
"Miss Qi, we have never met each other, why did you give me such a great gift?"

"Get up quickly..."

Seeing Qi Qingyu suddenly kneel down in front of him, the crazy Taoist's eyes widened.

Just kneeling down and bowing before us. This way of greeting is too solemn.

at the same time!

Seeing Qi Qingyu's sudden and shocking move, Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu on the side also stared with big eyes.

"Old madman, do you and Miss Qi know each other?"

Qin Daofu asked curiously.

"I do not know."

"This is the first time for me and her to meet each other. We have never had any interactions before."

"Then why did she kneel down to you for no reason?"


Faced with Qin Daofu's questioning, the crazy Taoist was also confused.

"Miss Qi, did you...did you admit the wrong person?"

he asked tentatively.


In response to the crazy Taoist's question, Qi Qingyu shook her head, her body trembling non-stop.

Her beautiful face was filled with intense fear and awe.


"I don't know what's going on. As soon as I saw you, I felt like my blood was out of control."

"Then, he knelt down involuntarily."

"This is the pull of blood. According to my guess, you... you should be the ancestor of my Immortal Imperial Clan."

Qi Qingyu said tremblingly.


Am I your ancestor?

Upon hearing this suddenly, the crazy Taoist's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

Not just him!

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, who were watching from the side, looked at the crazy Taoist with extremely incredible eyes as if they had seen a ghost.

"Old madman, you still said it doesn't matter, people call you ancestor."

"How can anyone in this world recognize their ancestors randomly?"

"Unexpectedly, your roots are actually in this god-forsaken place. Tell me honestly, how many years have you lived to be immortal?"

Qin Daofu joked jokingly.


He also kept looking at the mad Taoist with a strange look.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao was also using his Great Eyes to look back and forth at Mad Taoist and Qi Qingyu.

"Crazy Taoist, your surname should be Qi, right?"

a long time.

Lin Wudao said meaningfully.

"Yes, my surname is Qi."

"However, this surname Qi has nothing to do with the Changsheng Imperial Clan. This is my first time in this damn place."

"Miss Qi, I think you must have recognized the wrong person. How could I be your ancestor?"

"I'm old enough to survive..."

Speaking of which.

The crazy Taoist's voice suddenly stopped, and his expression began to become weird.


He himself didn't know how many years he had lived.

His memory seemed to only include the last twenty years, and he had no impression of anything before.

"Old madman, are you really an ancestor of the Immortal Imperial Clan?"

Seeing the change in the crazy Taoist's expression, Qin Daofu couldn't help but be shocked.

Just now, he was just joking!

"How can it be?"

"Open your dog eyes and take a look. My bloodline and Qi Qingyu's bloodline are completely different."

"How could I be her ancestor?"

The mad Taoist pouted.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu observed each other carefully for a long time and nodded to each other.

The bloodlines of Mad Taoist and Qi Qingyu are indeed different.

"Miss Qi, you really got the wrong person."

"Old Taoist, I can't be your ancestor..."

The mad Taoist said extremely seriously.


Qi Qingyu looked confused.

"It's impossible. The resonance of the bloodline is unmistakable. I have returned to my ancestors nine times in a row, and the bloodline in my body is comparable to the first ancestor of the Immortal Imperial Clan."

"The only ones who can resonate with my bloodline are the ancestors of my Immortal Imperial Clan."

"I may have recognized the wrong person, but blood resonance will never admit it."

"You are definitely the ancestor of my Immortal Imperial Clan, maybe even the founder..."



Hearing her increasingly outrageous words, the crazy Taoist couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Miss Qi, how many years has your Immortal Imperial Clan inherited in total?"

"This...according to the genealogy records of the Imperial Clan, it has been 3.36 million years since the eighteenth ancestor of our Immortal Imperial Clan."

Qi Qingyu replied respectfully.

"Well, that's right."

"The last generation of ancestors of your Immortal Imperial Clan has been around for 3.36 million years."

"If I were your ancestor, I would have lived for at least millions of years."

"But, do you think I have lived for millions of years?"

"If I were your ancestor, I would have become an immortal long ago, and would I still be here?"


"Stop it, you just got the wrong person."

"Although we have the same surname, I cannot be your ancestor, let alone your ancestor."

"I'm still young, old man..."

The crazy Taoist said seriously.

Talking time!

Regardless of Qi Qingyu's reaction, he reached out and pulled her up from the ground.


Qi Qingyu also thought about standing up, but the blood in her body was so heavy that she couldn't move at all.

However, now, when the mad Taoist touched her body, the surging blood power in her body suddenly calmed down.


Qi Qingyu also felt that there seemed to be a mysterious aura and power flowing down his arm and integrating into his blood.

A moment.

There was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

That way.

It seems that as long as she is willing, she can perform the tenth return to her ancestors at any time...


"This is definitely the ancestor of my Immortal Imperial Clan, and only the bloodline resonance of the ancestor can allow me to undergo my tenth transformation."

Qi Qingyu thought silently.

Although the mad Taoist would not admit it even to death, she firmly believed in her heart that this was the ancestor of their Immortal Imperial Clan.

after all!

You can’t go wrong with bloodline!

Although the crazy Taoist was shocked by Qi Qingyu's "misidentification of his ancestors", he didn't take it to heart.


In his subconscious mind, he could not possibly be related to the Immortal Imperial Clan.

They are basically two worlds, and they are even people who have spanned many eras.

There can be no intersection.

the other side!

Although Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu were also very surprised, they did not find clear evidence that the crazy Taoist was related to the Changsheng Imperial Clan.

"Old madman, the Immortal Imperial Clan is an ancient imperial clan that has been inherited for more than three million years. There is a great emperor in the clan."

"Since people recognize you as their ancestor, you might as well admit it."

"In this way, Brother Ren and I can also benefit from the glory of your ancestor, hahaha..."

Qin Daofu continued to tease.


"If you want to be someone else's ancestor so much, then go ahead and be someone else's ancestor. I'm not in the habit of being someone else's ancestor."

The crazy Taoist cursed and cursed.

He felt that from now on, there was another black spot in his life.

"By the way, Miss Qi, you asked me to go to Burial Ground to deliver medicine to the ancestors of your Immortal Imperial Clan."

"Where is your ancestor now?"

Lin Wudao looked at Qi Qingyu.

"Well, the Eighteenth Ancestor has been imprisoned in the Burial Land of the Hundred Thousand Demonic Mountains since the existence of the Land Abandoned by the Gods."

"It has been more than three million years..."


Lived for more than three million years and still not dead?

Lin Wudao was greatly surprised.

Under normal circumstances, the lifespan of an ordinary Emperor is only about a million years.

Being able to live for more than three million years, this ancestor of the Immortal Imperial Clan seems to be extremely extraordinary.

Lin Wudao also wanted to meet such a person.


Just when he was asking Qi Qingyu about the situation of the eighteenth ancestor, suddenly, a huge roar suddenly came from the distant sea of ​​suffering.


In the surprised eyes of several people, an ancient and mysterious black bone boat slowly came from the mist.

Above, there are many powerful figures standing...

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