"Where did this peerless vicious man come from, who dared to kill the quasi-immortal emperor of the other side of the immortal clan?"

"Hiss, it's simply too scary!"

"That was a powerful being at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor, and he was brutally killed in the blink of an eye."

"It seems that Long Qitian will not be able to escape the poisonous hand..."

The creatures around him were talking in their hearts.

The powerful power and cruel methods displayed by Xiao Qinglan frightened them to the extreme.

This must be the top quasi-immortal emperor!

Even in this big Xuanhuang world, he is still the most powerful person at the top.

Think of this!

Everyone looked at Long Qitian with eyes filled with pity and sighs.


After seeing Bai Youluo and Zhao Yan being forcefully suppressed and killed by Xiao Qinglan, Long Qitian was completely in despair.

"Immortal Lord...I..."

He wanted to say something.


Xiao Qinglan didn't give him that chance, and she didn't have the patience.


As soon as Xiao Qinglan thought, Long Qitian didn't even have time to scream, and his whole body instantly turned into blood mist.


His soul was crushed, and the power of his soul turned into a wisp of smoke and merged into Xiao Qinglan's consciousness.


There is also a wisp of mysterious purple energy floating out...


"You are so brave, you dare to snatch the master's original purple energy."

"You even secretly colluded with the space bandits to surround and kill the young master?"

"The immortal tribe on the other side, you have a way to die!"

Xiao Qinglan's eyes were cold.

Behind Ren Woxing, there is the Supreme Being!

If you offend him, you will be in trouble with the Supreme Being.

Not to mention the Immortal Clan on the other side of the Xuanhuang World, even the Immortal Clan on the other side of the universe will be in danger of extinction.

"Immortal Lord, what did Long Qitian do?"

At this time!

Mu Jiutian, Ji Wuya, and Ji Ruyue came to the front and asked hurriedly.

Hear the words.

Xiao Qinglan did not hide anything, and immediately told them all the information found in Long Qitian's soul.

"Oh, how brave you are!"

"This time, let's see how the immortal clan on the other side explains to the Supreme..."

The three of them laughed coldly.

"Xianjun, is the young master okay?"

"Not sure!"

"According to the memory in Long Qitian's soul, this time Lian Daozhen of the Black Sky Bandit brought twenty-two powerful space bandits to surround and kill the young master."

"I hope nothing unexpected happens."

"Otherwise, once the Supreme Being is blamed, not only will the Immortal Clan on the other side suffer disaster, but even a few of us will not be able to escape the blame."

Xiao Qinglan clenched her palms.

this moment!

A strong worry and fear arose in his heart.

Both he and Mu Jiutian were praying crazily in their hearts that Lin Wudao was safe.

Otherwise, no one can withstand the wrath of the Supreme...

"Immortal Lord, what should we do now?"


"We can't enter the place where gods are buried."

"Now, the only thing we can do is wait and hope that the young master is fine."

Xiao Qinglan sighed.

A dragon Qitian pulled them into the water.

"The Immortal Clan on the other side got into big trouble this time..."

Ji Wuya sighed.

"Oh, causing big trouble?"

"Your Excellency wantonly slaughtered my tribe and the geniuses. It seems that you didn't take our Immortal Clan on the other side of the world seriously."

"Xiao Qinglan, you are too presumptuous~"


Just as Ji Wuya and the others were praying secretly, suddenly, a majestic and powerful voice suddenly came from the vast sky.


The void in the chaotic city was torn apart by great force, and a middle-aged man in mysterious clothes with a majestic figure and supreme temperament was reflected in the sky.

Although it is just a projection, the aura revealed is extremely powerful.


Just one glance at Ji Wuya and the others' fairy spirits couldn't help but tremble crazily.

"The top quasi-immortal emperor!"

The three of them were shocked.

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared in front of him was definitely a powerful being from the ninth level of the quasi-immortal emperor.


In addition to him, twelve powerful figures were reflected in the void behind him.

The aura of each one is extremely ancient and extremely powerful.

Not weaker than the man in Xuanyi!

A total of thirteen top quasi-immortal emperors!

This powerful lineup not only shocked Ji Wuya and the others, it also attracted the attention of many ancient beings in the Xuanhuang World.


Between heaven and earth, there are powerful immortal consciousnesses across the sky, and powerful beings have their sights set here.

