"High Priest, when things have developed to this point, the God of Litian may not end well."

"Should we take action and give him some help?"


A green-robed priest in the crowd broke the silence and asked softly.

For his suggestion, the old man in black clothes sitting cross-legged under the ancient dragon cypress did not respond at all.


"In my opinion, just send troops to destroy the so-called Qingshan Kingdom. Although the God of Litian is at fault, it is not something they can judge and sanction."

"High Priest, I would like to be the vanguard and lead the troops to attack the Shanling Realm."

"You only need to give me one day, and I will definitely be able to destroy the Qingshan Kingdom and capture the God of Qingshan."

At this time.

Following the green-robed priest, another red-robed priest with a hot temper roared angrily.

Arrogant words and arrogant expression!

There is a tendency not to take Qingshan Divine Kingdom seriously...

He is a peerless powerful man who is a quasi-emperor in the ninth level. He is in charge of the three regions and has a truly high and powerful position.

One word!

It can determine the life, death and fate of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Xuantian Divine Dynasty.

As his arrogant voice sounded, the green-clothed priest next to him suddenly frowned.

Others also looked over.

"High Priest, the God of Qingshan comes from the Tushan clan, which is an extremely mysterious and ancient clan."

"Since ancient times, none of the gods enshrined by the Tushan clan are simple."

"We have to act with caution!"

The green-robed priest frowned.

At this point, his voice paused and he continued to speak.

"Furthermore, the God of Litian is an eighth-level god. Even ordinary quasi-emperors in the human world cannot compete with him."

"The God of Qingshan can ignore him, I guess he has strong confidence."

"Before you figure it out, you can't act rashly, otherwise you will ruin the great work of the great master."

"Besides, the war between Xuantian Divine Dynasty and Fusang Divine Dynasty is about to begin, so it is not appropriate to cause unnecessary complications."

"My subordinates feel that we should wait and see what happens, temporarily appease the God of Qingshan, and then make plans after the war."

The green-robed priest suggested.

As soon as he said this, before anyone else could speak, the red-robed priest suddenly became unhappy.

His face began to darken...

"Qingyi, do you mean that our Xuantian Divine Dynasty can't do anything, just a wild god?"

"You are too ambitious for others and destroy your own prestige."

"Are you looking down on us people, or are you questioning the will and majesty of the Great God?"

The black-robed priest asked loudly.

"That was not what I meant!"

"Hmph, then what do you mean? It's obvious that you are greedy for life and afraid of death and don't dare to fight."

"How can a timid person like you be a priest in my temple?"

"High Priest, please give me the order. As long as you say a word, I will immediately lead my troops to destroy the Qingshan Kingdom."


While talking.

The black-robed priest knelt down heavily on the ground, bowed and asked for battle.

"A common man~"

Listening to his words, although the green-robed priest remained calm and calm, he felt extremely contemptuous in his heart.

"It's hard for such an ordinary man's courage to achieve great things!"

"It's really a shame for me to work with them..."

The green-robed priest thought angrily.

He did not refute or respond to the black-robed priest's questions and taunts, but chose to ignore them.

"High Priest, please give me the order. I wish..."


Seeing that he was being ignored, the black-robed priest immediately wanted to fight again, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the old man in black clothes.

Shang Xuan, as the high priest of Xuantian Temple, is also the spokesperson of Xuantian God Meng Ji in the human world.

His decree is the embodiment of the divine power and will of Xuantian God.

No one in the Xuantian Divine Dynasty dares to disobey!

As his voice sounded, the impatient black-robed priest immediately became quiet and honest.

Everyone stood respectfully, not daring to make any move.

"Qingshan Divine Kingdom, wait and see its changes~"

Shang Xuan uttered eight words calmly, and then continued to cast his deep gaze on the light screen in front of him.

at this time.

With the high priest Shang Xuan speaking, even the black-robed priest who danced the most happily did not dare to show any disobedience.


Everyone fell silent and looked at the light curtain.

at this time.

They were all very curious in their hearts as to what kind of conditions the mysterious Green Mountain God would put forward.

