Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 714 Gather the power of the ten gods and become invincible!

"It's not impossible for fellow Taoist to want the entire Nantian Divine Continent, but the prerequisite is that they must help our Xuantian Divine Dynasty to unify the entire Divine Continent."

"By then, the Qingshan Divine Kingdom will occupy one of the five continents!"

"If the Qingshan Divine Kingdom can help my Xuantian Divine Dynasty and destroy the Fusang Divine Dynasty, then I can cede the entire Tianhuang Territory."

"I wonder what you think?"

After some careful consideration, the God of Xuantian raised his head and spoke slowly.

To this!

Lin Wudao also thought for a long time and finally nodded.


"In the war between the Xuantian Divine Dynasty and the Fusang Divine Dynasty, we, the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, can participate in the war."

"However, I have the final say as to how many people will appear."

"But fellow Taoists can rest assured that I will ensure that the Xuantian Dynasty will win the war."

"And, do your best to help the Xuantian Divine Dynasty to unify the Divine Continent."

Lin Wudao said calmly.

Regarding this answer, the God of Xuantian nodded slightly, which seemed to be within the acceptable range.

"In that case, let's make an agreement."

"Swear by the True Spirit Alliance!"

"Today, Mengji, the God of Xuantian, hereby swears an oath to the Taoist Alliance to form an alliance with the Tushan clan's Qingshan God to fight against the Fusang Divine Dynasty."

"This oath will last until the entire land of the Divine Continent is unified!"

"If it is violated, divinity, true spirit, Tao fruit, and the Kingdom of God will all be destroyed..."

A solemn and solemn voice sounded in the temple.

Say it!

The God of Xuantian looked at Lin Wudao.

See this scene.

Lin Wudao also had a serious and solemn expression on his face.

"Today, I, the Tushan Clan's Green Mountain Divine Forest Wudao, hereby swear an oath to the Taoist Alliance to form an alliance with Mengji, the God of Xuantian, to fight against the Fusang Divine Dynasty."

"This oath will last until the entire land of Divine Continent is unified!"

"If it is violated, divinity, true spirit, Tao fruit, and the Kingdom of God will all be destroyed..."

Under the gaze of the God of Xuantian, Lin Wudao also made a solemn oath.


As his voice fell, thunder suddenly surged in the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

Two mysterious divine lights fell from the sky and turned into two mysterious marks, which were integrated into their gods and gods.

"Seal of Heaven?"

Lin Wudao was slightly surprised when he looked at the mark imprinted on the Dao Fruit.

This mark is equivalent to a contract between gods, which can restrict each other's behavior and abide by oaths and promises.

Only in this way can we rest assured...

To this!

Although Lin Wudao was surprised, he didn't worry too much.

If he really wanted to break his oath, how could a mere heavenly mark be able to restrain him?

"Fellow Taoist Qingshan, from now on, we are allies."

"From now on, we must advance and retreat together!"


Lin Wudao smiled and nodded.

"By the way, how long will it take for the war between Xuantian Divine Dynasty and Fusang Divine Dynasty to break out?"

"Well, it still takes some time to prepare."

"As short as three to five months, as long as one year, I will notify my friends when everything is ready."


"When a war breaks out in the future, we, the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, will definitely help us..."

Say it.

The two talked about other things, and then the God of Xuantian took Shang Xuan and others and left the Shanling Realm.

"Great God, I feel that this God of Xuantian is not simple."

"His true form is an ancient dragon cypress, which already existed at the end of the mythical era."

"From the end of the Mythical Era to the present, the world of Shenhuang has gone through many eras, and the God of Xuantian has also survived until now."

"He has cultivated to become a tenth-level god at least nine times, but never once did he choose to become the main god."

"According to my observation, it's not that the God of Xuantian doesn't have the strength to attack the main god, but that he didn't do that for some reason."

"Now, although he is only a tenth-level god, his strength is almost comparable to that of the great emperors in the world."

"Even the Great Emperor cannot shake the God of Xuantian without the Great Emperor's magic weapon."

"He has failed to realize the Lord God nine times in a row. There must be something fishy in this."

