Lu Yunsheng is dead? Who did it?

Facing this sudden turn of events, Lu Qinghou's face turned gloomy to the extreme, with fierce murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

He couldn't figure out who that person was!

Why do this...

"Master, is it possible that someone is plotting against Lu Yunsheng? Or is he coming towards the Lu family?"

After a while of silence.

A clan elder broke the calm and said.

Hear the words!

Lu Qinghou shook his head in confusion. This matter was so weird that he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Send the order and be on guard!"

"In three days, it will be our ancestor's 500th birthday. No accidents will be allowed. No matter who that person is or what his purpose is, we don't need to pay attention to these for the time being."

"The other side is hiding, we are showing the light!"

"Now, all we can do is wait and see what happens..."

He ordered in a deep voice.


Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Also, regarding the digging of ancestral graves, the entire clan is not allowed to reveal anything. Anyone who dares to reveal even a single word and damage the dignity and face of the Lu family will be killed without mercy!"

Lu Qinghou looked murderous.


He glanced coldly at everyone present, then turned and left with the big knife in hand.

See it!

The clan elders present sighed and said nothing.


They all had a bad feeling in their hearts. What happened to Lu Yunsheng was definitely not an accident. There might be another disturbance in three days.

If that's the case, it would be terrible...

Think of this.

Everyone looked worried and left sighing.

Qingyuan Ancient City, Human World Tower!

Just as the father and son Lu Qinghou and Lu Yunsheng were fighting each other, a tall man in Tsing Yi with extraordinary temperament slowly came to the Human World Building.

Behind him, there was an imposing old man following closely.

His cultivation has suddenly reached the middle stage of becoming a god!

"Sir, according to your instructions, I have sent someone to send the things to Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division. They should be in the hands of Lin Wudao now."

The old man in Xuanyi bowed.

Hear the words!

The man nodded with satisfaction.

"Next, get ready to watch the show!"

"According to Lin Wudao's brutal and easy-to-kill personality, once he finds out that Lu Yunxiao is feeding demons with his body, he will definitely not let him go."

"When the time comes, there will definitely be a big fuss in the Lu family!"

"As long as they fight, our plan will succeed..."

Speaking of which.

A conspiratorial smile appeared on the man's lips.

"Sir, you are the first true successor of Taixuan Sect and the only heir of the sect leader. You will succeed the sect leader in the future, so why do you need to be as knowledgeable as that Lin Wudao?"

"If you are worried that he blocks your way, I can just go and kill him. Why go to such trouble?"

"Is it just for Jiang Qingxue?"

"Sir, with your qualifications and status, Jiang Qingxue is not worthy of you at all..."

The old man in red frowned.


He was very puzzled by the man's behavior!

"Mr. Zhou, of course I have my own reasons for doing this."

"Actually, Jiang Qingxue and I are just doing things for others. If Lin Wudao doesn't die, then I will die..."


Doing things for people?

Hearing this suddenly, the old man in red was shocked!

To know.

Li Longxiang is the number one true successor of Taixuan Sect, and he is the only heir of the current sect leader Li Tiandu. Who can make him do things willingly?

And, if you don’t finish it, you will die?

What is the other party's background?

A strong shock arose in the heart of the old man in red.

"Then Jiang Qingxue's curse is also..."


"Otherwise, how could Jiang Qingxue, who comes from a small family, possess something like an ancient curse?"

regarding this matter.

Li Longxiang seemed unwilling to say more!

After a brief mention, he stepped into the Renjian Building.


The old man in red followed closely...

"Sir, a guest is coming!"

Tushan Ling'er shouted happily.

"Got it~"

Along with the lazy voice, Jun Qianmo walked out holding an unknown ancient scroll.

"Li Longxiang has met the original poster!"

"Zhou Qingchen has met the original poster!"

The two bowed and saluted.


"What do you want to ask?"

A calm voice came from behind the desk.

Hear the words!

Li Longxiang immediately stepped forward respectfully.

"Master, when I come here this time, I want to ask Lin Wudao, the current master of the Demon Hunting Hall, what kind of cultivation he has?"


Lin Wudao?

Upon hearing this name, Jun Qianmo immediately raised his head.

