Color Resistance

Chapter 141 Fatal Temptation

Chapter 141 Fatal Temptation

In the destruction of Leiser Town, tens of thousands of people were buried in the poisonous storm in an instant, and no one was spared.

This was a fatal blow to the newly established Phoenix Legion, and their confidence was instantly destroyed.

They are the most elite army in the territory, but they cannot fight with them.

He didn't even dare to say revenge on the other party, for fear of bringing about the disaster of extermination.

Anger and grief have already filled the hearts of these people. They would talk and laugh during the training breaks before, but now no one has a smile on their faces, and everyone is contained by this grief, anger and despair.

But Su Yun was very satisfied with their state.

Underdogs will win!

Hatred is the biggest driving force for progress. Without his supervision, this group of people will do everything they can to become stronger.

And now, he will give the opponent a chance to become stronger!

"Do you know why I created the Phoenix Legion?"

Su Yun glanced at the people present, not allowing them to answer, and said directly, "It's very simple, I want to form a powerful army alongside the Knights Templar, and suppress this increasingly turbulent world!"

Knights Templar!

As soon as this word came out, the faces of everyone present changed slightly.

No one does not know it. It is already synonymous with the most powerful legion on the main material plane. The powerful army that once strangled the evil god clone and the hell lord is determined to protect the entire main material plane.

Want to be comparable to it - wash and sleep, everything in the dream!

"I know you don't believe me and think I'm lying to you. But next, I'll let you feel what promotion is!"

Su Yun knew in his heart that it was useless to say anything now, and it was impossible for anyone to believe him if he didn't let the other party see the real effect.

So, let's start improving!

——The parasitic demon species!

This is the first time Su Yun has used this powerful ability.

Under the gaze of him and everyone else, a black and white energy vortex appeared in front of him, and the energy vortex turned into a black and white flower, slowly blooming in front of him.


The sound of flowers~

Strange black and white flowers bloomed, and then the petals shattered one by one, turning into black seeds with white lines on them.

It's called a demon seed, but it doesn't have the slightest evil breath, but it looks extremely holy and noble.

A group of people stared at this scene with wide eyes, even Sa Luo watched in surprise.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that there was such a strange spell.

The flower is divided into 10 seeds, 9 of which are petals, and the 10th is a style, quietly suspended in the air, flickering like breathing.

"This is my family's biggest trump card. It was not until I became a mage that I successfully mastered this ability. It took a lot of money." Su Yun pointed at the 10 strange seeds and said calmly: " The only purpose is to fully enhance your strength!"

"Now, eat it!"

Several people looked at each other, feeling a little unbelievable, and a little bit of fear.

Those who can quickly increase their strength, besides accepting the gift of the gods, seem to have to offer sacrifices to the evil gods, right?

Among the ten people, a thick and bearded man asked cautiously: "Then, what's the price?"

"There is no price, the premise is not to betray me." Su Yun's eyes turned purple unconsciously.

Amitra smiled at the corner of her mouth, standing quietly behind him, and the slightest special fluctuation enveloped the entire room.

As for Salo, he had already stood at the door without knowing when, leaning against the door with his sword in his arms.

Everyone present immediately understood that when the opponent showed this ability, they had no chance to refuse.

"You seem to be hesitating, do you want to betray me?" Su Yun glanced at the crowd, looking at them with a half-smile, causing cold sweat to break out of their foreheads.

The Leiser Town and his party before let them see Su Yun's decisive killing. Hundreds of people killed as soon as they said they would, let alone how many of them?

"No, absolutely not, we are willing to fight north and south for the lord, and the direction of your will is the direction of our fight!" Everyone immediately denied it, and knelt down on one knee to offer their loyalty.

Just kidding, if they really dare to show even the slightest hint of betrayal and evasion, the other party will definitely kill them——they firmly believe in this!

At this time, the bearded man suddenly said loudly: "Lord Lord, I am willing to be the first to accept and verify the effect for them!"

Everyone around looked at him one after another, their eyes full of regret.

None of the ten people present can escape the fate of using it, but the first corresponding one will definitely be valued more by the other party, and the other party is obviously aware of this before willingly agreeing.

"Very good, Simon, let you use the one with the best effect!" Su Yun nodded approvingly, holding the core seed in his invisible alchemy hand, and handed it to the other party, "Put it on the chest, it It will unleash its power on its own."

Even though the parasitic demon species look very holy and noble, there are not many things that can improve their strength. It is almost impossible to make these people trust them directly.

In fact, he doesn't care whether the other party trusts or not.

As long as you use the parasitic demon seed, life and death will be under his control, no matter whether you are evil or kind, you can't disobey his orders!

Everything has a price.

Significantly improve the strength, get the spell-like ability that countless people dream of, and offer one's loyalty for this, isn't it an equivalent transaction?

What's more, the other party was originally an elite cultivated by the Phoenix family, and it was only natural for them to show their loyalty.

Bearded Simon reached out to pick up the seed without hesitation, took off his light armor and placed it on his chest, and the seed instantly melted into his body.


At the same time, a powerful energy exploded in his body, violently filling his limbs and bones.


Under the severe pain, Simon couldn't help roaring.

The next moment, everyone watched the already well-developed muscles on the opponent's body swell at a speed visible to the naked eye. The skin seemed to be covered with a layer of transparent cuticle, and it looked more and more powerful and abnormal.

Five minutes later, the changes slowly came to an end. Simon's bulging muscles returned to normal again, and his naked upper body had an intoxicating sense of power, like a traditional marble statue.

"How do you feel?" Su Yun smiled.


"It's so powerful, I feel it's several times stronger than before!" Simon excitedly collided his two fists fiercely, making an ear-splitting bang, obviously the formidable strength is close to extraordinary!

Moreover, after the collision, there was only a little redness on the fist, and it disappeared in an instant. From this, it can be seen that the physique has also become extremely strong.

Then Simon said in great surprise: "My lord, I actually feel that I have mastered a powerful ability!"

"Use it out." Su Yun said with a smile.


This ability seems to be innate, so Simon uses it directly with his mind, forming an invisible barrier to protect him firmly!

Spell-like abilities Mage armor!

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