"Perhaps, the God of Xuantian is still plotting something secretly..."

Qingshan Temple!

When the God of Xuantian left, Yin Siming told the situation he had learned with surprise and confusion.

Hearing his words, Lin Wudao also nodded slightly.

"You are right, the God of Xuantian does have a very far-reaching plan."

"Besides, you are wrong about one thing."

"The God of Xuantian is not only the god of the Xuantian Dynasty, but also the god of many other forces."

"According to my observation, the God of Xuantian also has his own followers on the nine lands outside of the Divine Continent."

"And they have all become tenth-level gods!"

"Think about it, why did He do this?"


Outside of the Divine Continent, are there nine Xuantian gods?

Tushan Cangyue showed a hint of surprise.

"Great God, you mean...the God of Xuantian wants to gather the power of the ten gods to attack the higher main god position?"


Tushan Cangyue seemed to have thought of something and said in surprise.

Hear the words.

Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

"If nothing else, it should be like this."

"According to His current background, if you attack the Lord God, there is a high chance of success."

"However, in the end, he can only become the most ordinary first-order main god."

"And if we gather the power of the ten major gods to prove the Taoist Divine Dao Fruit in one fell swoop, then after success, we can at least reach the fifth level of the Main God."

"The fifth-level main god corresponds to the tenth level of the great emperor in the human world. It is already the pinnacle existence in the world of gods."

"If you go further up, you will be the Emperor of Heaven!"

"However, with the current status of the Shenhuang World, it is impossible for a Heavenly Emperor to be born."

"Therefore, once the God of Xuantian succeeds, he will reach the sky in one step and become the strongest person in the world."


Fifth level main god?

What a courage!

After hearing Lin Wudao's analysis, Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming were secretly shocked.

"The God of Xuantian is indeed an old monster who has survived from the mythical era. His courage and will are indeed admirable."

Yin Siming praised sincerely.


None of the old monsters are simple.

"Great God, if we help the God of Xuantian to unify the Divine Continent, how should we deal with it if He crosses the river and burns down the bridge?"

Yin Siming suddenly thought of something and asked in a solemn voice.

For profit, anything can happen!


How can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch?

Regarding the huge threat from the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, the God of Xuantian will definitely not be at ease.

Once he unified the Divine Continent, he might turn his gun and suppress their Qingshan Divine Kingdom.

At that time, let alone Nantian Shenzhou, it was difficult to protect itself without strong enough strength.


Regarding Yin Siming's worries, Lin Wudao smiled coldly and didn't take it to heart at all.

"If the God of Xuantian really does that, then I am really looking forward to it."

“If you’re not afraid of Him taking action, you’re just afraid that He won’t take action!”

"What this God wants is more than just a small Southern Sky Divine Continent..."


It turns out that the Great God is also plotting against the God of Xuantian?

Hearing this, Yin Siming's heart was shaken secretly.


None of these big guys are simple, and each of them is deeply and terrifyingly scheming.

If it were another person, he would not know how he died.


"No matter what kind of plan the God of Xuantian has, the foundation is to be strong."

"Next, you must improve your strength as much as possible."

"In addition, the strength of the temple's clergy also seems a bit weak and they are unable to take charge alone."

"Later, this god will give them a powerful method for them to practice."

"Also, the thirty-six great divine clans in the outside world must control them as soon as possible and bring them under the rule of Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"Cang Yue, you can decide these matters yourself..."

Say it!

Lin Wudao restrained all his divine power, causing the temple to fall into silence again.


Seeing that Lin Wudao had left, Tushan Cangyue waved his sleeves and reopened the door of the temple.

Boom, boom, boom!

At this time, Yu Kui strode in.

"Reporting to the high priest, there are Wu Yuanjun, the leader of the Night Demon Clan, and Bei Gongpan, the leader of the Taicang God Clan, asking to see you."

Night Demon Clan?

Taicang Divine Clan?

Hearing this, Tushan Cangyue showed a confused look.

What are they doing at this time...

"Bring it in."



Under the leadership of Yu Kui, Wu Yuanjun and a majestic-looking middle-aged man in black clothes came to the temple.

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