
Temple hall!

Looking at Tushan Ruoruo's extended palm, the sinful dog that was originally tied to the pillar and full of resentment was about to bite it.


Just when it opened its ferocious dog mouth, a trace of surprise and doubt flashed through its cute dog eyes.


The sinful dog's nose sniffed at Tushan Ruoruo. In an instant, the originally ferocious dog's face showed human joy.

Not only did it not resist, but it kept humping Tushan Ruoruo's body and licking her little hands, making Tushan Ruoruo laugh non-stop.


Seeing this strange scene, Tu Shannuo and others behind were stunned.

His face was filled with incredulity!

"This bitch actually changed his face?"

Tu Shannuo's eyes widened.

"Didn't the high priest say that the Dog of Sin is extremely ferocious and should be kept away from strangers? Why does it look different now?"

"It's actually so close to Ruoruo?"


Tu Shannuo was curious and immediately prepared to go over and check it out.


Just as he walked outside the main hall, the originally docile sinful dog suddenly changed its face as if it had been stimulated by something.

With a ferocious attitude, he bared his teeth at Tushan Guo...


The dog's eyes are full of fierce light!


Seeing this scene, Tu Shanzuo was so frightened that he backed away crazily.

"This bitch is really not easy to mess with!"

He cursed.

"Commander, the Dog of Sin is not an ordinary dog. If you can get close to it, it doesn't mean you can too."

"In my opinion, Erha seems to be a little unfriendly to you. Be careful not to get bitten by it, otherwise, hehe..."

On the side, Wu Huanguai said with a smile.

"Ruoruo is born to be close to all things!"

"All living things in the world resonate with her, and she can also communicate and communicate with all living things."

"Commander, this is a gift that we cannot envy."

Jie Wuyou also sighed.

Dog of sin?

Listening to Tu Shantuo's words, Shang Yang, Li Heishui and others were full of curiosity.

"Brother, does this dog belong to our temple?"

far away.

Tushan Ruoruo's clear voice came.


"That is a sinful dog. It is a pet kept by God Qingshan in the human world. Its name is Erha."


Hearing this name, Tushan Ruoruo's eyes lit up and he rubbed the sinful dog's head fiercely.

"Brother, it's too pitiful for Erha to be chained here. How about we let it go?"

Tushan Ruoruo suddenly spoke.


She just wanted to reach out and untie the dog chain on the pillar.

This scene frightened Tu Shantuo and the others into a state of shock.

"Ruoruo can't!"

"Although the Dog of Sin is a pet kept by the Great God Qingshan in the human world, it is too vicious and unruly."

"The high priest tied it here just because he was worried that it would get into trouble."

"If you let it out, it will cause a big disaster and there will be no way to end it..."

Tu Shanguo said loudly.

He doesn't dare to let this bitch Erha out!

"Woof woof woof~"

It seemed that he heard Tu Shanguo's words. When his voice fell, Erha, who was lying on the ground pretending to be pitiful, jumped up immediately.


He bared his teeth at Tu Shannuo and kept barking.

His eyes were extremely vicious!


"Commander, I feel that Erha has already held a grudge against you. I heard from the high priest that Erha is very vindictive."

"Today you prevented it from letting it out in front of it. If Erha retaliates in the future, you may be bitten..."

Jie Wuyou said happily.

Hearing this, Tu Shanjie's expression changed!

"What should we do?"

"I have no choice but to pray to the high priest to tie it here."

Jie Wuyou spread his hands and replied helplessly.

Although this was said, he felt it was not realistic.


Erha has been targeted by Tushan Ruoruo. He can be tied down for a while, but not forever.

Sooner or later, Erha will be released!

By the time……

Jie Wuyou dare not think about it!

"Oh, this is an unforeseen disaster for me."

Tu Shannuo wanted to cry but had no tears.

He was just telling the truth, but he didn't expect to be hated by Erha?

"I hope the high priest won't let this bitch out, otherwise, I will be miserable..."

He kept praying from the bottom of his heart.

call out!

Just when everyone was joking and watching, suddenly, two rainbow lights passed through the distant void.

Immediately afterwards, two figures, a man and a woman, fell from the sky and appeared in front of them.

See it!

Tu Shanruo, Wu Huan, and Jie Wuyou instantly stopped smiling on their faces.

"Meet the high priest!"

"Meet the high priest!"

"Meet the high priest!"

Together with the temple's divine attendants, they knelt down and worshiped respectfully.

The expression is extremely solemn!

High priest?

Seeing the actions of Tu Shannuo and others, Li Heishui felt awe-inspiring in his heart.


He felt great pressure from Tushan Cangyue.

As for Nangong Yi and Li Zongheng on the side, their expressions were also extremely solemn, and their hearts were filled with tension and fear.

Tushan Cangyue is so powerful!

In front of her, I felt as humble and weak as an ant...

It's not just them.

After seeing Tushan Cangyue, the sinful dog, which was originally showing a ferocious look, clamped its tail and lay quietly on the ground.

"Everyone get up!"

A dull voice sounded slowly.


Tushan Cangyue's eyes swept around and landed on Li Heishui and the others.

"Great Heavenly Master, are they your old friends?"


"Let me introduce him. His name is Li Heishui, and he is also a follower of the Great God in the human world."

"As for this girl, she is from the Nangong Divine Clan from the Eastern Region, and her name is Nangong Yiren."

"She and Li Heishui are in a relationship."

"This is Li Zongheng, the guard responsible for guarding Nangong Yiren..."

Yin Siming took a step forward and introduced with a smile.

He glanced at them and knew the identities and origins of Nangong Yi and Li Zongheng.


When he mentioned 'lovers', Li Heishui and Nangong Yiren were a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Yin, Miss Nangong and I are not..."

"I know!"

"You are not now, but you will be soon."

"It's normal for a male to get married and a female to get married. What's there to be embarrassed about?"

"As a follower of the great god, you are naturally also a member of my Tushan clan. From now on, it will be a good thing for you to marry Miss Nangong."

Yin Siming said with a smile.

There is something profound in the words!

Hearing his words, Li Heishui didn't know how to answer, and he didn't even dare to look at Nangong Yiren next to him.

"By the way, Mr. Yin, I met the city lord before!"

"He asked me to hand over the ancient talisman to you..."

Li Heishui quickly changed the topic.


He handed the ancient talisman to Yin Siming.

"Have you met the city lord?"


"Where did we meet?"

"Well, it's at Lingxu..."

Li Heishui answered honestly.


"Since you are here, then you should live in Daqingshan for a while and get familiar with the situation here."

Yin Siming patted his shoulder.

at the same time!

Tushan Cangyue also called Tushan Ruoruo to him.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"Ruoruo, you take Li Heishui and Shang Yang to experience the beauty of Da Qingshan. We have some things to discuss."


Tushan Ruoruo happily agreed.


Her small eyes glanced at the sinful dog in the distance.

"Sister, it's so pitiful for Erha to be chained here. Can you let me take him with me? Please~"

she begged pitifully.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue glanced at her, then at the sinful dog in the distance, pondered slightly, and nodded.


"But don't cause any trouble."


With Tushan Cangyue's agreement, Tushan Ruoruo was immediately overjoyed.


She came to the main hall as quickly as possible, untied the dog's leash, and then left the temple happily with Li Heishui, the others, and a group of strange beasts.

After she left.

Tushan Cangyue led everyone into the temple...

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