Chapter Seventy-Eight Please Call Me Jiang. Sherlock holmes. Every!!

Jiang Fan calmly reasoned (fabricated): “I noticed that the sound of rain can be heard in the video, which shows that the sound collection effect is good. ”

“But the lack of screaming indicates that the two adults are probably not struggling.”

“The time is more than 9 p.m., and adults should not have rested at this time.” Therefore, the criminal should be a murder weapon that must be killed with one blow. ”

“If someone who hasn’t practiced using a knife, it should be difficult to do this.” In comparison, using blunt objects is very simple. ”

“The hammer is the most common blunt tool, which cannot be seen in the raincoat, is easy to hide, and it is easy to be confused in case it is found.” If it were me, I would choose the hammer. ”

Of course, Hao Youqian didn’t know that Jiang Fan knew the answer first.

He was dumbfounded, and his eyes were as wide as brass bells.

Is this man’s mind so meticulous?

Jiang Fan said in his heart, “If you can know the result first, and then look for evidence from the result backwards, you are also a master of solving cases!” ”

Chu Yun was also stunned.

Looking at Hao Youqian’s expression, she didn’t know where Jiang Fan had guessed correctly.

She felt that Jiang Fan was a little scary.

Suddenly I felt at ease, I didn’t want to betray him anyway.

This kind of man is more protective of himself, right?

She is fully self-aware of her appearance.

Growing up, the look in the men’s eyes made her realize early on that everyone was trying to compete for her.

You can be single, but you must not marry an ordinary man.


Red face is not an empty word.

Jiang Fan continued: “When he came, he got off the left side when he got off the motorcycle, indicating that he was still left-handed and was a common right hand. ”

“The woven bag is very heavy, you notice, when he finally put the woven bag on the motorcycle, the force was obviously the left hand, and the right hand was afraid. This is not normal. ”

“So, I suspect he injured his right hand while committing the crime.”

Hao Youqian was already numb.

[Turns out I was really a piece of crap!] 】

“……… Since no screams were heard throughout the crime, the two adults barely resisted. This is either an acquaintance committing a crime, or the criminal suddenly appears and the victim does not react at all. When the criminal has a choice, he must have priority over the man who is left, leaving a woman and a 4-year-old child. ”

Jiang Fan took the chopsticks and pretended to be a hammer, and compared it.

Chu Yun listened intently and shrank his head in fright.

By this time, the man was unconscious, the criminal was holding a hammer, and it was almost impossible to be injured in this advantageous situation. Not to mention a little girl as a hostage. ”

“So, I guess the criminal should have taken a grudge against the hostess, and in order to commit the crime, he tried to tie the hostess with a rope, and in the process, the hostess accidentally injured the criminal in anger.”

The criminal was furious, and in order to punish the hostess, he probably chose to strangle the hostess or the little girl with a rope, because it would be more painful. Of course, I can’t confirm the whole process, it’s just pure speculation. ”

Hao Youqian couldn’t help but yell, “Jiang Fan! Oh god! According to the autopsy report, the criminals did kill two adults with hammers and children with ropes. As for the injury to the right hand, an expert sent by Kyoto later analyzed it in this way, exactly the same as your reason! When I watched Sherlock Holmes before, I thought it was pure fiction, all kinds of reasonable, and now it seems that there are indeed genius detectives in the world! ”

Chu Yun’s beautiful eyes were full of color.

Is this genius? The college entrance examination is full of points, and the reasoning case is also self-explanatory?

Jiang Fan shrugged, “You read that right, genius is like this.” 】

Chu Yun exclaimed.

How does he know what I’m thinking?] By the way, Jiang Fan’s reasoning ability to details is so strong, nine times out of ten he guessed it. It felt like I had no secrets in front of him. You must not betray him in the future, otherwise it will be too easy to be seen… Wrong? I didn’t want to betray him either? After all, there are too few men so young, so handsome and so rich………】

Hao Youqian hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and took out his mobile phone and opened a video channel.

“There’s another video here that the police haven’t released, what else can you see when you look at it?”

Jiang Fan’s purpose is this.

The police must have a lot of undisclosed information in their hands.

Jiang Fan not only wanted to solve the case and bring the criminals to justice, but also wanted to feel the fun of treasure hunting by the way.

It’s still interesting.

Hao Youqian began to play the video.

The video is simple.

The location is an intersection on the edge of the mountain forest.

A man wearing a red raincoat, riding a motorcycle in a woven bag, disappeared from south to north into the camera.

Because it was too far away, the rain was too heavy, and it was still impossible to see the appearance.

The video starts to beat and play at double speed, and the time on the camera jumps quickly to 1 hour later.

The man in the raincoat rode through the intersection again, turned east and left.

The video is also deliberately enlarged, indicating that the woven bag is gone.

Hao Youqian solemnly introduced the facts of the case: “This is a crossroads 13 kilometers from the scene of the crime, next to the famous Guishan Primitive Forest Reserve around Chuncheng. ”

“Most likely, the criminals buried the stolen goods in the forest of Guishan Mountain.”

“After the incident, the police organized 300 people to conduct a dragnet search of the nearby woods and found no stolen goods.”

“So, we guessed that there were several possibilities.”

“First, the criminal had an accomplice who was in the forest and took the stolen goods.”

“Second, there is a small stream about 1.5 kilometers in the woods, and the criminal may have used a floating boat to transport the stolen goods away. However it was only an hour and it was 3 km back and forth in the woods on a rainy day, which was difficult to be honest. ”

“Anyway, since then, the stolen goods have never appeared again.”

“So, we also have a few guesses, the biggest 3 may be.”

“First, the criminal’s purpose is not money, it is for revenge, and the robbery is only to cover up the real purpose and use it to mislead the police.” The reason is simple, it has been 10 years, and still no looted antiques have been released, and I think a person who robs for money cannot have the patience to wait 10 years without selling! However, if it was for revenge, the police investigated all the social relations of the antique dealers and did not find a suspect with sufficient motives. ”

“Second, the criminal did have an accomplice, and the criminal later shared the booty with the accomplice unevenly, and the two sides fought by accident, and at the same time died, and the stolen goods were lost in an unknown place.”

“Third, the criminal died unexpectedly in the process of lurking, for example, suddenly serious illness, traffic accidents and so on. But this does not explain the missing stolen goods. ”

“Considering that the stolen goods could not be found in the forest, we thought that the greatest possibility was that there was indeed an accomplice who transported the stolen goods, and the two sides later had conflicts.”

Jiang Fan nodded, “The front sounds very reasonable, but I think that even if two people share the loot and fight, it is difficult for two people to die together.” Therefore, I tend to be that the stolen goods are still in the forest, only to be found. As for why the criminals have not sold the stolen goods, I can’t figure out for the time being. ”

Jiang Fan said very firmly.

In fact, it was he who heard the criminal’s departure with a twinkle in his mind: “I want to remember that big tree!” Definitely not to forget! 】

When is it necessary to remember a tree?

The stolen goods are buried next to the tree! As for why the police didn’t find it?

Jiang Fan couldn’t understand it either, and decided to go to the scene to see: “Anyway, there is nothing else to do, let’s go to the forest to see, right?” ”

Hao Youqian of course agreed.

This is his case, after solving the case, even if Jiang Fan takes all the stolen goods as a reward according to the agreement of the relatives of the antique dealer, he can get a lot of benefits from the police station system, such as promotion opportunities and the attention of his superiors.

Hao Youqian immediately stood up and smiled, “Then what are you waiting for!” Walk! Walk! Walk! Today I have to ask Mr. Jiang to help again. ”

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