"Sun Holy Emperor!"

"Holy Emperor Futian!"

The Eye of the Avenue swept across it, and Lin Wudao instantly knew the identity and origin of the two phantoms behind Zhen Tianjiao.

According to his understanding, the Sun Holy Emperor was the twenty-second emperor of the human race in the ancient era of the divine world.

The innate Great Sun Taoist body was extremely glorious in its life and once suppressed the world of the gods for eighteen thousand years.

After his death, the Sun Sutra was handed down...

As for the Futian Holy Emperor, he is an even older and more powerful existence than the Sun Holy Emperor.

The era in which he lived was at the end of the most glorious era of mythology for the human race. Throughout his life, he was also extremely glorious and created countless legends.

At the end of the Mythical Era, when the Human Emperor's dominance was declining, Futian Holy Emperor once single-handedly held up the human race in the entire divine world.


Suppress the world for thirty thousand years!

Holy Emperor Futian was elected into the Great Emperor Hall and was one of the most powerful emperors in the history of the human race.

After he passed away, the Futian Emperor Sutra was passed down to the world, and his Taoism was passed down from the Taishi Holy Land.

Later, the ancestors of the Zhen family once traveled to the place where Holy Emperor Futian attained enlightenment. By chance, they saw the projection left by Holy Emperor Futian during the mythical era of the past.

So, draw a portrait of his great emperor!


It is said that he also received a shocking inheritance...

In the Zhen family's catalog of great emperors, Holy Emperor Futian is the number one image of the great emperor.

He is also the most imagined emperor among the descendants of the Zhen family.


at this time!

The divine light behind Zhen Tianjiao was majestic and powerful. Under the reflection of the two holy emperors, his momentum suddenly surged.

From the original eighth-level great saint, he once rose to the tenth-level great saint.

The brilliant power is irresistible!

Seeing the Holy Emperor's Dharma manifested behind him, the surrounding monks and the hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were all shocked.

[According to ancient legend, the Zhen family has an ancient and powerful catalog of great emperors, which depicts many great emperors in the world. You can imagine their methods and bless their great power to yourself. 】

[When I saw it today, it certainly lived up to its reputation! 】

Someone praised.

[The two images of the Holy Emperor seem to be the Holy Emperor of the Sun from the ancient times, and the Holy Emperor Futian from the Mythical Era. 】

[Zhen Tianjiao, alone, actually comprehended the Dharma of two Holy Emperors? He is worthy of being the divine son of the Zhen family! 】

[Hmph, it’s just sensationalism. Even if he manifests the two holy emperors’ dharma, he may not be Ren Woxing’s opponent. 】

[Yes, according to the situation just now, it is impossible to break through the defense...]

[Unless the quasi-emperor of the Zhen family takes action, I think it is impossible for Zhen Tianjiao to change the world. 】

[It has to be said that with the blessing of two holy emperors and the power of a tenth-level great saint, Zhen Tianjiao is indeed an unparalleled genius. 】

In the live broadcast room.

Some well-informed people talked about it one after another.

at this time!

Although Zhen Tianjiao showed the powerful appearance of the Holy Emperor, they were still not optimistic about it.

In fact, it is indeed the case!

After knowing the identities and origins of the two Holy Emperors, Lin Wudao lost interest in Zhen Tianjiao.

"I didn't beat you to death just now, I just wanted to see your Zhen family's imperial catalogue."

"Now that you've seen it, you can hit the road..."

A cold voice came from Lin Wudao's mouth.

Hear the words!

Zhen Tianjiao was furious.

"Let me do it, you are too arrogant."

"Look at my Futian Three Styles~"

He roared ferociously.


After the words fell, Zhen Tianjiao took a sudden step forward and was in front of Lin Wudao in an instant. He raised his hand and punched Lin Wudao hard.


At this moment, there were ten great suns shining behind him, with thousands of rays of light, illuminating the heaven and earth.

That is the dharma power of the Sun Holy Emperor.


The phantom of Holy Emperor Futian also grew taller...

"First move, ascend to heaven!"


The Three Futian Styles are the unparalleled techniques inherited from the ancestors of the Zhen family from the Holy Emperor Futian.

Every move has supreme power.

It is also the famous stunt of the former Holy Emperor Futian, and the way to achieve enlightenment.

When Zhen Tianjiao raised the first move to the sky and performed it, the aura around him rose again, and his combat power was more than ten times stronger than before.

not only that!

Even his physical body and spiritual power seemed to have become stronger.

"It's interesting~"

Seeing Zhen Tianjiao's technique, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

The three methods of enlightenment created by Holy Emperor Futian are indeed very powerful.

