Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 779: The Emperor joins, and his foundation skyrockets!


"What do you see me doing?"

Seeing Qi Daolin looking at him, the crazy Taoist couldn't help but curled his lips in depression.

"Hehe, you are the ancestor of the Changsheng Imperial Clan. Since the ancestor is here, he will naturally ask for your opinion."

Qin Daofu joked with a smile.

To this!

The mad Taoist glared at him fiercely and ignored him.

"Don't look at me like this. I won't be the ancestor of your Immortal Imperial Clan anyway."

"The affairs of the Immortal Imperial Clan have nothing to do with me."

"As for how to decide, that is your own business."

"However, I think it's pitiful that you have been imprisoned here for millions of years."

"In fact, the great god Qingshan treats his people very well."

"If we can really get rid of the shackles and regain our freedom, it will not be a bad thing for your Immortal Imperial Clan."

"Perhaps, we can also get unexpected blessings..."

The crazy Taoist couldn't help but say.

As soon as he said these words, Qin Daofu immediately attracted a strange look.

"Don't get it wrong. I just see him being imprisoned here and it feels so pitiful, so I just express my sympathy."

"Furthermore, this is just my own idea. As for what they decide, it has nothing to do with me."

The mad Taoist snorted and said.

Say it!

He turned his head to the side, not looking at Qin Daofu's contemptuous eyes at all.

at the same time.

After hearing what the crazy Taoist said, Qi Daolin thought deeply.


He nodded.

"Since the ancestors have agreed, I should abide by it."

"Today, on behalf of the Changsheng Imperial Clan, I am willing to join the Qingshan Divine Kingdom and believe in the Qingshan Great God from now on."

Qi Daolin said with an extremely solemn attitude.

Hear this!

An appreciative smile appeared on Yin Siming's lips.

"Congratulations, you made a wise and wise decision."

"From now on, the Changsheng Imperial Clan is a part of our Qingshan Divine Kingdom. Under the leadership of the Great God, they will surely be extremely glorious in the future."

"Now, let me, on behalf of the Great God, help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering..."

Talking time!

Under the gaze of everyone, Yin Siming gently grasped his hand, and an ancient and mysterious black scepter appeared out of thin air in his hand.

on it.

It seems to be entangled with the breath of destiny and great power.

"The Scepter of Destiny!"

Looking at the ancient scepter that Yin Siming took out, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with a brilliant light.

This thing is the supreme treasure obtained from Yin Si Ming's "Book of Destiny", which can control and command the destiny of heaven.


"This scepter is actually related to destiny? This Yin Si destiny seems to be extremely extraordinary."

"I really underestimated him before..."

not far away.

The mad Taoist glanced at the scepter of destiny and his pupils shrank slightly.


In the dark, he felt a threatening aura on Yin Siming's body.

Especially the Scepter of Destiny in his hand made him a little flustered.

That way.

It seems like he can be judged!

"Yin Si Ming, can actually play with and manipulate fate?"

"This Great Heavenly Master is also a ruthless person..."

at the same time!

Qin Daofu also had a slight fear of Yin Siming in his heart.

Yin Siming didn't pay attention to their thoughts and reactions.

"In my name, I decree that the destiny of this place and the destiny imposed on Qi Daolin are invalid."

"Today, I am allowed to give him his freedom!"

"From now on, your destiny is under the control of God Qingshan!"


Yin Si Ming's majestic voice rang out on the Burying God Mountain.

His words are like a prophecy!


The moment the words fell, a mysterious and unpredictable power immediately blessed Qi Daolin.


In the surprised gazes of Lin Wudao and the other three, the iron chains binding Qi Daolin began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a few breaths.

The iron chains connected to the burial place turned into powder and dust and disappeared into thin air.

The shackles and imprisonment of heaven originally imposed on Qi Daolin completely disappeared.

"Tsk tsk~"


"The Great Heavenly Master has such good tricks..."

Looking at the scene in front of them, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were filled with admiration.

Even Lin Wudao showed appreciation.

The power of fate is truly heaven-defying!

In a word, even heaven and earth will bow their heads.

"Nowadays, Yin Si Ming is only a quasi-emperor, and he can control the destiny of the entire Burial Land. How terrifying will it be if he becomes a great emperor, a heavenly emperor, or even an immortal?"

Think of this.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart.

Yin Siming holds a complete heavenly book, and he is also the first of the nine controllers.

Your future achievements will surely be limitless!

Lin Wudao was very curious as to how far he could go...

"Am I free?"

the other side!

Looking at the lifted chains on his body and the dissipated shackles of heaven, even with Qi Daolin's calm mind, he couldn't help but feel waves.

at the same time.

The eyes looking at Yin Siming were also full of fear.

Controlling the heavens and destiny, and making predictions when he opens his mouth, such means and power are unimaginable even for him.

"It seems that the relationship between the ancestor and the great god Qingshan is extraordinary."

"My Immortal Imperial Clan has been exiled and imprisoned here for more than three million years. Now it is time for us to be freed."

"What's more, this is the decree of the ancestor, and it cannot be violated..."

Qi Daolin thought silently in his heart.


Then, he took a deep breath and half-knelt in front of Yin Siming.

"Thank you, Great Master, for saving my life!"

"From today on, Qi Daolin and the entire Changsheng Imperial Clan are willing to be included in the Qingshan Divine Kingdom, and they will believe in the Qingshan Great God forever and never leave."

"If anyone violates it, he will be punished by heaven and earth!"

He paid his respects with an extremely solemn and firm attitude.

See this.

Yin Siming smiled and nodded, reaching out to help Qi Daolin up.

"We are all our own people, so there is no need to give such a big gift!"

"Now, I have the great god's pity and trust, and I am the great heavenly master of Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"My name is Yin Si Ming!"

"In my temple, there is also the high priest Tushan Cangyue, who is the spokesperson of the great god on earth and is fully responsible for governing and managing all affairs of the kingdom of god."

"Right now, the high priest is in retreat, and I will be in charge of the domestic affairs of God for the time being."

"The Great God has opened the gate to the Burial Heaven Land and the Divine Desolate World. Later, you can follow me to the Mountain Realm to pay homage to the Great God."


Qi Daolin behaved very obediently and respectfully.

As an immortal who has lived for nearly four million years, he has seen all kinds of storms and waves, and can bend and stretch.

Since he chose to join the Qingshan Divine Kingdom and believe in the Qingshan God from now on, he had to correct his mentality and position.

Who you are, what you say, what you do.

Qi Daolin has already mastered these skills...

As for his performance, both Yin Siming and Lin Wudao were extremely impressed.

This is much more pleasing to the eye than those tough bones of the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan.


Qi Daolin was a real Heavenly Emperor three million years ago, and he now has the cultivation level of the Great Emperor at the tenth level.

If you go to the divine world, he will also be the most powerful person at the top.

"Now, our Qingshan Kingdom has three great emperors."

"If Cang Yue proves to be an emperor again, then the four of them will have their foundation and strength rapidly increasing."

"Looking at the imperial clans and Taoist traditions in the entire Divine Desolate World, none of them can compare with our Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"After Cang Yue becomes emperor, he can start to unify the world of the gods..."

Lin Wudao was thinking secretly in his heart.

According to the current foundation and strength of Qingshan Divine Kingdom, it can definitely be regarded as the most powerful force in the divine wilderness world.

He already has a rough plan in mind for the next development.

First conquer the land abandoned by the gods, and then unify the wilderness.

That way!

It won't be long before he can become the Lord God.

Think of this.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a strong sense of expectation in his heart.


A few people chatted for a few words and then left the Burial Sky Mountain...

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