Colonize Alien

: Act One Hundred and Twenty-Three The Undead Following

Dinner started quickly, and the knights gleefully filled their mouths with meat and beer. They hadn't had such a hearty meal in a long time since the massive invasion of the undead, not to mention the awesome one. smell.

The refugees also eat delicious food. There is not much food that can be evenly distributed to them. Basically, it is boiled compressed biscuit batter and a small piece of candy, but it is candy! Candy that can only be enjoyed by nobles! Even if it is only a short-term happiness, it is very precious in this other world where life is dying. One bite at a time, the biscuit batter was stuffed into his mouth, and all the misery was quickly put behind him.

But Hillie knew that the food was very delicious, but it tasted like chewing wax, and she couldn't care about what she was doing until Bai Gang gave an answer.

Taking advantage of the gap between dinner, Bai Gang hid in the command car alone to communicate with the base. He had just reported everything that happened here to the base, and asked a question—whether to send troops to help.

Bai Gang's own opinion is to investigate first, and send troops as much as possible if conditions permit.

Aboriginal people and crazy undead creatures, who are both human beings, do you still need to ask which side to help? Although some experts once said that it is not bad to communicate with the undead and do business, they are not from this world anyway, but everyone can understand the risks involved, so even if it is not considered from the perspective of human emotions, there are still very few people who support it. this proposal.

Commander Ren and the others responded very quickly. After the initial discussion, they thought this was a good opportunity to have official contact with the aboriginal people! If you can get the help of the aborigines in Anglia, the efficiency of otherworld development will undoubtedly increase exponentially.

As the aboriginal people who have lived here for generations, they are of course familiar with every plant and tree here. If you want to discover anything novel, you must ask them.

Especially now that Stormwind Base is facing a dilemma—a shortage of people.

Yes, the Fengfeng base to which China, a superpower with population, belongs to is actually short of people!

However, there is no way to do this. It is impossible for anyone to know such a secret matter as the plane gate. The word "secrecy" is doomed that the speed of personnel replenishment at Stormwind Base will never be optimistic. In addition, this life base The development momentum far surpassed the previous life, a large number of mines and factories were built, roads and defenses were also vigorously built, and there was a useless style of a lot of materials. So manpower shortage is inevitable.

In order to solve the human resource dilemma of the base, Commander Ren and the others are considering handing over some tasks that are not so important and do not require much knowledge to the aborigines. This was originally just an idea, but the arrival of Shirne made Commander Ren and the others see the possibility of realization.

Bai Gang, who was authorized, returned to the dining table, and was about to inquire about more information from Shirne while he was eating, but suddenly heard the alarm sound.

Hirnie looked at Bai Gang suspiciously. This harsh noise didn't look like some kind of accompaniment music at all, but rather like a warning horn for the coming of war.

"Lord Count, what kind of voice is this?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Taniguchi found the undead." Bai Gang took out the Pad lightly and looked at the situation in front of him. After confirming that there was no problem, he put it back and continued to compete with the chicken on the plate.

"What!? Undead!? It must be the undead who tracked us before and found this place! I'm so sorry for causing you such a big trouble." Saying that, Hilnie put down her knife and fork, grabbed her saber, stood up, and turned around. Go in the direction of Taniguchi.

"What are you going to do without eating anything?"

"Of course I'm going to fight the undead! Could it be that the count can still eat at this time!?"

Saying that, Hilnie looked back at Bai Gang, but she was surprised to find that the Count of Monte Cristo was drinking coffee leisurely, and the lighthearted thing did not seem to be fake at all.

Originally, Hirnie had guessed that Bai Gang was a good battlefield commander, but now it seems that his guess is very correct! The undead had already arrived in front of the army, but he was still able to continue to eat in a calm manner. This kind of calmness would never exist without having experienced countless battles on the battlefield!

At least you can't do this step by yourself!

In Hilny's impression, the only person who can achieve this level is probably his own father, and even his brother, who has always been placed in high hopes by everyone, is slightly worse.

Although seeing Earl White so calm does give people a sense of peace of mind, but... Hilnie couldn't help but look in the direction of Taniguchi. Is there really no problem there? Earl White's subordinates seem to be incapable of fighting qi and magic. How can they withstand the attacks of those undead?

Bai Gang looked at Xiernie's tangled state, and then looked at the little food left on the table, he couldn't help sighing, and then cleaned the plate in three or two.

Shirne was startled by Bai Gang's gobbling of food. It was not only against the etiquette of the nobles, but even ordinary commoners wouldn't eat like this.

"Lord Count, you are..."

"You can't waste food, right?" Bai Gang poured himself a large glass of water and let out a long and then said, "Let's go, you are not worried about the front. Well, then come and have a look with me."


The undead who came in pursuit of the breath of the living stepped into the land of the valley little by little, just like predators instinctively sense their prey, they are sure that there are living people inside!

But the strange thing is that before they found the breath of the living, they suddenly heard a sound.

"Squeak - squeak - hum -"

"Warning! You have entered the alert range, please remove your disguise and show your human identity, otherwise you will be attacked! Repeat, you have entered the alert range, please remove your disguise and show your human identity, otherwise you will be attacked! Repeat, you have entered Warning range, please remove your disguise and show your human identity, otherwise you will be attacked!"

Although the undead are wondering what the sound is about, they don't care too much if they don't find the living. In fact, they can't even care about it with their wisdom.

"Warning! Warning! If you still don't remove your disguise after 3 seconds, you will be judged as undead and attacked! The countdown starts with 3 seconds, 3, 2, 1...the attack starts!"

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion resounded through the valley, and the continuous echoes were deafening.

The huge 12.7mm machine gun bullet slammed into the body of the ghoul, easily tore the shriveled skin, splashed countless debris, ripped half of the body directly, and then smashed the second undead without any hesitation. , then the third, the fourth!

The unsuspecting undead was blinded by the sudden attack, completely ignorant of what attacked him, and was beaten into clumps of broken bones, falling down in rows like cutting rice! It didn't take long for a layer of broken bones to spread across the wasteland of the valley!

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