"not good!"

At this time, those watching the battle in Daqing Mountain were not only the people of the Tushan clan, the fire god of the Zhurong clan, the water god of the Cangming clan, but also Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu.

Seeing the God of the Sky taking action brazenly and feeling the terrifying unparalleled power, the mad Taoist's expression suddenly changed.

"Tower of Rock!"

Without any hesitation, he took out the Rock Tower as quickly as possible and hung it above his head.


The Tower of Panshi, as the ultimate divine weapon of the Panshi Ancient Clan, has extraordinary power.

Under the control of the crazy Taoist, the Rock Tower instantly bloomed with bright divine light and turned into a cyan light curtain, shrouding the two people in it.

at the same time!

The mighty divine power of the extreme realm exploded, completely obliterating the sweeping power of the Sky God.

"Crazy Taoist, when did you refine the Rock Tower?"

Qin Daofu exclaimed.

His eyes were full of shock!

That's the ultimate magic weapon. When controlled by a crazy Taoist, it's like an arm and a finger?

"Hmph, if I don't have two brushes, how dare I come here to watch the battle between gods?"

The crazy Taoist hummed.

Say it!

He ignored Qin Daofu's shock and continued to look into the void in the distance.

at this time.

Facing the powerful offensive of the Sky God, Lin Wudao finally took action...

"Hercules Fist!"

When the vast and ferocious Milky Way enveloped him, Lin Wudao calmly raised his arm and punched it.


This punch is powerful and heavy!

Lin Wudao blessed the divine power of war, and with one punch, he directly shook the surrounding void, and the ferocious fist directly tore the Tianhe apart.




Under the impact of the fist, the galaxy condensed by billions of stars collapsed in large areas.

The gods of incense and fire fight for divine power!

As long as it is under the blessing of divine power, any divine method or magic can show the amazing power of turning decay into magic.


With the blessing of the Divine Power of War, Lin Wudao destroyed the 100,000-foot galaxy of the Sky God with one punch.

See this scene.

The God of the Sky was not shocked or surprised, and his expression remained as calm as ever.

"Void Cage!"

The vast galaxy was shattered, and he pointed out suddenly.


In an instant, the mighty power of the divine power in the sky exploded, directly centering on the Daqing Mountain, and forcibly imprisoning the void within a radius of thousands of miles.

Turn it into a terrifying prison!

Within the void cage, the space set off waves of ripples visible to the naked eye, and it gradually tended to collapse.

Waves of terrifying pressure were applied to Lin Wudao like a flood, trying to wipe out Lin Wudao with the help of the power of the sky.


As the Great Demon God of Qingshan, Lin Wudao, the area around Qingshan is his divine domain and his home ground.

It is naturally not that easy to kill him.

"To rule the divine power: to rule the heavens!"


With a thought, the divine power of control was activated, and the surrounding void cage suddenly collapsed under the impact of the power of the divine power.

at the same time!

An invisible force surged in all directions, transforming the surrounding void into a forbidden divine realm.

Divine power: Rule the sky!

However, the cultivation and strength of any creature that enters the Forbidden God Realm must suppress half of the realm.


When the divine power of domination was revealed, the god of the sky across from him also suddenly narrowed his eyes.


He felt that the power of his incarnation of God was greatly suppressed.


He possesses the power of the Great Perfection of the second-level true god, but under the suppression of the other party's divine power, he actually dropped to the late stage of the second-level true god.

"What kind of divine power is this that can suppress power?"

Ji Du frowned slightly.

"It seems that the God of Green Mountain is not to be underestimated."

"This kind of divine power has never been seen before..."

He whispered in his mind.

"Seven-star divine power, Beidou shines in the world!"

Feeling that his own power was being crazily suppressed, Jidu did not dare to take it lightly, assuming that he had exceeded the divine power of the God of the Sky.

He is the God in charge of the stars!


When the Seven Star Divine Power was revealed, the space behind Jidu suddenly collapsed, and an eternal starry sky appeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Seven bright stars were lit up!

That is, the Big Dipper!


As the Big Dipper lights up, Jidu's aura suddenly rises. He flips his hand, and the artifact Sky Mirror appears instantly.

Under his urging, a majestic power of the stars turned into a pure galaxy and came out mightily.