According to Lin Wudao's observation, the most important thing about this first move to ascend to heaven is to stimulate the living being's own potential, in order to enhance its own strength.

The stronger one's own potential is, the more powerful the power and power it can unleash will be.

Zhen Tianjiao, as the divine son of the Zhen family, has cultivated to the eighth level of the Great Sage at a young age, so his talent and potential are naturally not weak.

This first move to ascend to heaven also showed great power in his hands.

At this time, he was carrying the two holy emperors' dharma images, as well as the vision of the Sun Holy Emperor, and the Futian Holy Emperor's dharma, and his combat power was extremely powerful.

Even at the level of the tenth-level Great Sage, he is still at the pinnacle of existence.


Zhen Tianjiao was unlucky and met Lin Wudao...

When he punched hard, Lin Wudao didn't dodge or retreat, and punched him in the same way.


The two fists collided together, and the powerful power of the Holy Emperor collided with the power of heaven and earth struck by Qiankun, immediately shaking the void of Taiyi Mountain.

All of a sudden.

With Taiyi Mountain as the center, the surrounding sacred mountains were radiated with power and were forcibly shattered.

The ancestral tombs of the Taiyi God Clan were razed to the ground...

Watch this scene.

The people from the Taiyi Divine Clan who were watching from a distance had their eyes wide open, and their faces were full of fear and sadness.

Their ancestral land has become a battlefield where strong men fight.


As the descendants of the God Clan, they could not stop it.


"Heaven will destroy our Taiyi Divine Clan."

far away.

The patriarch of the Taiyi Divine Clan, Yun Zongheng, looked up to the sky and cried out sadly.

After this war is over, their ancestral graves will be completely destroyed even if they are not dug up by the evil trio.

"I hope the Heavenly Master and the others can kill the evil trio."

"Otherwise, the ancestral tombs and ancestors of my God Clan will be destroyed in vain..."

Ancestor Yuntianji also clenched his fists.

There was sadness and anger in his eyes.


Their biggest wish is that the evil trio die without a burial place.

Only in this way can the anger and hatred in their hearts be vented.


It’s not just the Taiyi God Clan who wants to kill the evil trio?

Zhen Tianjiao also has immense hatred!

"Second style, ascend to the sky!"

"The third form, Futian!"



Seeing that Futian's first move could not help Lin Wudao, Zhen Tianjiao was so angry that he used the second and third moves.

All of a sudden.

Unparalleled power flowed through his body, causing his whole body to swell.

That way!

Once it cannot hold on, it will explode...


After performing the third form of Futian, bursts of sharp explosion sounds came from Zhen Tianjiao's body.

It seemed like the bones all over his body were shattering.

at the same time!

The skin around him also began to burst, and the bright red blood dyed the skirt of his clothes red.

However, even under the overwhelming pressure, Zhen Tianjiao still gritted his teeth and attacked Lin Wudao crazily.

See this scene.

Lin Wudao was not polite to him.

"Very powerful Futian Three Styles!"

"It's a pity that with your physical body and ability, you are still unable to master such a world-famous method."

"If your trump card is limited to this, then you can die..."

Say it!

Lin Wudao stopped quarreling with Zhen Tianjiao and raised his hand to punch Zhen Tianjiao hard.

The reason why he was like this was because he wanted to see the abilities and methods of this divine son of the Zhen family.

Now that he has seen the legendary Futian Three Styles, he has lost interest.


With this punch, Lin Wudao relied on his powerful body to bless the power of the world.

With one punch, the entire void trembled.


The force arrives before the force arrives!

Under that vast and boundless terrifying power, Zhen Tianjiao, who was already at the end of his strength, was naturally vulnerable to a single blow.


All his attacks were shattered by Qiankun's blow. Even the two Holy Emperors behind him could not withstand this momentum and were ruthlessly destroyed.

call out!

Taking this opportunity, Lin Wudao stepped in front of Zhen Tianjiao, raised his hand and punched him hard.


"Third uncle, save me..."

At the critical moment, Zhen Tianjiao could no longer suppress the panic and fear in his heart, and used all his strength to roar loudly.


Any helpers?

Hearing Zhen Tianjiao's plea for help, Lin Wudao felt a slight shiver in his heart.


Without any hesitation, he punched Zhen Tianjiao hard on the neck as quickly as possible.

The extremely powerful force directly shattered Zhen Tianjiao's neck, and a head flew out.

"Shu Zi, you dare to kill me, the divine son of the Zhen family?"

"Die to me!"


Just when Lin Wudao punched Zhen Tianjiao's head away, suddenly, a fierce roar came from the distant sky.


Along with the momentum and power that destroyed the world, an ancient black pagoda tore through the void and slammed into it.

"Quasi-imperial soldier?"

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes...

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