Now, "Collection of China" has been paid attention to by CCTV again, and the most important thing is that people from the School of Historical Research have come to Xiao Xian.

The current opportunities and various unstable factors are telling him that the next live broadcast will be more rigorous, and it will be followed by more and more people and even official authorities.

The sunlight outside the window is like a pendulum of time, with the entire blue sky as the background wall, slowly falling to one side.

Before you know it, the dim sunset falls on the western corner, like a tired eye peeking out from the horizon.

Looking lazily at the land that is gradually entering the night, there is no emotion, only the temperature that is gradually cooling down, slowly caressing the hearts of everyone who passes through the night.

Xiao Xian felt very bad at the moment, and the inside of his head seemed to be covered with a sandbag, heavy, and full of turbidity.

He still didn't have any thoughts.

He was already very tired and lay on the bed, not even taking off his clothes, he thought he should sleep first.

Maybe when you wake up, your mind will become clear, and your heart will no longer hesitate.

Time passed little by little, Xiao Xian tossed and turned in bed, and he didn't sleep well.

One after another, the clock of time fell on his dreams again.

All the chaos in Xiao Xian's mind was instantly shattered at this moment and was unified, and all the chaotic thoughts seemed to be condensed together.

As the sound of the clock beating, it faded into nothingness.

Ahead is a faint road of time, with countless time numbers jumping up and down on the surface of the road.

At the end, a pitch-black figure appeared, with a bandage on his head, a crutch in his hand, and a rudimentary gun on his body.

The pale yellow military uniform was riddled with holes, and drops of blood soaked out of it.

A pool of blood-colored water formed at his feet.

This scene gave Xiao Xian a sense of déjà vu, as if he had seen it somewhere, as if... I saw him in another dream.

"Who are you?" The

figure didn't respond to Xiao Xian, and seemed to be muttering something in his mouth, but Xiao Xian couldn't hear it clearly.

“...... The grace of the country is heavy... ,...... "

What are you talking about?"


"Who the hell are you?"


sound of the horn came from nowhere, and the space suddenly became fragmented, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be reunited at this moment.

The sound of machine guns, the sound of artillery fire, and the unpleasant smell of gunpowder waved their fists fiercely, and they effortlessly burrowed into Xiao Xian's nose.

He began to retch, his body shaking uncontrollably.

It was as if he was in a blur of the world, and he couldn't see where it

was, except for shadows, running back and forth around him, and then his body was shattered by shells or machine-gun fire.

The vague world suddenly turned blood-red in the next moment, and life after life was mercilessly harvested.

"Don't go, come back!!" Xiao

Xian shouted, spreading his arms to stop the group from rushing forward one after another, and the battlefield there was like a huge meat grinder, cutting their lives to the fullest.

"Come back, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Xian burst into tears, he didn't know these vague figures, and he was even more unfamiliar with this blood-colored world.

But Xiao Xian's heart, for some reason, spread a sadness that could not be poured out, fierce like a lonely sail in the tide of the sea, crumbling, but helpless

! "Ah

!" he began to shout, "Please, come back!"

Xiao Xian's crying voice was hoarse, covering his heart, it was like a crack, and the pain could not be suppressed!

In the middle of heaven and earth, the horn sounded again, and there was a group of echoing voices faintly, from small to large.

This voice is full of backbone, full of unyielding ambition under oppression.

"A man wants to repay the country's kindness, and dying on the battlefield is a good death!" "A man wants to repay the country's kindness, and dying on the battlefield is a good death!" "A man wants to repay the country's kindness, and dying on the battlefield is

a good death!"


This sound shook the heavens and the earth, piercing the rocks, leveling the ravines, breaking through the sky, and shattering Ling Yuan! This sound

represented the unyielding blood and blood, represented a symbol, and finally slowly condensed into a symbol of the times, imprinting the chest.

Xiao Xian suddenly opened his eyes, and two lines of tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

"Sichuan Army..."

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