A moment!

Covering thousands of miles of void in Daqing Mountain!

at the same time.

In the dazzling galaxy, there are stars shining endlessly, and each star has evolved into a god of the sky.

They floated in the stars, using the power of the stars as their source and the starlight as their spears, and with the overwhelming murderous intent, they headed towards Lin Wudao.

At a glance!

The galaxy is filled with gods of the sky!


"My God, is this the method of the gods? It's simply terrifying!"

"The stars are our soldiers, and the God of the sky has great tricks."

far away.

Qin Daofu and the crazy Taoist were amazed.

Such shocking means and power are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

This is the real god!

Even the true God on earth cannot do this.

at the same time!

Seeing the God of the Sky using the stars as his soldiers, the starlight as his spear, and charging towards him with his feet on the river of stars, Lin Wudao also felt a faint expression of concentration on his brows.

"Magic: Seven Kills and Ascension Technique!"

"Magic: True Dragon Mahamudra!"

Dong Dong Dong~

Two low roars came from his throat. Under the gaze of everyone, he took seven steps forward in succession. The aura on his body suddenly rose to a terrifying level.

before coming.

Lin Wudao spent 10 billion luck points to upgrade the Seven Kills Ascension Technique and the Nielong Grand Hand Seal into the True God Technique.

The Seven Kills Ascension Technique, taking seven consecutive steps forward can increase combat power a thousand times.

The true dragon's big hand seal can strike out with the power of 10,000 true dragons with one palm!


After taking seven steps, Lin Wudao raised his hand and struck the galaxy in front of him, pushing the vast power across the void.

Wherever it passed, the galaxy evolved by the sky god collapsed directly.

It was actually blown up by a palm!


Not only that, but even the God of the Sky himself retreated thousands of feet under the impact of the mighty divine power.

"The divine law in the human world?"

Ji Du frowned.

He could clearly feel that the divine method used by Lin Wudao did not contain the divinity of the incense god.

On the contrary, it is full of the breath of the world!

That is, the divine law in the world!

"He became enlightened through incense, how could he control the divine laws of the world? How did he do it?"

Jidu's eyes showed surprise.

call out!

Just when he was shocked and puzzled, Lin Wudao, who exploded thousands of galaxies with one palm and wiped out thousands of starlight incarnations, came to him in one step.

He was seen holding the sword of war in his hand, carrying lawless fighting spirit and murderous intent, and came to fight step by step.

With every step forward, the fighting spirit and murderous aura in his body will increase by one point.




Under his crazy attack, Jidu had no choice but to rise up and resist. The divine power and divine magic came out at the same time, and the two of them killed each other until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

The terrifying power shook the void within a radius of thousands of miles, and the Daqingshan Mountain under the feet was wiped out again and again.

Within ten thousand miles, all life is extinct!


Seeing such a destructive scene, both the crazy Taoist and the Tushan clan who were watching in the temple were all shocked.

This was the first time they saw the power of gods!

Completely subverting their cognition and imagination...


The gods of fire and water other than Lei Ze were also looking closely at the distant Daqing Mountain, their expressions full of solemnity.

"The God of Daqingshan is extremely powerful, both in terms of divine power and divine law. Is this really just a resurgence?"

"Can such a small number of people from the Tushan clan really support a second-level true god?"

Vulcan frowned in thought.

"The God of the Sky is said to be the third-generation God of Stars from the Tushan clan of Nanling. The power of this incarnation of God has reached the second level of Great Perfection."

"So, his god is already close to the third-level true god?"

the other side!

The water god felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

The power displayed by the Sky God far exceeded his expectations.

This is not a good thing for him!

The power of gods comes from their people and incense.

Once the God of the Sky is promoted to the third level True God, he will inevitably launch a divine war to gain more power.

By the time!

Either the Cangming clan or the Zhu Rong clan may become targets of attack.

Think of this.

Whether it was the God of Fire or the God of Water, there was a trace of worry in their hearts.

at this time!

They didn't want the Sky God to win, but they also didn't want Lin Wudao to become bigger.

"The best thing is, both sides suffer losses!"

"That way, it would be good for everyone..."

They secretly hope in their hearts.

In fact!

This is also the result Li Tianjun expected.

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