The sunset battlefield is located in the Shiwan Mountains!

call out!

After traveling for most of the day, Lin Wudao and his party finally set foot on the boundary of Shanhai County, and then, without stopping for a moment, rushed straight into Shiwan Mountain.

Due to the opening of the Sunset Battlefield, it almost attracted the attention of the entire Kyushu.


Following many practitioners, they easily found the Sunset Battlefield, which was located on a vast plain in the southeast.

When Lin Wudao and others arrived here, they looked up and saw countless cultivators already standing in the void in all directions...

Huge spiritual boats were suspended in mid-air, exuding a powerful aura.


Especially the three spirit boats at the front are the largest!

"The Great Sun Demon Sect, the Xuantian Sect, and the Tianxin Sword School. Unexpectedly, these three giants in the Kyushu realm have once again appeared together."

"Besides, the lineup is not small!"

"It seems that as giants in the realm of Kyushu, their heritage cannot be underestimated. Even if the leader, sect leader, master, and ancestors have all fallen, they can still dominate Kyushu."

"This time, if there is a chance, maybe we can try another trick..."

Lin Wudao's eyes were filled with fierce light.

The attraction of the sunset battlefield was far greater than he imagined.

This time!

There are still not a few strong men dispatched by the Great Sun Demon Sect, Xuantian Sect, and Tianxin Sword Studio, and each force is led by a strong man from the Myth Realm.

Among them, there are also many heavenly beings, Mahayana people, and strong men who have overcome tribulations.

Thirty-six people in total!

These people, both in terms of talent and basic skills, are among the best. Compared to him, they are countless times better...

"If we throw them all into the corpse refining furnace, even if each of them extracts one ten thousandth of their power, with so many people together, I'm afraid I can break through to the peak of Heaven."

"Even Dzogchen is possible..."

Lin Wudao made secret calculations.


He was already planning in his heart how to kill all the peerless geniuses of the three giants, as well as the mythical powerhouses.

Then, carry out the great work of collecting corpses!


Just when Lin Wudao was immersed in calculations and couldn't extricate himself.


Thousands of thunders suddenly sounded in the vast sky, and then, a mysterious force seemed to come, tearing a hole in the void under the excited eyes of countless people.

That hole is getting bigger and bigger!


It evolved into a huge portal that connects the sky and the earth...




In the portal, there is a breath of time that seems to be from the ancient times, surging out violently.

at the same time.

When the portals condensed, there seemed to be a faint shout of killing between heaven and earth, and from time to time there were violent collisions of weapons.

Waves of terrifying murderous intent surged out like a mighty river.

Let the world be filled with chills!

"The sunset battlefield is open~"

Everyone’s spirits were lifted!


At this moment, almost everyone's eyes burst out with a bright light, and their faces were full of strong yearning.

"According to ancient legend, this sunset battlefield was a paradise in ancient times, and later became the ancestral land of several peerless sects."

"During this period, there are many opportunities and fortunes!"

"Especially, in the sunset battlefield, there is a dragon-changing pond built by the ancient great supernatural powers. It absorbs the essence of heaven and earth and has boundless creation."

"As long as a creature under the mythical realm steps into the Dragon Transformation Pond, it can cleanse itself and achieve a huge improvement in cultivation..."

"I heard that there was once a powerful man who was perfect in heaven and man. He washed himself in the Dragon Transformation Pond. After he came out, he immediately broke the shackles and rose to the level of myth."

There were sounds of longing among the people nearby.

Hualong Pond?

Can you improve your cultivation level?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with light.

"If this is the case, you must go and see the Hualong Pond..."

He was very excited!


As if he noticed the change in Lin Wudao's expression, Master Qing Ming on the side couldn't help but have a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Fan, I advise you not to think about the Hualong Pond."

"You have no chance at all..."


As soon as these words came out, not only Lin Wudao was surprised, but Tu Qianqiu and Chu Kuangren next to him both looked puzzled.

"Why no chance?"

Madman Chu frowned.

Hear the words!

Master Qingming looked at him with a calm expression.

