Xiao Xian, who returned home, opened the system and adjusted the interface.

At this time, the above prompts that the system upgrade has been completed, is it confirmed?Xiao

Xian clicked to confirm, and the internal space of the entire system instantly became more gorgeous.

"Congratulations on

the upgrade!" and then there is another experience card slot below, which is the value required for the next upgrade.

Xiao Xian glanced at it, his brows furrowed slightly, according to this degree of comparison with the previous two times.

You may need to stream your chat history three times to complete the upgrade.

This upgrade of the system consumes the value required for the history of the two conversations.

Xiao Xian opened the prompt above, and the system update function introduced:

"The host can carry others in the process of crossing, and the system will memorize the people brought by the host, and establish a bridge between reality and virtuality in thought." "

Optimize the system special effects!

" "Optimize the background music!" Xiao

Xian didn't look at the two behind them, these are blessings on the original functions of the system.

And the first item is somewhat interesting, it can take people to travel, and there is also memory blurring treatment.

He took a closer look at the introduction, which meant that the people who were brought by him, the owner of the system, would think that the time travel was fake, but they couldn't tell the difference, and they would think that world was a world of special effects in real space.

Is it like an actor acting?

Xiao Xian pondered, so that Ouyang Zhenzhen's affairs would not need to be a headache for the time being.

He originally wanted to send Ouyang Zhenzhen to another place during the live broadcast, and he would broadcast the whole process by himself.

But now, it seems, there is no need.

You can also live with her, and you won't have doubts about the crossing.

I just don't know how strong the effect can be?

The specific operation matters need to wait until the time of crossing.

Let's put this matter aside for the time being.

The system is his safest guarantee, and this new feature after the update will definitely not cause him any potential exposure.

Now we have to think about who we are going to talk to in the next issue?

"Shining China" and "Classic Huaxia" are almost the same in terms of mode, and only need to change some content.

It is necessary to combine national integrity with historical events or figures.

This is very similar to the Tengxian chapter he broadcast a few days ago, but it is also the most difficult.

Because the real history, after all, is somewhat different from the records in the history books, it is very likely that the character of a character has existed for thousands of years.

But in his live broadcast, it is very likely to subvert the audience's most primitive recognition of him.

What will develop in the end is beyond your control.

Xiao Xian knows that his live broadcast is not only about history, but also about the integrity of contemporary values.

Modern values must not be distorted by the values of history, but must be extracted from the dross.

It depends on his own level and ability to control the field.

Xiao Xian slowly stood in front of the window, he was most willing to stand in front of the window and look at the outside world when he was thinking.

When the times and beliefs, history and the nation, when these factors come together, what kind of sparks will be produced, and what kind of wonderful world will they collide with

? And a person he wants to talk to must penetrate these four elements, who in history can do it?

Time passed slowly, and these four words kept coiling in his mind, and his consciousness suddenly went into a trance, and in the great river of thoughts, he seemed to suddenly see four horses galloping highly.

At a certain moment, it suddenly became one, and a graceful figure came across the horse, entering the array of thousands of princes, not afraid of the emperor's divine might, and facing the whole world alone.

He exhaled deeply, turned around, and wrote two large characters on the paper on the table.


the afternoon, Tianhua Company Office.

Ouyang Zhenzhen had already come over in advance, Su Yunhang glanced at him, the atmosphere was a little awkward, and he changed his appearance again, which was different from the noble and cold in the morning, and had a kind of pure taste of the girl next door.

Feng Anna's eyes had stayed on Ouyang Zhenzhen for more than half an hour and she hadn't left.

Full of jealousy, the fire is burning.

Xiao Xian pushed the door in at this time, glanced at Ouyang Zhenzhen, his eyes changed, and he didn't say much.

"Boss, how is the communication with Guodu Radio?" Su

Yunhang chuckled: "Director Murong personally called me and told me to delegate power to the two of you, and none of us will interfere in the rest."

It's up to you to decide the title or something, we will work with Guodu TV at 8 o'clock tonight to build momentum and get the news out first, but you have to tell me who you

want to talk to first?" Su Yunhang said here with a wry smile and said: "Xiao Xian, don't play mystery this time, the first time the two variety shows cooperate, seek stability, okay?" Xiao Xian nodded and said, "

I've already figured out who I want to talk to, I don't know if Miss Ouyang has anyone to choose?"

"You don't know my name!" Suddenly, there was an arrogant explosion from the office, and everyone who was shocked trembled!

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