at this time!

With the Ancient Sacred Well as the center, many cultivators gathered within the ten directions space. At a glance, it was overwhelming.


Above the void, there are many forces from the Eastern Region.

Everyone is quietly waiting for the day when the ancient divine well erupts...

The atmosphere at the scene was quite harmonious.

call out!

However, at this moment, along with a sharp sound breaking through the air, a spirit boat roared towards them.

On it, there was a middle-aged man covered in blood.

See you!

His whole body was covered with scars, scarlet blood continuously soaked through his clothes and dripped down, and his face was extremely pale.

The aura on his body is messy and weak...

That way!

It seemed like he was going to die at any moment!

The whole person looked very miserable.


The man's face was full of intense panic, and his fierce eyes were filled with overwhelming resentment and despair.

It looks like he is running for his life...


Just when the middle-aged man drove the spirit boat and arrived at the ancient divine well, a cold roar suddenly came from the sky behind.

"Qi Yinyang, hand over the treasure map and teleportation array of the ancient secret realm, and I will spare your life..."

call out!

call out!

Accompanied by a sky-shaking roar, suddenly, under the gaze of everyone, two bright rainbow lights pierced the void and appeared behind the middle-aged man in the blink of an eye.

Take a closer look!

The ones who came were two slightly younger men!

One of them has a strong physique, as majestic as a wild Tyrannosaurus, and exudes an extremely domineering aura.

Moreover, his eyes are extremely fierce!

You can tell at a glance that he looks like an extremely vicious person!

As for the other person, he was a young man in black with a tall figure and a cold face. His whole person exuded an unparalleled ferocious aura.

"Qi Yinyang, I advise you to stop struggling pointlessly. You can't escape the hands of our two brothers."

"As long as you hand over all the treasure maps and teleportation arrays of the ancient secret realm, we promise to spare your life."

"Otherwise, even if the King of Heaven comes, I won't be able to save you..."

A cold and ruthless voice came from the mouth of the man in black.

It resounds in all directions!


The moment his voice fell, the cultivators gathered around the ancient divine well, as well as many major forces, came over one after another.

Each one of them showed a look of surprise and curiosity.


No one intervened!

Obviously, everyone is watching the fun...

See this scene!

The crazy Taoist who pretended to be 'Qi Yin Yang' was secretly happy.


On the surface, he still pretended to be extremely hateful and extremely weak.


"Qin Laoer, do you think I will believe your lies? The treasure map of the ancient secret realm was passed down from my family."

"You killed my whole family, and you still want me to hand over the treasure map and teleportation array? What a wishful thinking!"

"Even if I die today, I won't let you get what you want, hahaha..."

The crazy Taoist laughed loudly.

Say it!

He just pretended to use all his strength and headed crazily towards the ancient divine well.

"Huh, shameless!"

"If that's the case, then go die..."


With an icy grin, the strong man among them punched directly in the air.

In an instant!

A terrifying big hand stretched across the void, carrying unparalleled might and power. With one punch, it shattered the spirit boat under the mad Taoist's feet.

The powerful impact caused the crazy Taoist to hit the ground hard...

"Qin Daofu, who is like a dog, is just acting. Does he need to use such a heavy hand?"

"The old Taoist will have to 'theory' with you later, so that you can have a taste of my great burial technique."

The crazy Taoist fell to the ground, cursing in his heart.

These three people!

Naturally, they are Mad Taoist, Qin Daofu, and Lin Wudao.

In order to let outsiders know the existence of the secret realm and get them to take the bait, these people also worked hard...


Although it was a bit painful in the process, it was still effective.


After some 'roaring' and 'roaring' by Lin Wudao and the other three, the practitioners gathered at the scene seemed to understand what was going on.

"It turns out to be a murderous and treasure-grabbing drama!"

"According to those people, that person holds a treasure map of an ancient secret realm? I don't know if it is true."

"Hmph, that person is lucky enough to be able to escape here?"

"Yes, you can probably save your life by coming here. After all, an ancient secret realm is still very attractive."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

this moment!

Many people have cast their greedy eyes on the crazy Taoist.


Even the Canglan Ancient Clan, the Lihuo Ancient Clan, and even the Tianlong Ancient Kingdom had their eyes descending from the sky one after another, shrouding the crazy Taoist.


They seem to be somewhat interested in that ancient secret realm...

Lin Wudao, Qin Daofu and Crazy Taoist were all very happy for the attention from the people around them and from many forces.

This means that the fish have begun to take the bait!

"Brother Ren, I feel almost done."

Qin Daofu secretly conveyed the message.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded.

"In that case, let's close the Internet cafe."

"Let the crazy Taoist sacrifice himself and suffer a little bit..."


While talking.

Lin Wudao took a step forward, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already in front of the crazy Taoist.

"Go to hell!"


A cold voice fell.

Lin Wudao didn't give the crazy Taoist any chance to resist. He raised his hand and landed a heavy palm on him.


A shrill scream rang out, and the terrifying sounds of broken bones came from the mad Taoist's body.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person vomited blood and flew backwards towards the ancient divine well.

"Fuck, Brother Ren, are you serious?"

The mad Taoist cursed secretly.


He has not forgotten his mission.


The moment his body vomited blood and flew backwards, under his control, an ancient and mysterious teleportation array 'accidentally' flew out.

"Secret Realm Teleportation Array!"

Qin Daofu was overjoyed.

Say it.

He thrust out his big hand and grabbed the teleportation array menacingly.

See it!

The crazy Taoist flew out with an extremely crazy look on his face...

"You damn dog thieves, I curse you to a bad death!"

"Since I can't get the ancient secret realm, you can't even think of it..."

call out!

After the words fell, the crazy Taoist raised his hand and pointed towards the teleportation array.


In an instant, the originally silent teleportation array suddenly burst into brilliant light.

Immediately afterwards.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, an ancient portal appeared from the teleportation array, exuding the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes of time.

And, accompanied by divine light!


"You actually made the ancient secret realm public? Go to hell!"


In a fit of rage, Lin Wudao struck the crazy Taoist with a fierce palm, and in the eyes of everyone present, he was knocked into the ancient divine well.

"Boss, now the teleportation array in the ancient secret realm has been opened and cannot be closed anymore. What should I do?"

Qin Daofu asked in shock and anger.

"No matter, let's go in first and talk about it later!"

"You and I, brothers, fought to the death just for this ancient secret realm. Now that it is right in front of you, how can you not go in and explore it?"

"Boss, I heard that this secret realm is a true god's tomb, and it contains the true god's inheritance..."

"Let's talk after we go in first!"

Lin Wudao said coldly.

Say it.

He and Qin Daofu entered directly into the void channel of the teleportation array without any hesitation.

See this scene!

The onlookers around the ancient sacred well were greatly refreshed.


For a moment, a bright light burst out from their eyes, and their strong greed was revealed...

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