"The conversion rate of a medium corpse refining furnace of 1% is still too low."

"If you give me a high-quality corpse refining furnace, the speed of cultivation will definitely be faster."

"Also, less bodies are wasted..."

Feeling the changes in his own cultivation, Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

For others, breaking through from the first-level ancient sage to the eighth-level ancient sage in two months is simply a dream.

However, it was still too slow for Lin Wudao.

The point is, a lot is wasted!

[System, when will the level of the Corpse Refining Furnace be upgraded again? 】


[To improve the level of the Corpse Refining Furnace, you have to wait until the system is updated for the third time, or the host has enough luck points. 】

[When will the third update be carried out? If you rely on luck points to upgrade, how much will it cost? 】

[System update, subject to situation! 】

[If nothing else, if nothing else, the third update will not happen until the host transcends the Panshen Universe. 】

[As for upgrading the medium-level corpse refining furnace, the host's luck value is far from meeting the requirements. 】


Hearing this, Lin Wudao could only sigh helplessly.

It is impossible to expect to upgrade the corpse refining furnace to increase the speed of cultivation.

"It seems that we can only use it first."

He sighed.

After tidying up, he walked out of the eighth attic.

After a while!

When Lin Wudao came to the lobby of Jiutian Tower, he saw Xiao Qinglan, Xiong Batian, Mu Jiutian and others talking together.

Mu Jiutian's face seemed a little bad...

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Wudao smiled and walked over.


"I've met the young master!"

"Master is here~"

Seeing Lin Wudao arriving, everyone immediately stood up and greeted him respectfully.

"Let's all sit down and talk."

"By the way, what were you talking about just now, Mu Xianren, you don't seem to look well?"

"Could it be that you encountered some trouble?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.


Looking at the entire Panshen universe, who doesn't know the relationship between Mu Jiutian and him? It's too late to flatter him.

According to this relationship, what problems cannot be solved?

"Sir, it's not my problem, but something happened to that kid Jiang Tianyin."

"We are discussing how to save him..."

Something happened to Jiang Tianyin?

Lin Wudao frowned slightly when he suddenly heard the news.

"What happened to him?"

"Well, according to the news from the Huangji Immortal Sect, it is said that Jiang Tianyin was kidnapped by the Sanguang Demon Thief Group."

"Now, we are asking the Emperor Immortal Sect to redeem people."

Mu Jiutian replied.

Three Light Demon Thieves Group?

As soon as he heard the name, Lin Wudao knew that this must be a gang of space bandits.

"Why did Jiang Tianyin get involved with the space bandits?"

"This kid is very smart in what he does. If there is danger, he shouldn't get involved blindly."

"Besides, after what happened last time, basically some big forces should know that Jiang Tianyin is mine."

"Who are the Three Lights Demon Thieves? How dare they touch my people?"

Lin Wudao was puzzled.

The last incident of the God King's battlefield and the origin of the God Clan caused an uproar and spread almost throughout the Panshen Universe.


Some surrounding universes may also have heard some news.

The Sanguang Demon Thief Group, as a bandit gang that roams the universe, is extremely sensitive to all kinds of information.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for them not to know the relationship between Jiang Tianyin and him.


Now, Jiang Tianyin was kidnapped, which forced Lin Wudao to think about the problem at a deeper level.

"Is it possible that you are here for me?"

He was secretly surprised.

"Sir, the Sanguang Demon Bandit Group is a very powerful and rampant bandit group around the Panshen Universe."

"They pursue a three-prong policy: kill them all, rob them all, and burn them all."

"Basically everywhere we go, there is no grass growing and all living things are dead."

"This time, Jiang Tianyin was kidnapped by the Sanguang Demon Thieves. It seems that they were not kidnapped for him."

"In fact, he was also implicated, bringing disaster to Chiyu."

"As far as I know, Jiang Tianyin has been involved in a bandit gang called the Black Shark Bandits recently."

"Furthermore, this kid got involved with Dugu Chen, the eldest son of the Black Shark Thief Group, and the relationship seems to be pretty good."

"Then, they went to Xiaosha on the ancient planet Yingzhuo. It seems that the eldest son of the Black Shark Thief Group lost money and had no money to pay the bill."

"In the end, he was detained there..."

Mu Jiutian smiled bitterly and explained roughly what happened.

Hear this.

Lin Wudao was also speechless.

"So, Jiang Tianyin suffered an unreasonable disaster?"


"However, this is only a superficial result. After analysis by myself, Immortal Qinglan, and Immortal Tyrant, this matter may not be that simple."