After some calculation, he had the answer in his mind.

"Two hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones, I'll tell you the answer!"


Li Longxiang was already prepared and was about to take out the spirit stone.


He was looking forward to Jun Qianmo's answer.

At this time!

After collecting two hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones, Jun Qianmo began to make calculations.

"Lin Wudao's current cultivation level is to become a god...poof..."


He had just said Lin Wudao's name, and even mentioned the word "Transformation of God". Suddenly, a terrifying backlash swept over him, causing him to spurt out a large mouthful of blood.

His expression suddenly became sluggish!

at the same time.

In the sky outside the human world building, thousands of thunders rang out, and the vast pressure seemed to wipe him out.


"Heaven's way counterattacks! Who is that Lin Wudao, and why am I not allowed to deduce it?"

"I just revealed the word 'god transformation' and I suffered great terror. If this continues, I will definitely die..."

this moment!

Jun Qianmo's heart was filled with unprecedented fear!

He no longer dared to deduce Lin Wudao.

"Lord, are you...are you okay?"

Seeing this sudden change, Li Longxiang was also startled and asked with concern.

To this.

Jun Qianmo waved his hand.

"Ahem, I'm fine!"

"I just practiced a little too hastily and something went wrong..."


Host, are you practicing all the time?

Li Longxiang and Zhou Qingchen instantly felt infinite admiration.

"Master, I have one more thing."


"I would like to ask the poster to help me publish a message on Tongtian Baojian in three days..."

"Is it about Lin Wudao again?"

"No! It's about Tianyuan Ancient City Lu Yunxiao!"

"I would like to ask the poster to publish the news about Lu Yunxiao feeding demons with his body in three days from now on the Tongtian Baojian. I wonder how many spiritual stones are needed?"

Li Longxiang asked carefully.

Lu Yunxiao?

Feeding the devil with your body?

This time, Jun Qianmo did some calculations and found that it had nothing to do with Lin Wudao, so he nodded with a cold face.

"One million low-grade spiritual stones!"


so much?

Faced with this sudden and shocking price, Li Longxiang was shocked.

"If you don't want to give it, get out!"

A cold voice suddenly came.

Hear the words.

Li Longxiang felt awe-struck.

"No, no, no, sir, calm down, I was just temporarily distracted..."


He respectfully took out one million low-grade spiritual stones and placed them on the counter.

"The landlord..."

"We'll find out in three days!"

"If there is nothing else, please leave. Don't come back next time..."


As he said that, Jun Qianmo didn't give Li Longxiang and Li Longxiang any chance to resist. He waved his hand and blasted them away.


There was a loud noise, and the door to the Renjian Building was instantly closed.


Looking at this scene, Li Longxiang was a little dumbfounded.

He didn't know where he offended Jun Qianmo!

"Sir, maybe the building owner had an accident during his training and needs urgent treatment?"

"Well, it should be!"

"Now that the matter is done, let's go directly to Tianyuan Ancient City. I didn't expect that Lin Wudao actually has the cultivation of becoming a god. I really underestimated him..."


Li Longxiang and Zhou Qingchen drove the spirit boat and left at lightning speed.

"Sir, they're gone."

Human building.

After the two left, Tu Shan Ling'er and Jun Qianmo came to the backyard, her little face full of worry.

"Sir, how could you be hurt?"

"There was an accident just now!"

"By the way, Ling'er, I've been closed behind closed doors for the past few days, and I haven't seen anyone except Lin Wudao."


Although he was puzzled, Tu Shan Ling'er still responded obediently.

"Alas, we suffered a huge loss this time."

"It seems that from now on, I will not be able to touch anything related to Lin Wudao, otherwise I will suffer great terror if I am not careful."

"It's good luck this time. It's just a warning. If there is another time, I'm afraid I will die directly..."

Jun Qianmo was still frightened.

He didn't dare to think about who Lin Wudao was, he only knew that deducing him would bring disaster to himself.

"Such a person must have a good relationship."

"I hope I can make up for this karma..."

He sighed to himself.


Then he came to the room and started healing.

Lin Wudao didn't know anything about what happened in Renjian Building.

Since the Lu family left.

He went straight back to the Demon Suppression Division...

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