Mountain world!

After returning to Qingshan Temple, Lin Wudao opened the jade box and saw two things.

A piece of cyan jade the size of a palm, with a surface as smooth as a mirror!


There is also a storage ring!

"A divine guide to the world?"

When the Eye of the Great Dao scanned the jade, Lin Wudao immediately learned its name.


Information about the human divine mirror also appeared instantly...

Name: Divine Mirror of the World

Quality: the best

Introduction: In the great world of the gods, Jun Qianmo, the owner of the human world, spent countless time and effort to develop and create the divine objects of heaven and earth.

Functions: 1. Through the Human Divine Mirror, you can publish, understand, and view many things happening in the world of Divine Desolation in real time.

2. Those who hold the human divine judgment can make voice calls with each other within the scope of the divine world.

3. Those who hold the Human Divine Vision can interact with each other via video within the vast world of Divine Desolation.

4. Those who hold the Human Divine Vision can conduct real-time live broadcasts with each other within the vast world of Divine Desolation.

5. God’s Guide to the World, you can add friends!

6. A lesson from the world, you can set up a chat group!

7. Human Divine Mirror, you can post personal updates and share your joys, sorrows, joys, and living conditions with all living beings in the vast world of gods, as well as with your relatives and friends.

Remarks 1. The human divine mirror is based on the rules of heaven in the great world of gods and is made through secret methods. It cannot be copied except by Jun Qianmo.

2. Anyone who uses the Human Divine Mirror will absorb a small part of their own luck and feed it back to Jun Qianmo.

3. The more people use the Human Divine Mirror, the faster Jun Qianmo’s cultivation will increase.

4. The human divine mirror is unique. If the user dies, all information will be automatically erased by the rules of heaven.


Lin Wudao was dumbfounded when he saw the information about the human divine mirror.

His eyes were filled with shock and disbelief!

"Isn't this thing the high technology of the earth in the previous life? Jun Qianmo actually has such technology?"

"Isn't this guy also a time traveler?"

"Also, this human divine mirror can actually be connected to the laws of heaven in the great world of Shenhuang? What is Jun Qianmo's background?"

Lin Wudao was filled with surprise!

He is extremely familiar with these functions possessed by the Human Divine Mirror.

These are all products of the previous life on earth!


What he didn't expect was that after time travel and rebirth, he would actually see something like this again in the great world of Shenhuang.

In the past, high technology was for ordinary mortals; now, the human divine mirror is for cultivators.

The functions are similar, but the crowd is different!

"This human landlord is truly an extraordinary person."

"I don't know if I can understand his identity and origin with my current Dao Eye..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.


He held the Human Divine Mirror in his hand, examined it for a moment, and then dropped a drop of blood on it.


With the integration of blood, the originally silent human divine mirror suddenly bloomed with a gleaming cyan light.


A clear operating interface appears on the smooth mirror surface.

Including: [Name], [Identity], [Introduction]

"Is this...creating an account?"

Lin Wudao became more and more surprised.

These are all familiar routines from the previous life on Earth!


Although Jun Qianmo's identity and origin cannot be known for the time being, the function of this human divine mirror is very powerful.

With it, future contact will be more convenient and faster.


Life and cultivation will also add a lot of fun...

To this.

Lin Wudao was not disgusted!


He began to skillfully create an account based on his experience in his previous life.

[Name: God of Green Mountains]

[Identity: The God of Daqingshan in the Mountain Realm! 】

[Introduction: The incense god worshiped by the Tushan clan in Shanling Realm has a divine domain of hundreds of millions of miles and millions of people. Anyone who believes in this god can reach the sky in one step and reach the pinnacle of life. 】


With the successful creation of the account of Qingshan Great Demon God, Lin Wudao finally entered the content interface of the Human Divine Mirror.

Suddenly, many sections came into view...

【World News】


【Life circle】

【live streaming】

【Voice calls】

【video call】

"They are all high technologies that I was familiar with in my previous life."

Looking at the sections displayed on the Divine Book of the World, Lin Wudao suddenly felt like time and space were out of whack.

It seemed like I was back on Earth in an instant!

He tried to click on [World News], and in an instant, many major events about the world of Shenhuang were immediately displayed.

[Breaking news: 1. Jiang Qitian, the first-rank emperor of the ancient imperial clan, recently successfully broke through the shackles of the Great Sage and was promoted to the quasi-emperor realm, becoming the ninth person to qualify for the imperial path. 】

[Breaking news: 2. On the battlefield outside the territory, the Shenhuang human race lost, and three quasi-emperors and ten great saints of humanity fell. 】

[Breaking News: 3. The Conference of All Gods will be held at the Summit of All Gods in three months. The person who wins the title of ‘King of All Gods’ will receive a mysterious reward. 】

[Hot news: In the Endless Sea, a tomb of an ancient emperor from ancient times is suspected to have been discovered. 】

[Hot news: Gods who have been silent for countless years have reappeared in the world one after another. Is this a disaster or a blessing for all living beings in the world of gods? 】

At a glance, what appears on the Human Divine Mirror are all major events and news in the divine world.

Many things are secrets that ordinary monks cannot know.


Because of the relationship between human beings and divine beings, everything is revealed.

"Tsk, tsk, Jun Qianmo is really generous. Many things here involve the ancient secrets of the desolate world."

"Besides, they are all secrets that are not told!"

"Right now, a human divine guide has become known to the whole world. Those ancient and powerful forces must be furious."

"This has offended all the major forces in the world..."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

The older the force, the more secrets it has!

Some things are simply not suitable to be discussed on the table, nor are they suitable for everyone to know.

Jun Qianmo's human divine mirror completely disrupted the ancient order of the divine world.

You can imagine!

Once this human divine mirror is released, the entire divine world will be in chaos.

"Perhaps this is the effect Jun Qianmo wants?"

"The more chaotic it is, the more profitable it will be for him!"

"Anyone who uses this human divine mirror will absorb part of their luck. The more people use it, the stronger Jun Qianmo's cultivation will be."

"This is equivalent to using all living beings in the world as resources for cultivation..."

Lin Wudao praised.

These methods are really awesome!

Even he couldn't help but marvel.


Lin Wudao clicked on other sections and found that the functions on the Human Divine Mirror were not much different from the high-tech in his previous life.


The Human Divine Mirror is based on the rules of heaven and uses the power of heaven to maintain its operation. It is vastly different from the high technology of previous lives.

This is equivalent to raising the level of civilization by several levels at once.

After some research.

Generally speaking, Lin Wudao quite recognized and liked the function of this human divine mirror.

There are basically all the things from the past life that can be found in the human world!

【Ding dong~】

Just when he was experiencing the various functions of the human divine mirror, suddenly, there was a slight vibration in the jade.


A pop-up frame was displayed on the jade bi.

[Jun Qianmo, the host of the human world, please add you as a friend! 】

【agree! 】

【reject! 】

Jun Qianmo?

Seeing this sudden bullet frame, Lin Wudao perked up.

After thinking for a while, he chose to agree...

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