Tianxiang Tower is located in the center of Sin City!


It is a prosperous city that gathers connections and connections from all over the world. There is an endless stream of cultivators coming and going...

call out!

When Lin Wudao arrived in the spirit boat, he saw an ancient and magnificent nine-story attic.

In the void, there are thousands of spiritual powers that are endless!

If you practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort.


On the contrary, it is very similar to Lingyun Pavilion in Tianyuan Ancient City, and its layout must have been created by the same person.

"Captain, Tianxiang Tower has arrived!"


Lin Wudao responded lightly, and then led Li Zangtian and others out of the spirit boat.

When they came to the gate of Tianxiang Tower, suddenly, a stone pillar reaching the sky fell into their eyes. On top of the stone pillar, a person was firmly tied.

Astonishingly, it was Chen Chunqiu!

Under the stone pillars, there were many monks surrounding them, pointing at Chen Chunqiu one by one, and overwhelming discussions could be heard one after another.

"Hey, this Demon Suppressor is really miserable. Zhao Mang and Han Qingshan were hanged on the city tower. Now, the deputy master of the Demon Hunting Palace is tied up in Tianxiang Tower."

"I heard that Chen Chunqiu was detained because he didn't pay the woman for whoring..."

"Haha, do you believe this?"

"How could the dignified deputy master of the Demon Suppression Division not pay him? Even if he, Chen Chunqiu, is shameless, does the Demon Suppression Division still have no shame? This must be someone deliberately digging a hole."

"Do you think that Commander Lin from the Demon Suppressing Division will come to save people?"

"This...it's hard to say..."

Everyone was talking to each other one by one.

many people.

All filled with schadenfreude!

They didn't know whether Chen Chunqiu gave him any money, and they didn't want to know. At this moment, they just wanted to watch the excitement and wait for the reaction of the Demon Suppressor.

If the Suppressing Demon Division is indifferent, then if such a scandal occurs, the Suppressing Demon Division's reputation will be ruined, and its dignity will inevitably be greatly damaged; if the Suppressing Demon Division comes to redeem people, it will definitely be deceived.

This seems to be a fatal situation!

No matter which one you choose, there is no solution...

"Hmph, it seems that the stage has been set up a long time ago, just waiting for me to sing."

Lin Wudao's eyes were filled with coldness.


At this moment, a loud bell suddenly sounded from Tianxiang Tower.

Immediately afterwards.

A woman in palace clothes with a graceful figure and peerless appearance, carrying all kinds of charm, walked out of Tianxiang Tower and came to the door step by step.

at the same time!

Behind her, there are two old men, one black and one white, whose cultivation has reached the Great Perfection.

"Yu Niang is out~"

"Unexpectedly, Chen Chunqiu, a mere Chen Chunqiu, actually caused Yu Niang to personally interrogate him? What a great honor!"

"I heard that Tianxiang Tower has an extraordinary origin, and there is the support of big forces behind it..."

"This time, Lin Wudao may not dare to come."

"Whether he comes or not, the Demon Suppressor will lose his face!"

It’s not a big deal to watch the fun!


They are all looking forward to Chen Chunqiu's next fate...

"Qi Yuniang?"

Lin Wudao looked indifferent as he looked at the woman in palace attire who came out.

The eyes of the gods swept over, and he had already understood all the information about Qi Yuniang. She actually came from outside the realm of Jiuzhou, and she also had strong strength in the early stage of the Return to True Realm.

In this sinful city, he is considered a strong man!


Lin Wudao didn't take her seriously.

After observing for a moment, he led people over...

at the same time!

Qi Yuniang outside Tianxiang Tower was staring at Chen Chunqiu with a cold look on her face, her eyes full of scrutiny.

"Deputy Palace Master Chen, there is only a quarter of an hour left before the time we agreed on. If you, the Demon Suppressing Division, have not sent the spirit stone by then, then we will have to follow the rules and pay for it with our lives."

The indifferent voice resounded in all directions!

Hear this!

Chen Chunqiu, who was tied to the stone pillar, was shocked!

"Lord Qi, please show mercy."

"It's not that I don't give money, it's really... I don't know what this is all about. It's just an ordinary expense. How can I get 10 million spiritual stones?"

"You guys are obviously..."

"Why, does Deputy Palace Master Chen think that Tianxiang Tower is deliberately setting up a trap to harm you?"

Just as Chen Chunqiu was about to defend himself, Qi Yuniang's cold voice rang out again.


"Hmph, we at Tianxianglou always do things fairly. All consumption is done on a voluntary basis and we never make any demands."

"However, if someone wants to default on their debt, they must follow the rules and pay for it with their life!"

