National Capital Institute of Historical Research.

Dong Changping looked at the picture in the live broadcast, opened his mouth and said with a smile:

"Do you understand?"

Liu Xuexue glanced at Dong Changping next to him and said, "What is there to understand and not understand."

Isn't this what we study every day?"

Dong Changping shook his head with a smile, and he said: "Although we are studying history, the links involved in it are directly related to society.

However, we cannot ignore the theme involved in this live dialogue, as well as the generalized philosophy contained in the content of the dialogue.

The content in this seems to be plain, but in fact it contains something like Snow!" Liu

Xuexue also chuckled, and he said lightly:

"The main content of this dialogue is the hearts of the people in the humanities and society.

If people's hearts can be transparent and comprehensive, they will naturally change their state of mind.

But I don't think the way of cultivation in the dialogue is referring to the kind of fantasy doctrine that is similar to flying to the heavens and the earth.

It's a great realization after experiencing everything!

" Dong Changping suddenly said: "Wrong!" Liu Xuexue glanced at Dong Changping, and he said a little angrily

: "You can say whatever you want, what's the meaning of yin and yang weirdness there?"

Dong Changping

laughed and said: "Let's first be clear about one thing, in the live broadcast, who is the character Xiao Xian wants to talk to."

But as far as this live broadcast is concerned, the content of the conversation between the two of them does not seem to be very profound, it is just a simple discussion.

Moreover, the content of the discussion is still a question of people's hearts at the social and cultural level!

But is it really that simple

?" Liu Xuexue frowned and looked at Dong Changping, and he said, "What do you mean?" Dong Changping

smiled mysteriously and said, "Everything the two of them said before can be summed up in two words.

That is, shackles!" "Shackles?"

Dong Changping nodded, and he said: "It's a shackle that forbids people's hearts!"


in the dialogue, it is expressed in the simplest and most direct way.

Most people only see the surface and do not see the deeper meaning.

Liu Xuexue opened his mouth and said: "Then can you tell me what is the central idea they want to express?"

Dong Changping said directly: "The current social rhythm and law is a huge lock, which seals the most cherished and innocent things in everyone's heart!

Obviously, we live in a peaceful world, and even if our lives are in the world, they can be regarded as high-end ranks!

But why do people still feel pain?

Is happiness the driving force that a person is most worthy of striving for?"

Dong Changping continued: "I believe this is not the case.

People are just caught in a kind of big net that someone else paints for him.

This "other" is the one who provides convenience to everyone in life.

He created everything in life, food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and he made people use the products he created in their lives.

In order to control people's thoughts and people's living habits, there is a kind of forcible binding similar to morality

! And then seal people's hearts, and tell you: You need to live with the way I provide you to live, otherwise you are wrong, you are not recognized

! What a terrible and terrible thing this is!

All ordinary people cannot escape this law, so this "other" By connecting with everyone's spirit, it seals people's hearts!

Let all people live under pressure and anxiety every day!

" Liu Xuexue suddenly took a deep breath, and he said: "I understand what you mean, you want to say that everyone now, including some middle and high-level figures in society, is dominated by others, maybe they don't think so in their cognition."

But the truth is that they do live within the blueprint of life that others have planned, and they don't know it.

It's not just a horrible thing, it's just as sad!"

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