The swirling world in front of him gradually became clearer, the bright luster faded, and Xiao Xian and Emperor Kangxi stood in front of a farmhouse in an old society.

The night was infested, and the candles burned in the room, and the dim candlelight caressed the simple furnishings of the house.

The curtain at the door was slightly lifted, leaking out two gray-haired old men, staring at a young man with a bag not far away.

The young man was dressed in a light yellow military uniform, with a pair of cloth shoes with mille-feuille soles under his feet, and the calves of his trousers were tightly wrapped around the strips of cloth.

The most eye-catching thing is the two words "August 1st" tattooed on the sleeve arm!

At this time, all the people watching the live broadcast seemed to realize what era this was.

The island country invaded the land of China, that most humiliating era!

The world was quiet, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was pitiful at the moment, and everyone seemed to be waiting for something.


the live broadcast, the young man turned around, he looked at the old faces of his elderly parents, and his father seemed to have forgotten to smoke a dry cigarette in his mouth.

The mother raised her hand, her wrinkled and sallow face twitched slightly, and tears slid gently down her slightly sunken eyes with indescribable reluctance.

The old hands wanted to call the boy back, but they stopped in an instant when they moved, and turned into waving outward.

"Son, go!!" The

father took a heavy puff of dry tobacco, his brows furrowed tightly, he didn't speak, and his expression didn't change much, but he only took two puffs of dry tobacco in his mouth... The

boy knelt lightly on the ground, his head slammed down, he smelled the smell of the earth on the ground, and tears fell like hot magma.

The iron hooves of the enemy trampled on this heavy land he loved so much, and the vicious roar and laughter of the enemy could be heard in his ears.

The father

put his arm around his mother and watched the child gradually walk away and disappear into the night, and in the darkness, only the humble room was emitting a faint light, outlining two older figures...

In an instant, the picture is divided into countless parts, and the huge space is filled with small spaces one after another.

The pictures presented in those spaces are those of sons and daughters with firm eyes, walking in all directions

! Some have crossed the jungle, some have passed through the snow-capped mountains, and some have crossed thousands of miles!

The pictures are constantly transposed, as if they have been reordered, and suddenly, they are centered on the space where the young man was just now.

All the directions they traveled became a long, straight line!

They were walking in the same direction, and finally they converged at one point.

And in front of them, there is an enemy like jackals

! The sons and daughters picked up the rudimentary weapons in their hands, and compared with the high-end equipment of the enemy armed to the teeth, they were very shabby

! But so what?


Suddenly, the sound exploded in space like thunder, and the world that had been calm for a long time boiled in an instant!

Bright red national flags filled every layer of the barrage!

They kept refreshing, and the speed formed a red polar shadow.

And in the blurry picture of the rapid scrolling of the barrage, a more bright red flag slowly emerged, which was so beautiful...

Emperor Kangxi's eyes were gloomy, and he asked, "What are you showing me?"

Xiao Xian said softly: "Your Majesty, what the younger generation will show you is not how powerful China will be in the future, nor how prosperous the descendants of future generations will be.

The gift I give you is the backbone of my Chinese sons and daughters!

" "Bang!"

In the conference room, Su Yunhang had tears in his eyes, and the cup he had held all night in his hand still didn't keep it, and it fell to pieces.

"That's good!" Wu

Xuan clutched his chest tightly, his eyes were already a little swollen, he didn't know what to say, he just stared at the picture tightly.

Zhang Mingyu stared at the data, the comments and likes skyrocketed instantly, rising in a straight line, and the data channel was already fully loaded, and it was about to collapse.

"This kid... Another miracle!"

Xiao Xian looked at Emperor Kangxi, and Emperor Kangxi was also looking at him.

"Can you talk to me?"

Xiao Xian turned to walk, his back gradually fading, but the voice came.

"Long years, the backbone of the sons and daughters of China, please taste it well, in later generations of China, there is no racial distinction, only fifty-six brothers and sisters, we are a family!!"

Emperor Kangxi is the king of feudal society and has inherited the ancestral teachings of too many ancestors.

Suddenly, he seemed to react to something.

"That is to say..."

Xiao Xian turned around, his figure was dim, his smile was bright, and he said, "The world is the same!" Emperor

Kangxi suddenly took two steps back, he knew that this was the trend, and the trend of the times created the backbone of future generations!

It's my pattern that is a little small!

" Emperor Kangxi's eyes were full of flashiness, and then he laughed, looked at Xiao Xian's back and shouted: "Xiao Xian, I accept this backbone!"

He picked up the battle flag on the ground and waved it vigorously.

"Thank you for giving you a dream today, I will practice it for you in the name of the backbone of future generations in China!" The

whole picture instantly converges on a line, Xiao Xian gradually dims in a piece of light, and in the dark starlight, Emperor Kangxi waved the battle flag, there were war drums shaking the nine skies, and thousands of troops and horses galloping behind him!

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