"Deputy Palace Master Chen, you have two options now, either give me 10 million low-grade spiritual stones, or wait until the time has passed and pay for it with your own life."

"You'd better pray that someone will come to save you with money, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what will happen to Lord Qi?"


Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from outside the crowd.

For a moment.

Everyone present walked over in unison...


A very majestic young man, full of majesty and indifference, strode to the front of Tianxiang Tower.

"Lin Wudao? Is he really here?"

Someone made a sound in surprise.

"Oh, are you here to redeem someone? Or..."

"Ten million low-grade spiritual stones is not a small amount. Can the Demon Suppressor handle it?"

"Now, there's something good to watch..."

The onlookers were in high spirits.

Everyone looked at Lin Wudao without blinking, their eyes full of teasing and gloating.


Qi Yuniang also cast her cold eyes on Lin Wudao.

When she glanced at Li Zhantian and others behind her, her brows wrinkled slightly...

She felt the overwhelming fierceness!

those people.

It seems very difficult to mess with!

"Could this be Lin Wudao's confidence?"

She whispered to herself.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shake my head.

She would not even take it seriously if she was in the Tongtian realm...

"You must be Lin Wudao, the new deputy governor of the Demon Suppression Division, right? As the deputy palace master of your Demon Suppression Division, Chen Chunqiu has spent 10 million low-grade spiritual stones in our Tianxiang Tower."

"I wonder if Governor Lin paid this debt for him, or?"


"Chen Chunqiu is my subordinate. He has no money and was detained. Naturally, I will repay the debt on his behalf..."


While speaking, Lin Wudao stretched out his big hand and immediately took out 10 million low-grade spiritual stones and placed them in front of Tianxiang Tower.


Did you actually give money?

Seeing this scene, everyone onlookers were suddenly shocked.


In their subconscious minds, Lin Wudao was definitely going to make a big fuss, and no matter what happened, he would still argue with reason; who would have thought that he would be so cheerful.

Ten million spiritual stones in one move?

Is this paid off?

Everyone was dumbfounded!

This is not the result they expected...


Not only were the onlookers surprised, but Qi Yuniang herself was also extremely surprised.


She had no reason to refuse the spiritual stone that was delivered to her door.


With a gentle wave of her hand, the ten million spirit stones piled on the ground were instantly collected by her.

"Oh, that's it?"

"I thought Lin Wudao was a character, but I didn't expect him to be a coward."

"The Demon Suppressor will always be just a decoration in Sin City!"

"Hey, I really don't dare to let go of a fart..."

There were bursts of disdainful sneers from the crowd.

The overwhelming mockery and contemptuous looks instantly overwhelmed Lin Wudao.


Regarding all this, Lin Wudao always looked indifferent.

"The money has been given, should Mr. Qi let him go?"


"Come here, go and untie Deputy Palace Master Chen..."

Qi Yuniang said with a smile.

call out!

As she finished speaking, an old man in black walked out from behind, and in a flash, he came to Chen Chunqiu and was about to untie the rope.

"The Great Technique of Telegraph!"

The moment the old man in black took action, Lin Wudao used the power of the Stone of Origin to temporarily improve his cultivation to a great level.

Achieved, the Great Perfection!

Immediately afterwards.

Without any hesitation, he directly used the Legilisman Technique on the old man in black.

"Uh, what's going on? I..."

At the moment when the divine power of teleportation came, the old man in black clearly felt that something was wrong.


Before he could react, his consciousness was lost.

"Kill Chen Chunqiu!"


A cold voice sounded from the soul.

Hear the words!

The old man in black didn't hesitate at all, and immediately struck Chen Chunqiu with a fierce palm. Unparalleled power surged out, directly punching through his chest.


The shrill screams rang out, and under the horrified eyes of countless people, Chen Chunqiu's life was extinguished.

Most of his body was blown apart...

"What...is going on?"

"Hiss, that man actually killed Chen Chunqiu?"

"Hasn't Lin Wudao already given money? Why is he still killing people? This is not in line with the rules of Tianxiang Tower..."

"What is Mr. Qi doing?"

Everyone was shocked!

They all looked at Qi Yuniang in the distance with shocked eyes.


At this moment, Qi Yuniang herself also had her eyes widened and was stunned in disbelief.

She didn't give the order to kill Chen Chunqiu at all!

"Bold Tianxianglou, how dare you kill the deputy palace master of my Demon Suppressing Division?"

"Come here, tie up Qi Yuniang and others..."


Just when everyone was shocked, suddenly, a cold roar brought them back to reality.


They just saw Li Zangtian and others next to Lin Wudao, filled with overwhelming ferocious aura, frantically heading towards Qi Yuniang's town to kill them.

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