In the live broadcast room, Xiao Xian looked at the side face of the First Emperor fixedly.

Standing with his hands in his hands, his back against the half-scroll of broken rivers and mountains, Diwei did not move at will and slowly dispersed.

For the destruction of the Qin Dynasty, there was no sadness in the eyes of this emperor.

What he cared about was actually the Xiongnu in the north, and it turned out to be the tens of thousands of people under the territory of the Qin Dynasty.

With a vast mind, what kind of wisdom can be used to refine such a grand and graceful thought.

Xiao Xian's chest was hot, and he did not answer the words of the First Emperor directly.

Instead, he slowly stated a piece of Yingzheng's autobiography.

"The first emperor was in power, his life was full of ups and downs, and he returned to the Qin Empire at the age of nine. "

At the age of thirteen, he succeeded to the throne

at the age of thirteen!" "At the age of sixteen, he broke through the Han State, collected the thirteen royal cities, and three years later, he became a pro-government, and at the age of twenty-three, he pacified a generation of powerful ministers Lü Buwei

!" "At the age of thirty-two, he destroyed the Zhao State with heavy riding iron armor, and set the plains on fire with a beacon fire, and a year later, after destroying the Wei State and unifying the Chu State for another three years, the Qin Dynasty was upright and prosperous, and swallowed Yan and destroyed Qi!"

The life of the first emperor was full of tyranny, cruelty, cold-bloodedness, and the hegemony of the Qin Dynasty, and the bones of countless dead souls were piled up below.

"The people of the world scold you, fear you, and insult you, however, you still follow your own plan, step by step, and gradually unify the chaotic territory

of the world!" "The affairs of the Northern Xiongnu are the affairs of the world, not the affairs of your government, and the times will turn everything that does not pay attention to morality and rules into dust!"

Xiao Xian exhaled deeply and said: " Your Majesty, you have fought all your life, you have been scolded all your life, and even after 2,000 years in later generations, there are still people who criticize what you have done. "

Look!" Xiao

Xian stretched out his hand, and a huge clock appeared in the sky above the broken Qi Kingdom, symbolizing time.

At this time, he seemed to have the ability to manipulate time and space, and the dial gradually advanced with the movement of his hand.

It's like passing on layer after layer of world.

Finally, pause at the previous Great Wall, on top of the tower.

Emperor Qin was dizzy, he had never seen this kind of technique, like the hand of a god.

"Northern Xiongnu, isn't this your solution?" The

First Emperor was suddenly stunned, and looked at the Great Wall below, countless hard laborers were still working below, and the wind and snow fell on the city corner.

The picture is poignant, but full of cruelty.

"The Great Wall, is the way?" the First Emperor Yingzheng said in a daze, the power of the Xiongnu is not something that can be resisted by a simple city.

The immortality of that ethnic group has always been a major hidden danger in his Yingzheng heart.

The land of Qin is still turbulent, like duckweed on the sea, ethereal and uncertain.

The Xiongnu is a sharp knife, a knife that can pierce the heart of his Qin State!

Xiao Xian shook his head slowly, looked at the stunned face of the First Emperor, and said: "Your Majesty, the Great Wall is not a direct way to resist the Xiongnu, your Great Wall is to build the world!" Suddenly

, the First Emperor turned his head to look at Xiao Xian, this was the first time he looked directly at Xiao Xian, the flames in his pupils were burning, and there seemed to be something in his chest that wanted to break through the ground.

"You... You...... How do you know?"

The conversation between the two people was full of strangeness, and they were a little incomprehensible inside and outside the live broadcast room.

Xiao Xian continued to laugh and said, "Your Majesty, under the Great Wall are hard laborers, and their lives are difficult, but each of them is a death row prisoner, right?"

He looked at the world in the wind and snow, and the hardest and most tiring work was done by these people.

The soldiers patrolling around them were extremely cruel to them, whipping and scolding.

However, there was another group of people, and the army was kind to them, and there are records of this in the history books.

But in the afterlife, few people want to believe it.

Xiao Xian walked with his hands in his hands, came to King Qin's side, and stood side by side with him.

He said lightly: "Most of the people who built the Great Wall are death row prisoners, but for the people, I see the degree of your forgiveness, and they also see it.


Xiao Xian said with a smile: "Your Majesty, in the next two thousand years, Huaxia will still be there, and the true meaning of your unification of the Six Kingdoms will continue for two thousand years

, and it will be prosperous endlessly! The inheritance you have guarded is still as bright as a pearl!" The

First Emperor suddenly froze, was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly burst into laughter, laughing with his waist in his arms, holding his belly and laughing, and tears of laughter came out...

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