There are some things that don't need to be said, just a few words.

After Xiao Xian's previous evaluation, he didn't say anything more, and it wasn't too good to say too much, after all, it had something to do with his subjective speculation.

However, who can deny that this is false?

In this world, except for him, Xiao Xian, who can determine the truth or falsehood, I am afraid that no one in the world is qualified to be more authoritative than what he said.

Because he is the one who really came into contact with the First Emperor!

Seeing that Xiao Xian was no longer talking, Shen Changming wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and immediately put away the recorder.

It's good that he won't continue, otherwise he really doesn't know if he should continue to record.

Just this recording, I'm afraid that going back can blow up the door of the historical circle.

This is the evaluation of book burning.

Arguments in this regard have always been the subject of senior discussion among scholars who study the culture of the Qin Dynasty.

Just this small recording is enough for everyone to discuss for half a year.

"Brother Xiao Xian, I am surprised by your unique vision of history, and even I can't catch up with my jumping and divergent thinking, are you interested in joining the School of Historical Research? I can open the back door for you!" Su

Yunhang's face turned green at that time, and he immediately laughed and said: "Team Leader Shen, what are you talking about, Xiao Xian's profession is a live broadcast, how can he go to your historical circle?"

Nonsense, this is all directly coming to dig people, and don't you talk about some morality

? Are your history schools so rigid now?

Thinking of this, Su Yunhang had a little headache, and Director Murong also intended to let Xiao Xian return to CCTV hosting.

This is a real mountain, and it is a more authoritative and official mountain.

Xiao Xian glanced at Su Yunhang with some amusement, and then turned his gaze to Shen Changming, with a polite tone and a humble attitude, and said:

"Brother Shen, if the historical circle needs me, I can dedicate my time and understanding of history and culture to it at any time, but professional things still need professional people to do, you have paid for this circle for a lifetime, and I can only look at it as a descendant, and it is disrespectful to participate in it!"

Shen Changming was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Xian with appreciation, these words were comforting.

He just said that, and he didn't have any hope that Xiao Xian could enter the door of the Institute of History.

However, there are many ways to refuse, which can only show that Xiao Xian's intellectual cultivation and moral experience have already left a large number of people far behind.

The young man in front of him once again refreshed Shen Changming's cognition, and also made him involuntarily feel a trace of admiration in his heart.

"Okay, Brother Xiao, then let's talk about it!" Shen Changming laughed and patted Xiao Xian's shoulder.

Su Yunhang saw that things were almost over, so let everyone sit down first.

He looked around, Shen Changming didn't just come to Hangzhou to see Xiao Xian, he also needed to go to the history museum to get some things along the way, and he was not in a hurry to leave for the time being.

"Xiao Xian, I have something to tell you.

Looking at Su Yunhang's serious look, Xiao Xian looked at Zhang Ming and Wu Xuan again, and asked suspiciously: "Boss, what's the matter, so serious?" Su Yunhang

shook his head, and didn't carry Shen Changming behind his back, after all, it was not a core secret.

"Last night, Murong Zhongchao, the director of the Central Channel, called me and said that he wanted to cooperate with you!"


Xiao Xian was a little confused, the Central Station called, and he still wanted to cooperate?

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly stabbed involuntarily, and the figure in his mind had not yet emerged, and he was pressed down by him.

He exhaled deeply and asked, "What does CCTV want to cooperate with?"

Su Yunhang organized the wording before he replied: "CCTV has a program called "Glorious Shenzhou" in prime time on Friday.

How to say it, this show has a conflict with our "Collection of China", and two-thirds of the traffic of "Glorious China" last night's live broadcast went to your live broadcast room.

That's what Director Murong said, let's see if we can cooperate, of course, provided that you agree.

Let the two programs temporarily merge into one in prime time on Friday, share traffic, and broadcast live at other times, he will not interfere.

Only during this time period will I intervene, what do you think?"

Xiao Xian looked at Su Yunhang's smile that he couldn't hide, and he couldn't cry or laugh at that time.

Look at the one who is proud of you, and compare the central station, as an entertainment company, this face is very bright.

"Our live broadcast is once every three days, but it is only broadcast twice, and no one can predict what kind of changes will occur in the later stage!" Xiao

Xian pondered and continued: "Friday's prime-time cooperation, is it connected

? I don't know much about their "Glorious Shenzhou", if they cooperate, will it have an impact on our program?

After all, the nature of the two programs is different, and there will be a big difference in the type of broadcast!"

The smile on Su Yunhang's face retracted, and he also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"That's it, I'll ask Director Murong to send you the backup of the program data of "Glorious Shenzhou", you can see if there is any possibility of cooperation, if it really doesn't work, refuse it, and pressure the company to top!".

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