feng Zhentian was even more angry, and his majestic face was filled with gloom.


"Since you refuse to tell the truth, I can only deal with it according to the rules of the Tianfeng tribe."

"Feng Changqing, you were guarding the soul of Patriarch Qingyun in the ancestral temple, but you lost his body. This crime is unforgivable!"

"Come here, take Feng Changqing under custody and choose a day to bury Patriarch Qingyun..."

Feng Zhentian ordered coldly.

While talking.

Then two majestic clan soldiers entered the ancestral temple. One of them grabbed Feng Changqing's arm and was about to take him down.


"Chief, please have mercy and spare my brother's life..."


Just when the clan soldiers were escorting Feng Changqing and preparing to leave the ancestral temple, suddenly, a ferocious figure covered in blood hurriedly arrived at the ancestral temple.

Finally, he knelt down in front of Feng Qinglei and others...

Astonishingly, it was Feng Yuan!

"Ancestor, leader, the body of Ancestor Qingyun has disappeared inexplicably. I think there must be a reason for it."

"Although Chang Qing cannot practice cultivation, he will never dare to do anything disobedient to our ancestors, and he will never lose his conscience and harm the body of our ancestors."

"I'm not sure. It was really someone from the Chiyue tribe who did it?"

"Ancestor, Feng Yuan guarantees with his life that Chang Qing, he is definitely not that kind of treasonous person. Please be careful, Ancestor and the leader."

"Changqing, it's miserable enough that he can't practice. As his eldest brother, I can't just watch him die for no reason."

"Feng Yuan is willing to shoulder all the responsibilities for his crimes. I ask the ancestors and leaders to let Chang Qing go..."




With blood all over his body and numerous scars, Feng Yuan knelt down in front of Feng Qinglei and others, crazily prostrating and praying.

After a while, blood dripped from his forehead.

See this scene!

Feng Changqing on the side was also greatly shocked...

"Brother, you..."

His eyes were moist and he was extremely moved.

at the same time!

There was also a strong feeling of guilt in my heart.

"Chang Qing, please tell the truth. Where did the body of Patriarch Qingyun go?"

Feng Yuan said anxiously.

He was worried that if this continued, Feng Changqing would definitely die.


Facing Feng Yuan's extremely sincere eyes, Feng Changqing still insisted on his original excuse.

"The body of Patriarch Qingyun was snatched away by people from the Chiyue tribe..."

he whispered.

He couldn't say anything about sacrificing the corpse to Dongfang Bubai, because not only would he die, but Feng Yuan would also be implicated.


He was going to bury this matter forever!

"Anyway, I can't practice in this life. I can only be a useless person with no power. If I can save the tribe, I will bear a heinous sin."

"Then I have no regrets!"

"Perhaps, this is all that I can do in this life..."

Feng Changqing murmured silently in his heart.

Say it.

He closed his eyes and prepared to face the fate of death.


Seeing Feng Changqing's stubbornness, the anger in Feng Zhentian's chest became even stronger.

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you quickly suppress this evil obstacle like Feng Changqing?"

he roared loudly.

Hear the words!

The two clan soldiers were about to escort Feng Changqing away.

"Wait a moment!"

At the critical moment, Feng Qinglei's voice sounded in the ancestral temple.

"Ancestor, Feng Changqing, he lost the body of Ancestor Qingyun, he committed a heinous crime..."

"I know."

"Although Patriarch Qingyun's body is missing, Feng Changqing cannot escape the blame, but for the sake of Feng Yuan's intercession, let's spare his life."

"However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided!"

"Our Tianfeng Tribe still lacks an envoy to patrol the River of Forgotten River. In a while, it will be the day for the tribe to worship the God of Forgotten River."

"In view of Feng Changqing's guilt, I consider Feng Yuan's meritorious service and appoint him as the Wangchuan envoy to patrol the Wangchuan River."

"When will the body of Patriarch Qingyun be recovered? When will we be free? Otherwise, until death..."

