The popularity of "Collection of China" remains high, and Xiao Xian's fan base is still expanding.

But he himself seems to have disappeared from public view.

That night, after Xiao Xian's live broadcast of Teng County, Su Yunhang called over, and he could hear the extreme exhaustion in Xiao Xian's voice.

Xiao Xian directly asked for leave, saying that he had an important thing to do in the past few days.

What was the specific matter, Su Yunhang didn't ask much.

So within Tianhua Entertainment Company, no one knows where Xiao Xian went?

And the TV station in the national capital has come down to inform him, I heard that he is the youngest beautiful female host of CCTV with outstanding ability, and Murong Zhongchao has been trained as a successor.

The other party booked a ticket to arrive this afternoon to discuss the specific details of cooperation, and also to carry out the work of channel synchronization with Tianhua.

After all, it is a combination of two programs, and the specific operations related to it still need to be studied and understood.

Whether it is based on "Classic Huaxia" or "Glorious Shenzhou" is a question, and it cannot be sloppy.

Tianhua Entertainment Company, Su Yunhang Office.

"Boss, where did Xiao Xian go, I heard that the people who came down from the central station are very good, they are not very old, they seem to be in their early twenties, and I don't know if Xiao Xian can hold it?" Wu Xuan said with some concern.

The door opened, and the same intellectual beauty in her thirties walked in.

A pair of narrow-rimmed gold-rimmed glasses hung from the bridge of his nose, and his black hair was long and straight and restrained behind his head.

There is no deliberate dressing, but there is a temperament that people can't ignore.

"Xuanxuan, your worries are justified, this is Ouyang Zhenzhen's information!" Feng

Anna, an old man with more than 10 years of service in Tianhua Entertainment Company, is now the deputy manager of the public relations department.

She put the pile of information in her hand on Su Yunhang's desk and said: "Ouyang Zhenzhen, twenty-four years old this year, is the most potential newcomer in the past ten years.

There have been several live broadcast accidents on CCTV, and he has turned the tide and saved the broadcast accident with his professional hosting level, and his stability and self-confidence beyond his own age.

was personally cultivated by the director Murong Zhongchao, and there is another piece of news in it that I don't know if it's true or not.

Su Yunhang looked at the information without raising his head

, and asked, "What?" "A few years ago, Xiao Xian also participated in the selection of the Central Channel, and then I don't know why I withdrew, Ouyang Zhenzhen and him seem to be in the same session.

In their selection that year, Xiao Xian was the first, and she was the second.

"Huh?" Wu Xuan was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean? You mean that Ouyang Zhenzhen squeezed Xiao Xian down?"

Feng Anna smiled, immediately shook her head, and said, "I didn't say that, Ouyang Zhenzhen came down from the central stage, and her achievements at a young age are not small."

"Shining China" is a heavyweight gold program, which can let her serve as the host, and a group of old-timers will make concessions for her.

Such a person has the ability and means, and his background is definitely not small, but there may not be any causal relationship with Xiao Xian's withdrawal.

Wu Xuan glanced at her and said, "You don't have to sell customs here, you are just doing public relations, I don't know what you think in your heart?"

Xiao Xian's withdrawal must have something to do with her, even if it is not directly related, it will be indirect.

Su Yunhang put down the information, waved his hand, and said: "Don't guess the two of you, the ability of the people who came down from the central station must be not small, otherwise they would not be so valued by Director Murong."

Wu Xuan, your planning department organized some people to meet her in the afternoon, Feng Anna, you... It's best not to investigate people anymore, Wang Zhishuo hasn't received a celebrity melon in the past few days, isn't his hands itchy?

Tell him to be honest, this is different from celebrities, she is a proud disciple of Murong Zhongchao.

Also, no matter what grievances there are between her and Xiao Xian, they have nothing to do with us without Xiao Xian's consent!" Feng

Anna nodded, and said with a sly smile: "Knowing the boss, I will notify Manager Wang when I go back, and let him be honest recently."

After a pause, she asked again: "Where did Xiao Xian's kid go, the central station has come down, why hasn't he shown up, the other party is coming for him

!" Su Yunhang had a little headache when he thought of this, and he said slowly: "Let's go to work, Xiao Xian don't worry about it first, the reception in the afternoon must be done well

!" "Understand!"


Wu Xuan and Feng Anna left the office at the same time, and Su Yunhang turned his chair to look out the window.

He muttered, "You little one, where did you run away again?"

At the same time, the main entrance of Chuan Cheng International Airport.

Xiao Xian, who was wearing a mask and a coat, walked out, with a flute in his arms and a letter from home.

In an era, there are things that need to be returned to their rightful owners.

A token that spans time and space, it is up to him to complete the last regret of the loyal soul of the Sichuan army.

This is his mission, it is also his obligation, and it is a kind of respect for the countless loyal souls of the previous era.

Some secrets may be exposed because of this, but there are always some things in this world that are deliberately done knowing that they cannot be done.

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