"An Immortal Emperor is already at the pinnacle of this universe!"

"However, this person is able to give up his powerful cultivation, supreme identity and status, and start all over again."

"Just for this magnanimity and courage, looking at the history of the universe, there are only a few people who can compare with it."

Lin Wudao praised.

In order to seek a great future, he killed himself as an Immortal Emperor and finally transcended the universe and achieved the supreme state.

This kind of perseverance, wisdom, and courage are truly amazing!

"Do you know what that person's name is?"


"That man's name is Qi Daotian. As early as the first era of the age of gods and demons, he had already attained enlightenment and became the Immortal Emperor."

Xiao Qinglan replied.

Qi Daotian?

Lin Wudao murmured, secretly remembering the name in his heart.

"If you have a chance in the future, you must get to know such a peerless hero."

call out!

Just as he was thinking about it, Mu Qingyi, who had sorted herself out in the distance, had already harnessed the divine light and arrived in front of her.

"Mu Qingyi pays homage to the young master!"

She saluted respectfully.

To this!

Lin Wudao responded with a smile.

"Beheading the golden body of the Emperor of Heaven, don't you feel heartbroken?"

"After all, you have already begun to embark on the road to becoming an immortal. This is a level that countless creatures cannot reach even in their dreams."

"No heartache!"

"As long as I can serve the young master, it will be Qing Yi's greatest honor and luck in this life."

"The Emperor's cultivation has been cut off, and he can just cultivate it again."

"It won't take much time..."

"For Qing Yi and the entire Mu family, nothing can be bigger than the Young Master's."

"Therefore, Qing Yi is willing to do so!"

Mu Qingyi replied firmly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao showed a slight smile on his lips.

"In that case, it's up to you!"

"Emperor Mu Tian, ​​if there is nothing else, should we go to the burial place of gods now?"

"Everything is subject to Master's orders~"

Say it!

Mu Jiutian immediately waved his hand and took out an ancient fairy boat to carry everyone to the place where the gods were buried.


Just when Mu Jiutian and the others were about to leave, suddenly, a huge roaring sound came from the distant sky.


I saw the void in front of me suddenly torn apart by mighty force, and then a treasure ship with bright fairy light rushed out.

Treasure ship, extremely gorgeous!

At a glance, there is endless immortal light on it, and there are countless rare immortal treasures.

The first time he saw the treasure ship, Lin Wudao had the feeling of meeting a nouveau riche...

call out!

Just as he was looking at it curiously, the gorgeous treasure ship arrived in front of him in an instant.


Two figures walked out of the treasure ship!

But it was two men!

One of them is gorgeously dressed, tall as jade, and has an extraordinary bearing. He exudes a noble temperament all over his body.

Just standing there gives people the amazing feeling of being a young master on the road...

at the same time!

Behind him, there stood a middle-aged man in mysterious clothes with an aura as vast as the ancient world.

It seems that it can hold up the entire world!

"Huangji Immortal Sect, Jiang Tianyin!"

Looking at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of her, Mu Qingyi's beautiful face instantly turned cold.

"Qing Yi, long time no see!"

"I heard that you had an accident in your cultivation, and the golden body of Heavenly Dao collapsed for no reason? Is it because the foundation is not strong?"

"Or maybe you're practicing too fast?"

"don’t worry!"

"I have already gone to my ancestors for you and asked for the Daluo Heaven-Building Pill."

"Not to mention the foundation of the Heavenly Emperor, even if the foundation of the Immortal King is damaged, it can be perfectly repaired in an instant."

Jiang Tianyin hurriedly stepped off the treasure ship and handed a jade box to Mu Qingyi.


When the jade box was opened, boundless bright fairy light surged out like the water of the Milky Way.

It reflects a world!

"The Emperor's Immortal Sect?"

"Daluo Tianbu Dan?"

at this time!

Lin Wudao also set his sights on Jiang Tianyin.

When his eyes glanced at the Da Luo Tian Mending Pill, he couldn't help but feel a slight shock in his heart.

This thing is comparable to the supreme elixir!

As long as the foundation under the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is damaged, it can be perfectly restored after swallowing and refining it.

This thing!

Even if it is placed among the great immortal clan, it is still considered a treasure.


Jiang Tianyin, however, gave Mu Qingyi the Da Luo Tian Mending Pill without hesitation, which shows his thoughtfulness.


Mu Qingyi had just killed himself to become a Heavenly Emperor, he knew it so soon?

Lin Wudao was both surprised and curious.

"Is this Young Master Jiang Mu Qingyi's suitor?"

He asked Mu Jiutian in a low voice.

Hear the words!

Mu Jiutian nodded awkwardly.

"Jiang Tianyin comes from the Huangji Immortal Sect in the Xuanhuang World, and is the son of the current leader."

"Although he is extremely talented, he is not enthusiastic about cultivation. Instead, he likes to travel around the world and make friends with heroes from all over the world."

"Ten years ago, Qing Yi went out for training and met Jiang Tianyin somehow."

"Then, this kid kept pestering me."

"In the past ten years that Qing Yi has been in seclusion, he has come almost every month. It is even said that he has been guarding outside the Mu family."

"Just to wait until Qing Yi..."

Mu Jiutian looked helpless.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that the eldest young master of the Emperor's Immortal Sect is quite infatuated."

he teased.


"This is just his wishful thinking..."

Mu Jiutian shook his head.

Jiang Tianyin only glanced at Lin Wudao's teasing, and then continued to focus on Mu Qingyi.

"Qing Yi, please quickly take this Da Luo Tian Mending Pill. If you need anything else, I will go find it immediately."


Mu Qingyi looked indifferent.

"Mr. Jiang, you are the young master of the Emperor's Immortal Sect. Your status is extremely noble, and your status is even more extraordinary."

"How can a little girl with the beauty of a willow tree dare to reach such high places?"

"Qingyi, I don't..."

"Mr. Jiang, in fact, it was not because of any fundamental problems that caused the collapse of my Heavenly Dao Golden Body."

"I cut off all of this myself!"


Kill yourself to the golden body of the Emperor of Heaven?

Jiang Tianyin's eyes widened.


"Qingyi, you have already begun to embark on the road to becoming an immortal. How can you behead the Emperor of Heaven just because you say you want to kill him?"

"But that's okay!"

"Our Emperor's Immortal Sect has a lot of treasures and elixirs. Since the Heavenly Emperor's cultivation has been cut off, we can just cultivate it again."

"Uncle Moyan, immediately go collect all kinds of magical objects and magical medicines and bring them to the Mu Clan."

Jiang Tianyin ordered to the middle-aged man in black clothes behind him.



Just as Mo Yan was about to leave, Mu Qingyi stopped him.

"Mr. Jiang, I am devoted to the Tao. I really don't deserve this from you. We are completely from two different worlds."

"Why do you waste your energy and time on me?"

Mu Qingyi sighed and said helplessly.

"No, you're worth it!"

"Qingyi, since the first time I saw you, I have decided that you are the one who is my heartbeat in this life."

"It is my biggest pursuit in life!"

"No matter what, I won't give up."

"I am willing to protect you with my life in this life, and even in eternity..."

Jiang Tianyin kept talking about love.

His face is thicker than the world’s barriers!

To this.

Mu Qingyi was also extremely annoyed.


"If you can become a quasi-immortal emperor within a thousand years, I will give you a chance."

"Otherwise, you should give up..."

The words fell!

Before Jiang Tianyin could react, Mu Qingyi drove away with a divine light.

He and everyone were left looking at each other in shock.

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