"As you said, young master, after what happened last time, it is impossible for the Sanguang Demon Thieves to not know about the relationship between Jiang Tianyin and you."

"However, they know it clearly but still do this. They must be targeting you, young master."

"Perhaps there is someone behind this who wants to test the young master..."

Mu Jiutian said in a concentrated voice.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao nodded thoughtfully.

He also had this speculation.

"If this is really the case, does that mean there are experts behind the Three Light Demon Thieves Group?"

"Well, at least it is a powerful force at the level of the Ancient Immortal Emperor."

"Sir, do we need to rescue Jiang Tianyin?"


"Now, everyone knows that Jiang Tianyin is mine. There must be many people waiting to see the excitement at this time."

"If I refuse to save my own people, who will dare to follow me in the future?"

"Immortal Qinglan, please contact the Black Shark Thieves first to find out the ins and outs of the matter."

"I'm going to beg the Supreme Being and invite some strong men..."

Say it.

Lin Wudao disappeared in a flash.

"This kid Jiang Tianyin is really lucky."

"When I was kidnapped this time, I happened to meet the young master who came to the City of All Heavens. He will not die now."

"Great fortune means great destiny!"

Mu Jiutian sighed.

It's a good time for Jiang Tianyin.

"Haha, who made that boy the son's God of Wealth?"

"If he dies, who will distribute the wealth to the young master?"

On the side, Xiao Qinglan joked.

"Okay, stop teasing now, let's get down to business."

"The Black Shark Demon Thief Group is not a good thing either. This kid Jiang Tianyin chose the wrong path this time."

"Guess what level of experts the young master can invite?"

"At least you have to be like my ancestor, at the level of the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heaven, right? With the support of the Supreme, being a transcendent person is just a matter of words."

"A transcendent person cannot enter the lower universe!"

"It should still be the Ancient Immortal Emperor, but I guess the number may be a little more..."

While everyone was chatting, they headed towards the great world of Tian Cang of the Penglai Immortal Clan.

the other side!

After some careful consideration, Lin Wudao also came to the fourth heaven again through the authority of the Supreme Tao Talisman.

This time, he did not go to the Mythical Alliance in Xuantian Ancient Land, but went straight to Cangtian Mansion.

"Where is the Lord of Cangtian Palace?"

The majestic and mighty voice spread throughout Cangtian Mansion.

call out!

As the words fell, a bright fairy light descended from the void in the distance and transformed into a middle-aged man in mysterious clothes.

This person is surprisingly the master of Cangtian Mansion, Wei Cangxuan.

"Wei Cangxuan of Cangtian Mansion, pay your respects to the Supreme Being!"

"The Supreme Lord has come, and Cangtian Mansion is far away to welcome you. Please forgive the Supreme Being..."

Wei Cangxuan fell to his knees, trembling.

at this time!

Although he had already cultivated into the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heaven eight epochs ago and condensed the Supreme Immortal Body.

He even broke ten cosmic shackles!

All it takes is one last step to transcend.

However, in front of the Supreme Being, he is still an ant.

Supreme, lying high in the twelve heavens!

beyond his imagination and reach...


Even as a half-step detached person, Wei Cangxuan still did not dare to commit any blasphemy or disobedience.

not to mention!

One of the meanings of the existence of this city of heavens is to serve the Supreme.

"Wei Cangxuan, who is the strongest person in the fourth heaven?"

After a few scans, Lin Wudao asked straight to the point.

“Reporting to the Supreme Being, it’s Emperor Ye Qing!”

"Emperor Ye Qing has practiced for a total of thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty-six years from a mortal to an ancient immortal emperor."

"He was born from the Taixiao Ancient Clan in the Divine Desolate Universe, which is a high-level universe."

"Now, Emperor Ye Qing has opened up the real world. It will take at most another thousand years to achieve transcendence."

"On the fourth level of the City of All Heavens, Emperor Ye Qing is the well-deserved number one powerhouse."

"Eight hundred years ago, he alone once overthrew the three thousand ancient immortal emperors of heaven..."

Emperor Ye Qing?

So awesome?

Listening to Wei Cangxuan's story, Lin Wudao was greatly shocked.

He needed to get to know such an awesome person.

"Go immediately and bring Emperor Ye Qing to Cangtian Mansion."

"Follow the law!"

Wei Cangxuan responded respectfully.


He bowed deeply, then harnessed the fairy light and flew away through the sky. (End of chapter)

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