"The treasure of the God King?"

Looking at the big black bell offered by Yundingtian, Fu Tianxiong's pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

There was even more fear in his eyes!


That ancient black bell is a treasure of the God King!

Although it is only of the lowest quality, the power and power displayed when it reaches the level of the God King's Treasure is by no means comparable to the God's Treasure.

Fu Tianxiong did not expect that the Taiyi God Clan would carry a powerful treasure of the God King with them...


Not only was he surprised, Tushan Cangyue and others who were watching at the temple were also surprised.

"Great Heavenly Master, what kind of treasure is that? It can actually blow away Fu Tianxiong's Mingming Tower with one blow?"

Tu Shannuo asked curiously.

"That is the treasure of the God King!"

"Weapons used by gods on earth are called divine weapons."

"Divine weapons are divided into levels."

"There are true god-level magic weapons, there are god-level magic weapons, and there are god-king-level magic weapons."

"In addition, in addition to divine weapons, there are also heavenly materials and earthly treasures used by various gods, collectively called: treasures of true gods, treasures of gods, and treasures of god kings."

"Right now, the big black bell used by Yundingtian is a low-quality treasure of the God King." "Because of the difference in levels, it can suppress Fu Tianxiong's attack..."

Yin Siming explained calmly.

I see!

After hearing his story, everyone also had a general understanding of the classification of divine weapons and treasures.

"Great Heavenly Master, does the God King's treasure require a God King to refine it?"


"The divine patterns on the God King's Treasure require divine power at the God King level to be cultivated."

"So, the Taiyi Divine Clan has a strong man at the level of a God King?"

"there must be!"

"The Taiyi Divine Clan has a long heritage, and its foundation and strength are extremely strong. There is not only a God King in the clan, but I am afraid there is more than one."

Yin Siming narrowed his eyes and said.

at the moment!

Yundingtian can take out a god-king treasure at will, which shows that there is definitely more than one god-king in the Taiyi Divine Clan.

"The Taiyi Divine Clan holds the Treasure of the God King, can the evil trio suppress them?"

Everyone looked curious.

To this!

Yin Siming smiled lightly.

"The evil trio is not that simple."

"I guess there will be something good to watch later..."


He immediately looked at the evil trio in the crowd in the distance.

at this time!

When Yundingtian held out the big black bell, the eyes of the mad Taoist who had been hiding in the crowd suddenly became fiery.

"The treasure of the God King!"

"Haha, now I'm rich."

"The Taiyi God Clan is indeed an ancient God Clan with a long heritage. It is indeed very wealthy and has a strong foundation."

"I must grab this treasure of the God King later, hehe..."

The mad Taoist secretly transmitted the message.

Hear the words!

Qin Daofu on the side nodded heavily.

My breathing also became rapid...

"These people are all big fat sheep!"

"Brother Ren, the Night Demon God's Fu Tianxiong and the Taiyi God Clan's Yunding Tian will be left to you later."

"Leave all other gods to me!"

"As for the old madman, go and block the boundary gate. Don't let these big fat sheep escape."

"This time, all the gods from the Nine Taiyin Meridians are here. I think we can make a huge fortune through them."

"I haven't made a fortune in ten years. I can't wait any longer..."

Qin Daofu kept transmitting messages.

"no problem!"

"Leave the realm gate to me, the old Taoist, and I promise not to let anyone go."

The crazy Taoist patted his chest and promised.


Lin Wudao also nodded.

"As long as I'm here, it won't be a big problem!"

"Now, corpses at the level of true gods no longer have any appeal to me. They must be those above the level of gods."

"I haven't done anything in ten years!"

"Wait a minute, let's try our luck with the five gods from the Taiyi God Clan..."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The true God is no longer useful!

Only gods and above can produce items.


It is impossible for Lin Wudao to let go of the five gods of the Taiyi Divine Clan.

"Ha, that's settled then!"

"When my brother, you and Qin Daofu go to deal with those gods from the protoss, I will block the door and catch them all."

Say it!

The three of them looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then continued to look at Fu Tianxiong, Yundingtian and others in the distance.


When they saw Yundingtian offering a mouthful of the God King's Treasure, the expressions of Fu Tianxiong and others, as well as Wu Qingyu, changed drastically.

There was fear in each of their eyes!

"Goddess, let's go!"

His big hand reached out and recalled the Minming Divine Tower, and Fu Tianxiong prepared to take Wu Qingyu and the others to leave the mountain world.


However, just as they were flying towards the realm gate, Yundingtian once again activated the black bell and suppressed them.

"Yundingtian, what do you mean?"

Fu Tianxiong asked sharply.

"Means nothing!"

"We still have some important things that we need to ask Goddess Qingyu, so you can't leave for the time being."

Yundingtian said lightly.


"Just rely on the treasure of the God King in my hand!"

"Wu Qingyu, you have been in this mountain world for ten years. I am afraid that the things in Lingxu Divine City have fallen into your hands, right?"

"Right now, all the major protoss are here, do you, the Night Demon Protoss, want to monopolize it?"


As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the other gods around him instantly fell on Wu Qingyu.

See this scene!

Wu Qingyu felt great hatred in her heart!


She also understood that now that the eight major divine clans were here, it would be impossible to leave safely.

Think of this!

