The golden light gradually converged, retracted to Xiao Xian's feet, and followed his steps, little by little, to the door that sealed history.

He slowly pressed his hands against the heavy door, groaned slightly, and pushed it open.

In an instant, a bright light appeared and covered the whole world.

A huge time clock volley appeared in front of Xiao Xian, and a pair of slender fingers appeared on the hands that turned in time, and gently flicked them in the opposite direction.

Heaven and earth rotate, the sun and the moon sink, the mountains and rivers regress, and the world is constantly changing and exchanging in the long river.

In an instant, the bronze cranes in the corridor are independent, and rows of birds and beasts hang their heads and spread their wings, accompanied by clouds, as if they want to travel thousands of miles.

The cyan columns, the purple cloud top, the stone bricks are heavy, and the rows are arranged in a pattern with regulations.

Time and space gradually calmed down between the distortions, and the hands on the giant watch stopped at the sound of the sound, shattering with a bang, and a new world exploded.

Heavy snow covers the sky in the north, but between the ice and snow, the whole world seems to be in a furnace.

The picture scroll in the distance was scorched open by a layer of fire, and when you look closely, it turns out that it is not fire, but hot blood and gas burning the sky.

Below, boundless hard labor marches along with neat slogans.

Between the smoke and snow, the cold world is evaporated by a layer of scorching heat.

Countless stone bricks are connected in the same place, and the barrier they build is like an ancestral dragon that extends infinitely and is boundless.

On top of a stone tower not far away, a man standing on the top of the sky is standing, overlooking the picture below.

The man was dressed in a black gown, embroidered with two crane shrines, with twelve crests on the side, and a six-inch crown talisman.

The robes are very exquisite, purple and black, intertwined and interdependent, and each other has a mutual look.

In the thirty-third year of Qin Shi Huang, in 214 BC, after more than 2,000 years, I saw the superb style of the first emperor.

The background is full of snow, mountains and rivers are hidden, and it goes straight up to the sky!

This picture is not like the mortal world, and under the ethereal fairyland is a boundless purgatory.

35 million people were online at the same time in the live broadcast room, and the barrage exploded.

"Nima, this is the same as the first emperor in my fantasy, this temperament and this

look, this is the real emperor of the ages!" "I grass his uncle, when I look at the picture, I will be numb, the background composition is simply a stroke of genius, any special effects movie compared with the current picture, it is simply scum can not be scum, this is the restoration of God

!" "Repair the Great Wall? The First Emperor has grown in my aesthetics, so handsome!"

"What about my virtuous brother???"

In the conference room, Su Yunhang's expression was excited, where did Xiao Xian find this old actor?

Qin Shihuang just stood there quietly, without speaking or moving, he could feel a burst of depression in his heart.

The sense of oppression is so strong, it can be intimidating through the screen!

A voice came from the ear at this time, it was Zhang Mingyu, "Boss, are you sure that you only give Xiao Xian 80 million funds?"

Su Yunhang knew what he meant, and said directly: "The entrance special effects picture, plus the prelude vocal chorus, and the thousand-scroll map of the Great Wall at a glance in front of me, the funds I give may not be enough..."

At this time, he was also confused, this special effect is too expensive, the investment is too big, I really don't know where Xiao Xian found the special effects team, and Hollywood movies won't play like this.

"I always feel like there's something else going on here?" Zhang Mingyu's voice was full of surprise.

It's only been a few days, and such a powerful macro scene, without any preliminary preparation, and he hasn't heard any rumors, just made it out?

It still takes time, and with the unified blessing of technology, Xiao Xian is simply beyond all his current cognition.

"Do a good job, after the live broadcast, ask well.

"Okay..." Zhang Mingyu looked shocked and puzzled, and refocused his gaze on the huge display screen.

Xiao Xian, you are becoming more and more mysterious.

In the live broadcast screen, Xiao Xian walked into the stone tower from the snow, standing side by side with King Qin, overlooking the obvious separation between the bottom and the top.

Hard labor, no matter what the era, is the most humble status.

The Great Wall is being built here, and at every moment, there are terrible voices sounding, accompanied by the wailing of resentful souls.

The First Emperor didn't seem to notice Xiao Xian, and Xiao Xian didn't take the initiative to speak.

The two of them quietly looked at the earth below, another layer of the world shrouded in a layer of blood-colored light.

Finally, the First Emperor glanced sideways at Xiao Xian, who took a half step back and saluted respectfully, with a respectful face.

"Widow is curious, there are ten thousand army generals under the tower peak, and the other side is backed by the endless cliff, how did you come up as an assassin?"

Xiao Xian smiled and responded: "Junior Xiao Xian, from the next two thousand years, meet Your Majesty!" "

Two thousand years?" The First Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then looked up to the sky and laughed, which shook the four fields, alarming the patrol army below.

The bloody aura on the iron horse seemed to be smellable through the screen, and the leading general's expression changed greatly when he looked at the direction of the tower.

"Assassin, the king is in trouble!"

the horses neighed as they galloped through the snow, and the countless winds could not stop them.

"Stand down!" The

First Emperor looked at the army below, and said lightly, his eyes were calm, containing the unparalleled imperial domineering, and in the domineering, there was also unimaginable tyrannical killing.

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