"The first deputy master of the Eastern Temple, Li Tianjun?"

Lin Wudao's eyes turned cold.

Through Pei Ji's memory, he had a clear understanding of the cause and effect of the incident.

"It seems that we have to find a way to remove this nail from the temple."

"Otherwise, keeping it will always be a disaster..."

He thought secretly in his heart.

Say it!

Lin Wudao looked at the Daqing Mountain at his feet again.

at this time.

Daqingshan, which originally stood tall and towering into the sky, has been cut off by the divine power.


Daqingshan's area of ​​thousands of miles has also been plowed over and over again.

The earth is devastated!

The previous tribes and the sacred city under construction were all reduced to ruins...

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao felt helpless.

The power of the true God cannot be endured by mortals.

This is only the second-level true god. If it were replaced by a higher-level true god, or an unparalleled existence such as a god or a god king, I am afraid that the entire Daqingshan would be forcibly destroyed.


As the god of Daqingshan, everything can still be restored.

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao's eyes swept across the ten directions, and then he commanded the envoys to control the divine power and began to repair and transform Daqing Mountain.

"Yin Si Ming!"

"My subordinate is here!"

Hearing the call, Yin Siming, who was standing outside the Nantian Gate of the temple, immediately came in front of him.

"I asked you to plan the divine domain before. How did you plan it? Do you have a specific plan?"

"Report to the Great God, yes!"

Yin Siming turned his hand and took out a roll of blueprints and spread them out in the void.

"Great God, according to my subordinates' ideas, I plan to build a sacred city centered on Eight Million Li Ze."

"The entire Leize is the center of the divine city, from which it radiates to the surrounding areas."

"The center of the divine city is Daqingshan!"

"Starting from Daqing Mountain, we will build four avenues, covering all directions of the world..."

Yin Siming kept introducing his thoughts.

Listening to his story, Lin Wudao couldn't help but nodded secretly.


He called Tushan Cangyue again.

"Cang Yue, do you have any ideas?"

"Reporting to the great master, Yin Si Ming's idea is perfect. I have no other ideas for the time being."


"Then let's build the Qingshan Divine City according to Yin Siming's ideas."

Lin Wudao said lightly.


He glanced across the ruined ground and the large green mountains that had been destroyed by divine power, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Relying on the strength of you mortals, just restoring the landscape of this Daqingshan Mountain will take a lot of time." "In this case, I will help you..."


After the words fell, Lin Wudao raised his big hand to the sky.

In an instant, the earth collapsed!

Along with the earth-shaking roar, the originally collapsed Daqingshan Mountain suddenly rose from the ground. In just a moment, it became an ancient sacred mountain with a height of ten thousand feet.

The top of the mountain has been forcibly cut off by Lin Wudao with great force, turning it into an extremely huge square.

call out!

With a pointing finger, the Qingshan Temple is suspended on the top of Da Qingshan.


The majestic divine light that bloomed swept across all directions.

After reshaping Daqingshan, Lin Wudao's big hand brushed the ground again, and under the power of the ruling divine power, the ruins of the earth were smoothed away.


With the Daqing Mountain as the center, the Divine Realm with a radius of millions of miles has completely turned into an endless plain.


Under the nourishment of Lin Wudao's divine power, the originally devastated land also bloomed with vitality.


Looking at this scene, both the thousands of people of the Tushan clan and the crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu who were watching from a distance were all shocked.

"Changing the world, this is the power of God..."

The mad Taoist exclaimed.

Hear the words!

Qin Daofu on the side nodded vigorously.

Such means and power are beyond the control of ordinary people!

Even the true God on earth cannot do it.

"This God of the Green Mountain is far more mysterious and powerful than we imagined." "From now on, there will be another uncontrollable factor in this great eastern region."

"I wonder how the Eastern Temple will feel if they find out about this?"

Qin Daofu chuckled.

The words are full of schadenfreude!

In his opinion, there is definitely no coexistence between the Tushan clan and the Eastern Temple.

There will definitely be a war in the future!

"It won't be long before war breaks out again in the Eastern Territory, but this has nothing to do with us. We can just watch the excitement."

"By the way, old madman, should we continue to stay in Daqing Mountain and watch the fun, or should we go to Liangjie Mountain to dig graves?"

"Go to Two Worlds Mountain!"

"The war between humans and aliens is about to begin. Let's take advantage of this period to fight again..."

The mad Taoist touched his chin and said.

To this!

Qin Daofu had no objection.

At that moment, the two of them quietly left Daqingshan with the help of the invisibility jade talisman.

Lin Wudao saw the departure of Mad Taoist and the others.

"According to the memory of Pei Ji from the Lihuo Ancient Clan, the reason why he came to Daqingshan was because Li Tianjun, the first deputy master of the Eastern Temple, was behind him."

"This time, I have cut off the list of gods. I'm afraid that the Eastern Temple will not let it go."

"Even the First Emperor, who has been hiding behind the scenes, may be waiting for an opportunity."

"Instruct Li Heishui to always pay attention to the movements of the temple and report any situation to this god in a timely manner."

"Besides, send someone to visit the Lihuo Ancient Clan!"

Lin Wudao ordered lightly.

Say it.

He disappeared in a flash.

After Lin Wudao left.

Tushan Cangyue summoned Yu Zhentian.

"High Priest!"

"Yu Zhentian, you and the Great Heavenly Master should immediately go to the Lihuo Ancient Clan. It's time to bring them under the rule of my Tushan clan."


The two of them bowed in response.


Yu Zhentian waved his hand, and more than 30 strong men including Yu Shan immediately walked out of the temple. Under the leadership of Yin Siming, they left Daqingshan in the boat on the other side.

at the same time!

The Lihuo Ancient Clan was also in panic.


In an ancient and magnificent palace, the old face of the clan elder Pei Cang showed unprecedented dignity.

His eyes were always fixed on a piece of green jade talisman in his hand.

On it!

Engraved with Pei Ji's name!

However, the jade talisman has been shattered...

"Elder of the clan, Pei Ji...is dead."

"This time, he followed the decree of Deputy Palace Master Li Tianjun and went to Daqing Mountain to detain the God of Qingshan. Since he died, then I, the Lihuo Ancient Clan..."

One by one, strong men gathered together.

They all looked at Pei Cang in panic, their eyes full of fear.

Pei Ji died!

This means that the detention of the God of Qingshan failed.

Since he failed, the Lihuo Ancient Clan will inevitably bear the wrath of the Tushan Clan. It won't be long before the Tushan Clan's army arrives.

By then!

There is a danger of annihilation!

When they thought of this, everyone was filled with fear.

"Elder of the clan, what should we do?"

"How about... a fight to the death with the Tushan clan? We are willing to live and die together with the Lihuo Ancient Clan!"

"Elder of the clan, let's fight! We are not afraid of death!"

"The Tushan clan may not let us go..."

Everyone was talking about it.

Listening to their quarrel, Pei Cang sighed.

"Be prepared for a fight!"

"Wait a minute and look at Tushan's attitude. If they don't give us a way to survive, then we have no choice but to fight back desperately."

"Even if the whole family dies, we still have to tear off a piece of flesh from the Tushan clan..."

a long time.

Pei Cang ordered in a deep voice.

Hear this!

The eyes of those present showed determination.


Orders were passed down one after another!

Not long after, the entire Lihuo Ancient Clan started to move.

at the same time!

While they were preparing for the war, Li Tianjun also returned to the Eastern Temple with full of panic.

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