She snorted coldly and stepped back.

"Goddess, you can't stay here for long!"

"We, the six brothers and sisters, will fight for you, the goddess, even if we risk our lives..."

Fu Tianxiong clenched his fists and growled.

Hear the words!

Wu Qingyu shook her head gently.

"it's useless!"

"Now, the other eight major protoss are targeting us. Even if we can break out of the Mountain Realm and return to the Night Demon Protoss, it may not be safe."

"I thought about it, and it might be safest to stay in the mountain world."

"Here, even the eight major gods don't dare to take action..."


Hearing this, Fu Tianxiong couldn't help but be startled.

"Goddess, are you talking about... Tushan clan?"


"I guess there might be something good to watch later."

Wu Qingyu looked mysterious.


She looked at Yun Wuji above the temple with her cold eyes.

"Yun Wuji, since you want to know so much, then I will tell you some good news and some bad news."

"Which one do you want to hear first?"

good news?

bad news?

Yun Wuji's deep gaze fell firmly on Wu Qingyu.

"What's the good news? What's the bad news?"


"The good news is that the Shanling Realm has undergone major changes. There is no suppression of cultivation. No matter whether it is a true god, a god, or a god king, they can come in."

"In addition, the Kingdom of God in Lingxu still exists!"

"As for the bad news, that is that the people of your Taiyi Clan who stayed in the Shanling Realm have abandoned your race and have fallen into the arms of the Tushan Clan."

"In the Taiyi Dynasty, all the people believe in the Tushan clan's Green Mountain God..."

Wu Qingyu said calmly.


As soon as she said these words, the surrounding gods had different expressions.

at the same time!

Yun Wuji's brows also wrinkled.

"You said the Taiyi Dynasty abandoned the Gods?"


"If you don't believe it, you can ask the people from the Taiyi Dynasty. They are here now..."


Wu Qingyu raised her hand and pointed at Yun Canglan and others in the crowd.

See it!

Yun Wuji, Yundingtian and the others immediately followed the sound.


At this moment, as if he felt the sharp gazes of Yun Wuji and others, Yun Canglan immediately rushed out of the crowd with the clan members of the Taiyi Dynasty.

As quickly as possible, he knelt down under the temple!

"Taiyi Dynasty, Yun Canglan, pays homage to the Son of God!"

"Meet the Son of God!"

"Meet the Son of God!"

Under the leadership of Yun Canglan, everyone knelt down and paid homage.

See this scene!

The faces of the people far above the temple suddenly darkened.

"The Taiyi Dynasty is so brave, they dare to openly betray the great god!"

Yu Zhentian roared with hatred.

There was a fierce light in his eyes!

"High Priest, what should we do next?"

"The Taiyi Dynasty must not stay!"

"If you dare to betray the Great God, your entire clan must be killed!"

Everyone was filled with indignation.

"There's no need for us to do anything about this!"

"Wait a minute, someone will take care of them..."

Tushan Cangyue's tone was indifferent.

Someone takes action?


Everyone is puzzled!

However, Tushan Cangyue didn't say anything, so they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

I had to suppress the doubts in my heart and continue reading.

at the same time!

Yun Wuji was also examining Yun Canglan and others.

"I heard that you have all abandoned the Gods?"

"Shenzi Mingjian, that's not the case!"

"Our Taiyi Dynasty has always adhered to the ancestral precepts since ancient times. We are born as a member of the Taiyi God Clan and die as a ghost of the Taiyi God Clan."

"Don't dare to have any disobedience!"

"To take refuge with the Tushan clan is also a last resort and expedient. Our roots are always in the Taiyi Divine Clan."

"Please tell me from the Son of God that our Taiyi Dynasty has not betrayed..."

Yun Canglan kept kowtowing.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Wuji nodded.

"I believe in the loyalty of the Taiyi Dynasty!"

"Wu Qingyu, you dare to alienate our God Clan with such trivial tricks?"

"We haven't seen each other for ten years, but you still like to talk nonsense as always..."

Yun Wuji sneered coldly.

To this!

Wu Qingyu not only showed no anger, but also had a mysterious smile on her lips.

"I didn't expect that the Taiyi Emperor would be so loyal to the Gods."

"But it's a pity~"

"What's a pity?"

"It's a pity that the Taiyi Dynasty is about to be exterminated. Since they are so loyal to the Taiyi Clan, where will they put the Tushan clan?"

"Yun Wuji, guess what Tu Shan will do to them when they see this scene?"

Wu Qingyu said with a faint smile.

Tu Shan?

Hearing this, Yun Wuji frowned, not understanding what it meant.


Yun Canglan, who was kneeling on the ground, showed strong panic in his eyes when he heard Tu Shan's words.

[The Taiyi Dynasty has betrayed its faith in the Great God and shall be punished for its crime! 】

[No one of his clan members will be left alive! 】


An extremely majestic voice suddenly resounded throughout the world.


When these words came out, Yun Canglan and others were immediately frightened out of their wits.

"Son of God, help!"

"The Tushan clan wants to kill us..."


Just when Yun Canglan and the clan members of the Taiyi Dynasty knelt down to pray and worship.


A terrifying big hand, carrying a huge momentum, suddenly fell from the sky.

Before Yun Canglan and others could react, he directly killed them with one palm...

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