Look at this scene!

Xiao Qinglan looked calm and her eyes were deep and cold.

"The Immortal Clan on the other side, Nian Daosheng!"

He whispered softly.

Nian Daosheng is the current patriarch of the Immortal Clan on the Other Side in the Xuanhuang World, and is a quasi-immortal emperor with the ninth level of great perfection.

He is one of the most powerful quasi-immortal emperors!


The twelve quasi-immortal emperors behind him are also ancient beings from the ninth heaven.

Each one has lived for at least three epochs...

"Nian Daosheng, do you want to avenge Long Qitian and the others?"

Xiao Qinglan asked lightly.

To this!

Nian Daosheng was noncommittal.

"Xiao Qinglan, you violated the rules of the universe and entered other big worlds without authorization. Aren't you afraid of being punished by the rules?"

"Furthermore, this is the Xuanhuang World, not your Penglai Immortal Clan, so we won't allow you to be presumptuous."

"Don't think that because you claim to be the number one person under the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Clan on the other side is afraid of you."

"You wantonly slaughtered my other side's immortal clan. Shouldn't we be given an explanation for this matter?"

Nian Daosheng looked indifferent.

His quasi-immortal emperor body was reflected in the vast sky, giving people a terrifying feeling of lawlessness.

It seems to have the supreme power to suppress the heaven and the earth!


In response to his question, Xiao Qinglan smiled calmly.

"Oh, explain?"

"Do I need to explain to you, the Immortal Clan on the other side, what I do?"

"If you want revenge, just come here and see if the thirteen quasi-immortal emperors of your other side of the immortal clan can keep me here."


While talking.

Xiao Qinglan's immortal body trembled slightly, and along with the vast and boundless immortal light, three unparalleled immortal bodies appeared in an instant.

The power of the past, the power of the present, and the power of the future are all intertwined crazily behind his back...

The surging Taoist rhyme rose into the sky like a flood.

In an instant!

It shook the entire Xuanhuang world!

"The Third Immortal Body!"

Nian Daosheng narrowed his eyes instantly when he saw the three immortal bodies manifested behind Xiao Qinglan and the supreme aura released.

at the same time!

The ancient beings who were watching in secret also cast extremely fearful glances.

Xiao Qinglan is known as the number one person under the Immortal Emperor!

At the level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, no one in the entire Panshen Universe is his opponent.

Although Nian Daosheng brought twelve powerful top quasi-immortal emperors this time, if he fought with Xiao Qinglan, he would probably fall into the dust.

"Hmph, the courage of an ordinary man!"

"Xiao Qinglan, the strength of one person does not mean the strength of the entire group."

"I will let you know that you, the Penglai Immortal Clan, cannot afford to offend my Immortal Clan on the other side."

"I will report this matter to the Emperor of the Immortal Clan and see how you, the Penglai Immortal Clan, explain..."

Nian Daosheng's voice was extremely cold.

The words fell!

The figures of him and the twelve quasi-immortal emperors disappeared into the void in an instant.

Looking at the direction they were leaving, Xiao Qinglan couldn't help but frown.

He knew that Nian Daosheng must have asked the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan on the other side to take action...

The Xuanhuang World is just a high-level world, and the Immortal Emperor cannot come here.

However, in the original world of the universe, the Immortal Emperor has no scruples.

The Immortal Clan on the other side has at least two Immortal Emperors!

If they go to the Penglai Immortal Clan, it will be difficult to resist them...

All of a sudden!

Xiao Qinglan's brows wrinkled more and more tightly.

call out!

Just when he was worried, Lin Wudao's figure rushed out from the God Burial Ground and came to the front.



"Young Master, just be okay~"

Everyone was relieved to see that Lin Wudao was safe and sound.

"Young Master, the Immortal Clan on the other side..."

"Don't worry, they can't make trouble!"

"You guys stay here for now, and I'll go back to the City of All Heavens first."

"Since the Immortal Clan on the other side wants to ask the Immortal Emperor to intervene, let's play with it."

"Immortal Emperor, we have them too!"

"I want to see whether there are more Immortal Emperors from their Immortal Clan on the other side or from the City of All Heavens."

Lin Wudao sneered.

Say it!

With the help of the power of the Supreme Taoist Talisman, he instantly opened a passage and left the Xuanhuang World.

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