"Thank you, High Priest!"

Feeling the huge changes in himself, Yu Feng no longer had any doubts about Tu Shan Cang Yue's identity.


He took Yu Ling'er and bowed to the ground respectfully.

"Get up~"

Jade hands were raised slightly, and the two slowly stood up.

"Yu Jie, have you Sunset Ancient Clan been living here since ancient times?"


"How many people are there in your clan now? What's the situation here?"

"Back to the high priest, our Sunset Ancient Clan, in its glory days, was once a true god race with hundreds of millions of people."

"We always follow the footsteps of the God of War!"

"Since the death of the God of War, our Sunset Ancient Clan has also fallen. We have been standing here for many years."

"The reason is to wait for the return of the God of War!"

"Today, there are about 8,000 members of our Sunset Ancient Clan..."

Yu Feng respectfully introduced the situation of the Sunset Ancient Clan.

He spoke carefully and everyone listened carefully!

"In the past, your Sunset Ancient Clan followed the God of War and had hundreds of millions of people. Your ancestors even produced top true gods."

"What a splendor, what a glory!"

"It's a pity that no matter how glorious the years are, they cannot withstand the wheel of history..."

Tushan Cangyue sighed.

Hear the words!

Yu Jie also showed a sad look.

He also had some understanding of the glory of the Sunset Ancient Clan from ancient records.


Everything in the past is now a thing of the past and no longer exists.

"By the way, what happened to your hands and feet?"


"This... was caused during the battle with the Panshi Ancient Clan..."

Panshi Ancient Clan?

Everyone looked curious.

"High Priest, the ancient Panshi tribe was once a tribe under the command of the God of War, but later they abandoned their faith."

"Instead, I fell into the arms of the evil god!"

"We, the Sunset Ancient Clan, and the Panshi Ancient Clan have sworn hatred. If they die, we will die."

"Because the Land of the Sunset has been eroded by evil substances, in order to compete for resources and survival supplies, we have to start a racial war."

Speaking of the Panshi Ancient Clan, Yu Feng's eyes suddenly showed resentment.

"It's a pity that my arms and legs are broken and I can no longer go to the battlefield."

Yu Feng clenched his fists.

The ancient Panshi clan abandoned the God of War?

Hear this!

Tushan Cangyue nodded thoughtfully.

"How long have your limbs been broken?"

"It's been three years..."


"Three years is not too long. I should still be saved."


Are you saved?

Hearing this, Yu Feng's face was full of surprise.

"What the high priest means is that he can make your severed limbs grow back."

At this time.

On the boat on the other side, Yin Siming's laughter rang out.


Rebirth of a severed limb?

Yu Jie's eyes widened and he looked at Tushan Cangyue in disbelief.

"Let me try it."

Talking time!

Tushan Cangyue immediately used the Taixu Mending Technique on Yu Jie.


Along with a burst of bright divine light, under the influence of some mysterious force, severe pain suddenly erupted from the wound of Yu Jie's severed limb.


The wound that had been healed for many years was forcibly torn apart at this moment...


At this moment, Yu Feng felt intense pain, and his body trembled uncontrollably.


Although the pain was deep in his bones, he kept gritting his teeth and holding on.


Yu Feng's face began to become distorted.

See this scene!

Yu Ling'er on the side immediately clenched her little hands, Linghui's eyes were full of anxiety and nervousness.

Her eyes were always watching Yu Jie closely, for fear that something unexpected would happen to him.


Just when she was filled with worry, suddenly, she was surprised to find that Yu Jie's broken hands and feet actually grew back bit by bit.

"It's grown, it's really grown..."

Yu Linger was very excited.

The delicate little face was filled with a smile of surprise.

Not just her!

Everyone who saw this scene showed shocked expressions.

"Rebirth of severed limbs is indeed a divine skill!"

The crazy Taoist praised.

Looking at Tu Shan Cang Yue, he couldn't help but feel a little more admiration.

This woman is getting stronger and stronger!

"The high priest's action is extraordinary, haha..."

On the boat on the other side.

Wu Huan and others exclaimed.

at this time!

Seeing this method, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their hearts.

This is the high priest of their Tushan clan!

"I...my arms and legs...have grown?"

On the ground below.

Looking at the regrown limbs, Yu Feng froze on the spot, with infinite surprise and disbelief in his eyes.


He felt like he was dreaming!

"Thank you to the high priest for your kindness!"



Yu Jie knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily to Tushan Cangyue.

The angular face is filled with infinite gratitude...

"Get up!"

"Your severed limb has just regenerated, and it will take some time to get used to it."

"Next, take us to the Sunset Ancient Clan."


Yu Feng nodded respectfully.


He and Yu Ling'er boarded the boat on the other side together and headed straight towards the tribe in the distance.

There are now only 8,000 members of the Sunset Ancient Clan left!

call out!

When Lin Wudao and others arrived here, they looked up and saw that the Sunset Ancient Clan still maintained their original appearance.

People live in tribes!


Lin Wudao was also surprised to find that all the people from the Sunset Ancient Clan he met on the road had more or less scars on their bodies.

Among them, there are many who are missing arms and legs...

"It seems that the battle between you and the Panshi Ancient Clan is very fierce."

Yin Siming looked at it for a few times and said.

Hear the words!

Yu Jie smiled bitterly.

"There is no other way. In order to survive, we have to fight as a family."

"Right now, the erosion of evil substances is getting faster and faster, and there is not much left for my Sunset Ancient Clan to survive."

"In addition, we also have to face the invasion of the Panshi Ancient Clan. As long as a war breaks out, except for the old, weak, women and children, the other tribesmen will basically participate in the war."

"Over time, we have become like this..."

Yu Jie sighed with tears in his eyes.

In order to survive, the Sunset Ancient Clan tried their best to survive!

Just to stick to the faith in the God of War.

Even Lin Wudao couldn't help but admire this kind of perseverance.

"By the way, who is in charge of your Sunset Ancient Clan now?"

"It's the elder of the Yushan clan!"


While everyone was in shock, Yu Jie had already led them to a stone house to the east of the tribe.


In the open space in front of the stone house, there was a large group of children reciting some ancient scriptures, which sounded quite mysterious.

Each child's expression was extremely focused.


Waves of spiritual power began to emerge from their bodies, and the energy of the red sun from the sky seemed to be drawn down and poured into their bodies.

Constantly tempering the muscles, bones and flesh...

"Is this the cultivation method of your Sunset Ancient Clan?"

Wu Huan asked curiously.


"My ancestors of the Lueyi Ancient Clan used their great wisdom to observe the sun and create great Dharma."

"After each tribe member is born, they will be baptized by the power of the sun to temper their muscles, bones, and flesh."

Yu Jie replied with a smile.


Just when everyone was curiously looking at the situation of the Sunset Ancient Clan, suddenly, with the sound of pushing the door open, an old man in linen clothes walked out of the stone house.

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