This time, the live broadcast was not as hasty as the first one, and everyone was well prepared.

Su Yunhang sat in the conference room all night, holding the home microphone and controlling the overall situation.

At this time, on the major Internet, all the information about the collection of China was overwhelming.

Some senior investment bigwigs don't know how many phone calls they have made to Su Yunhang during this time.

But Lao Su only replied, I want to ask Xiao Xian.

It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening, and Tianhua Entertainment Company was still brightly lit, and there was no sign of getting off work.

The end of the live broadcast does not mean that the follow-up work can be completed.

Xiao Xian doesn't let some specific advertisements and sponsorships appear in the live broadcast, so these things can only be put in the back.

And most of them are put on the Internet in the form of short videos.

On the Tianhua Entertainment app, the status bar of the homepage is already full of products.

Wu Xuan was busy with the staff of the Ministry of Information at this time.

And Zhang Mingyu also received a call at this time, from Kyoto.

Three minutes later, he hung up the phone with a serious expression, and without much hesitation, he immediately ran to the conference room.

Su Yunhang listened to Zhang Mingyu's words, his face changed again and again, from initial surprise to shock, and then slowly recovered his plain look.

"The School of Historical Studies would like to get in touch with Xiao Xian?" asked Su Yunhang.

The School of Historical Research is under the government, and Tianhua is an entertainment company, and has never been involved in this business.

"That's right, that person is the head of the School of Historical Research, Shen Changming, mainly his teacher, who wants to meet Xiao Xian. "

How do they know that the column of the collection of Huaxia was planned

by Xiao Xian?" "I said it on the phone, there are not many aspects of this show that we have reached out, and they have all thrown it directly on Xiao Xian, and the profession hosted by Xiao Xian, old historical researchers like them can see some clues, so it is not difficult to guess"

As he spoke, Su Yunhang's phone rang.

As soon as he saw it, his hands trembled at that time, Yangtai's.

After connecting, a yin and yang voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I said, Old Su, are you sincere and can't get along with me

?" "Director Murong, what are you talking about?" Su Yunhang immediately smiled.

Zhang Mingyu is a little blinded at the moment, the director of the official channel of Kyoto, Murong Zhongchao.

"CCTV's prime-time program is about national culture, this program lasts for an hour and a half, hosted by our popular Xiaohuadan, with an investment of 20 million in each episode, but the traffic has gone to your Tianhua, "Collection of China" directly beat the "Glorious Shenzhou" produced by me personally!"

Speaking of this, Murong Zhongchao was furious.

"Glorious China", officially broadcast at 8:30 p.m. in prime time, half an hour earlier than "Collection of China".

At the beginning, the traffic was very good, and the number of people online at the same time exceeded 8 million.

After all, this is a program broadcast by official channels, and the traffic will not be bad.

However, after 9 o'clock in the evening, the traffic directly lost more than 6 million, which disappeared in an instant.

CCTV live broadcast is an official channel, when have you experienced such a strange thing?

The key is that the barrage is frantically swiping the screen: Brothers, "Collection of China" has been broadcast live, withdraw

! What about the formation, be regular, and get up

! CCTV Dad, I'll go next door first, don't be angry

! This is special!! I almost vomited blood from Murong Zhong's anger!

This is the

sophistication of the broadcast!

Immediately, a big leader called him to ask what was going on?

His first reaction at that time was to be blinded, he didn't know anything, and later someone told him that it was related to Tianhua Entertainment Company, and the traffic was here.

"Master Tai, it's not my fault, and I can't decide the direction of the traffic!" Su

Yunhang's smile was bright, and his speech was a little flat and fluttering.

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