Feng Qinglei said indifferently.


Messenger of Wangchuan?

Upon hearing this, Feng Yuan's expression suddenly changed.

His eyes instantly showed a hint of panic and fear...

Although the Tianfeng tribe does not have a clear and firm belief in gods, they do have the tradition of worshiping the Wangchuan River God.

Every ten years, the Tianfeng tribe will hold a ceremony to worship the river god, praying for good weather and no disasters for the tribe.


The ten-year period is not far away!

As an envoy patrolling the River of Forgetfulness, once Feng Changqing is branded, he will take on the mission of maintaining the River of Forgetfulness.

When the time comes, he must enter the River of Forgetfulness to clean up the corpses of the undead washed out by the river.

The River of Forgetfulness contains great terror!

Even if one has the brand of the Forgotten River Messenger and can walk normally in the river, he will still be eroded by evil spirits and resentful spirits.


Since ancient times, none of the Wangchuan envoys of the Tianfeng tribe have lived for more than ten years.

One can imagine.

Once Feng Changqing becomes the messenger of Wangchuan, he will also be eroded by the river of Wangchuan and eventually die without a burial place.


He is just a mortal without any cultivation or strength.

I'm afraid, I will die faster!


When he thought of that scene, Feng Yuan clenched his fists tightly, and boundless pain burst out from his eyes...

Compared to him, Feng Changqing acted very calmly.


A faint smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth.

That way.

It seems that he is not afraid of the punishment of becoming the messenger of Wangchuan, but is very excited.

"Being the messenger of Wangchuan is great!"

"With the blessing of the seal of the Wangchuan envoy, I can enter the river of Wangchuan to collect corpses. There are many corpses of powerful people in there."

"Legend has it that even demigods and even true gods were buried in it!"

"If I can retrieve the corpses of those powerful men, then I can use them to invite God's messenger Dongfang Bubai to embark on the path of cultivation."

"The River of Forgetfulness is a nightmare for others, but for me, it is a place of great opportunity..."

Feng Changqing murmured secretly.

There was a vague excitement in his eyes!

Feng Qinglei and others were not clear about his thoughts.

Seeing how he kept his head lowered and remained silent, everyone thought that he had desperately accepted this reality.


Didn't do what it wanted!

"Feng Changqing, I ask you again, where is the body of Patriarch Qingyun? If you are willing to tell the truth, I promise not to pursue it."

At this time.

Feng Qinglei came in front of him, stared at him closely, and said.

at the same time!

In his hand, he still held an ancient black seal...

This is the Seal of Forgotten River inherited by the tribe!

It is said.

It is an artifact given to the world by the Forgotten River God. It can represent the authority and will of the Forgotten River God. As long as it is marked by it, you will become a slave of the Forgotten River.

Serve the River of Forgetfulness throughout your life!

Since ancient times.

Among the Tianfeng tribe, only those who have committed sins or serious mistakes will be marked and sacrificed to the river god.

at the same time!

The Seal of Forgotten River also represents death!

But all the people of the Tianfeng tribe are extremely afraid of it...


The current Feng Changqing is an exception.

Even in the face of Feng Qinglei's repeated reminders, he just shook his head and did not tell the truth of the matter.

See this scene!

Feng Qinglei was also very angry!

"Huh, stubborn!"

"In that case, then you will stay in the River of Forgetfulness forever from now on..."

Say it.

Feng Qinglei directly placed the Seal of Wangchuan in his hand heavily on Feng Changqing's forehead.


Accompanied by bursts of painful sounds, large amounts of blood emerged from Feng Changqing's forehead, and his body was trembling crazily.

Looking at Feng Yuan next to him, he couldn't bear to close his eyes...


I don't know how much time passed, but when Feng Changqing's painful screams stopped, he had already collapsed on the ground.

His face was pale!


There was an ancient and mysterious mark on his forehead. At first glance, it seemed to contain boundless evil...

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