And how will the God of Litian respond?

Lin Wudao didn't know what happened on Jiulong Mountain.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes were fixed on the God of Li Tian, ​​with a playful smile on his lips.

No matter what the outcome is, the face of the God of Litian will be lost.

from now on.

He could neither face his own people nor explain to the God of Xuantian.

Lin Wudao also wanted to see how Litian God would react to the conditions he proposed.

In fact!

The God of Litian is also very aware of his current situation, and he is filled with regret.

He shouldn't come to this mountain world.

It’s just that there’s no point regretting it now, it’s already too late…

"What do you want?"


After some struggle and silence, the God of Litian still chose to compromise.

As long as the conditions are not outrageous, he can give it a try and agree to it for the time being.

Hey, I took the bait~

As the God of Litian spoke, the smile on Lin Wudao's lips became stronger in an instant.

"I only need you to agree to three conditions."

"First, your divine envoy Zhao Qinghou, who previously forcibly detained Wu Huan, one of my subjects, did not take this god seriously at all."

"Therefore, my request is that you immediately summon Zhao Qinghou to the Mountain Realm and execute him in front of me."

“Only in this way can the people of God be comforted.”

"Otherwise, if any trash or ant dares to detain the people of this God, how will the majesty of this God exist?"

“From now on, how can the people of this God dare to continue to believe in this God?”

Lin Wudao said indifferently.


Kill Zhao Qinghou in public?

Upon hearing this request, the gloominess on the face of God Litian instantly became darker.

This is clearly a slap in his face!

at the same time.

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, the people of Shanling Realm were filled with excitement.

"The great god is mighty, the great god is domineering!"

"Execute! That damn Zhao Qinghou must be executed and let him die to apologize."

"Those who invade our Qingshan Divine Kingdom will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"Hmph, a mere divine envoy from Litian who dares to detain my temple is so audacious."

The earth-shaking sound resounded throughout the mountains and mausoleums.

Hear the words!

The face of God Li Tian became even more gloomy.

"The second condition is ten pieces of the Great Sage's treasures of imperial quality and above."

"This should be very simple considering the background of your Litian Divine Kingdom."

"The third condition is that except for the Motian God Clan and the Lishan God Clan, the other seven major God Clan must be brought under the rule of this God."

"In addition, this god wants you to leave the Kingdom of Heaven and cede one-third of the land..."


"God of Qingshan, your appetite is too big. Do you really think that this god is easy to bully?"

After hearing Lin Wudao's increasingly outrageous demands, the God of Litian finally couldn't bear his anger and roared.


Waves of powerful divine power suddenly rose into the sky and swept across the mountain world.

at the same time!

His cold eyes were also staring at Lin Wudao, his eyes full of resentment.

To this.

Lin Wudao looked calm and calm.

"Oh, are you angry now?"

"This god's conditions are completely reasonable and reasonable, and they are something you, Li Tianshen, can achieve."

"Since you dare to let the God of Beidou and the others provoke you, why don't you dare to face the consequences of failure?"

The sound of sneers slowly spread from the sky.

All of a sudden!

This made the God of Deli Tian extremely angry.

"God of Qingshan, don't be too arrogant. Even if I can't do anything to you, there is still Great God Xuantian."

"What you do is a recipe for death!"

He threatened in a hateful voice.


Lin Wudao did not accept this trick.

"This is how God always does things!"

"If you have the ability, you can also use your strength to threaten and blackmail me."

"It's a pity that you don't have the strength, the courage, and the qualifications."

"As for the Great God Xuantian behind you, do you think I am really afraid of Him?"

"If He dares to come, it's not certain who will live and who will die..."

at this time.

Lin Wudao's voice also turned cold.

"Without further ado!"

"The God of Litian, I will give you ten breaths of time to consider. Either you accept my conditions, or I will send people to kill you in Litian Kingdom immediately."

"Destroy your kingdom and people!"

"Now, you choose~"

Say it!

Lin Wudao waited patiently.


at the same time.

Countless gazes also fell firmly on the God of Litian...

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