At this moment, the entire media industry is broadcasting Xiao Xian's live broadcast, and in the era of self-media, the transmission of information is the fastest.

Xiao Xian has just started the live broadcast for less than half an hour, and there are hundreds of millions of records of various sharing and broadcasting on the Internet.

Within Tianhua Entertainment Company, Zhang Mingyu picked up the microphone a little nervously and opened an exclusive channel.

"Boss, Tianhua Entertainment APP suddenly flowed into a large amount of traffic, all of which were transferred from the major short video APPs, as well as the major web URLs, in the form of search, cross-platform transfer, our APP does not have third-party channel permissions, the current load is very serious, and if it continues, it is likely to cause the APP connection to be interrupted, and the live broadcast will stop at that time!" Su

Yunhang rubbed his eyebrows, with a helpless face.

The last live broadcast was that the fan channel almost collapsed, and this time they strengthened the channel, but the live broadcast was reprinted in the major short video apps and web URLs in the form of targeted traffic.

They don't have the permission to open the online live broadcast channel, and the traffic that flows in later is to watch the live broadcast in a cross-platform way.

Wu Xuan frowned, a little speechless, and said, "This little guy has given us another headache."

Su Yunhang was silent for a while, his eyes flashed with a gleam, and said: "Wu Xuan, the planning department will immediately release a message on Tianhua's official account and open the permission of live broadcast channels for major short videos."

But we need to take over all the internal operating systems and let them take control.

Second, the Tianhua entertainment app software can be downloaded through the URLs of major websites and short video advertisements

!" Wu Xuan was surprised: "Free?"


!" "But in this way, our profit will definitely be much less!"

I can't care so much, this live broadcast can't fail, the interests that should be given up still have to be abandoned, and we may have to pay some price for the next meal advertisement, but, under the temptation of such a huge amount of traffic, that group of guys probably won't sit on the ground and raise the price

!" "Your courage is too big!" Wu Xuan clutched his chest in shock.

Once this is done tonight, Tianhua Entertainment Company will be open to the whole network, and their work is like walking a tightrope, and the slightest carelessness will fall into a cliff.

"Boss, you have to think about it, with those people in the technical department, you can't intercept the hackers of the whole network, once Tianhua Entertainment is open to the whole network, our network firewall will definitely be the most vulnerable one, like a bright light in the lotus leaf, it will be attacked by all people with ill intentions!"

No company dares to cover its own local area network on top of the entire network.

That's just playing with your life.

"I still know a few people in the technical department, and they can last for half an hour, and the live broadcast will be over by then!" Su Yunhang said sullenly.

He also knew that he was full of danger in doing so, and it was not possible that the core technical data of the entire Tianhua Entertainment Company would flow out through the network.

But the live broadcast can't be stopped or interrupted.

He wants to create the best live broadcast environment for Xiao Xian!

"Boss... Xiao Xian, this kid is indeed talented, and this live broadcast is also very popular, but after all, it is just a live broadcast, compared to our company, I don't think we need to take such a big risk at all!"

Su Yunhang suddenly said meaningfully: "Wu Xuan, you are also an old planner, you have been in the media industry for so many years, don't you even have such a keen sense of smell?"


What do you mean?" "This is no longer just an ordinary live broadcast, do you dare to think that Xiao Xian's live broadcast history is an entertainment live broadcast?" Normally speaking, almost all of this type of programs are made by CCTV and belong to official channels, which hacker have you ever seen dare to attack the official Internet in Kyoto?"

Wu Xuan was a little incomprehensible, but obviously realized something, "What do you mean..."

Wait a minute, I'll contact the central station in person, go and do your business, you don't have to worry about it here!".

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