"The Sunset Battlefield is only opened once every hundred years. The Hualong Pond in it has long become the exclusive place of the Great Sun Demon Sect, Xuantian Sect, and Tianxin Sword School."

"Every time it is opened, the three major forces will bring their most outstanding disciples and disciples, and use the essence of heaven and earth in the dragon pond to improve their cultivation and strength."

"Outsiders can't get a share of the pie!"

"Unless you can suppress all the mythological overhauls of the three major forces, otherwise it is just nonsense..."


Mythology overhaul?

Hearing Master Qingming's words, Tu Qianqiu and Chu Kuangren shook their heads, and instantly gave up the idea of ​​going to Hualong Pond.

They have just returned to the Great Perfection, and are thousands of miles away from the realm of myth. Even if they are 10,000 times stronger, there is no hope.

"This is too overbearing~"

Tu Qianqiu muttered softly.

"Oh, if your Seven Kills Alliance also has the powerful background and power of the Great Sun Demon Sect, Xuantian Sect, Tianxin Sword School, etc., you can also be so domineering."

"This world is inherently unfair!"

"The vast majority of resources are in the hands of the strongest, and ordinary people can only share the leftovers."

"Therefore, this also creates the cruel reality that the strong are always strong and the weak are always weak..."

Speaking of which.

Master Qingming was filled with emotion.

In his words, there is not only a longing for great power, as well as those great figures and geniuses, but also a sadness and helplessness for a weak life.

"Since Hualong Pond has no chance with us, let's go fight for the Purple Qi of Taichu."

"There won't be many people fighting for this thing, right?"

Kuangren Chu suddenly spoke.


"The Taichu Treasure Map in my hand is the only one, and it is also the certificate to open the Taichu Formation. Apart from a few of us, no one else should know about it."

"However, the sunset battlefield is full of crises, and we must deal with it carefully..."

Master Qingming said in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Tu Qianqiu and Chu Kuangren were both greatly relieved.

As long as no one competes with them!

With their weak cultivation, if there were still people fighting for it, they would be killed in an instant in this sunset battlefield.

"When will we enter the sunset battlefield?"

At this time.

Lin Wudao, who was silent, spoke.

"Wait a little longer!"

"We'll wait until everyone from the three giants has left before we go in..."


As soon as Master Qingming finished speaking, a majestic figure suddenly blocked the gate of Sunset Battlefield.

The whole body exudes a monstrous aura!

Nan Batian?

Looking at that person, Lin Wudao was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that this guy would appear in front of him again.

"I saved your life before, but I'm afraid you won't be so lucky this time..."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Nan Batian didn't know Lin Wudao's murderous intention.


After blocking the door, he immediately released the powerful aura of the Great Perfection of Heaven and Man, and then, his murderous eyes swept across all directions in an instant.

"No one is allowed to enter the Sunset Battlefield for ten days!"

A domineering voice swept through the surrounding area.


Still have to wait ten days?

As soon as these words came out, a huge uproar suddenly broke out in the crowd...


"Fuck, the Sunset Battlefield doesn't belong to your family, the Great Sun Demon Sect, so why don't you let us in?"

"Even if you three major forces want to dominate Hualong Pond, you can't be so unreasonable, right?"

"It's just too much!"

"Nan Batian is like a dog, I curse you to die a good death..."

There was an overwhelming sound of curses from the crowd.

See this scene!

Nan Batian didn't say anything nonsense and directly raised his hand to suppress it with a punch.


The powerful power of the Great Perfection of Heaven and Man fell and directly punched through the crowd, leaving bones on the ground and blood splashing all over the sky.

"Who else is dissatisfied now?"

The ferocious voice spread in all directions!

See this.

Everyone was afraid of it. Even if their hearts were filled with anger and dissatisfaction, they did not dare to express it...

"Huh, what a bunch of bastards!"

Nan Batian cursed.

He didn't pay any attention to these ants present.

Say it.

He was about to greet the disciples of the Great Sun Demon Cult and begin to enter the sunset battlefield.


Just as he turned around, suddenly, a terrifying big hand, packed with overwhelming power, suppressed it with incomparable ferocity...

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