Color Resistance

Chapter 151 New World! (1/40)

Chapter 151 New World! (140)

new world!

Su Yun's eyes brightened, and he finally knew where these monsters came from. It turned out to be a new world!

No mistake, from the other party's description, he can already assert that this is a new world.

Even if it is not a complete small world, it will at least be a demiplane, a plane world with a large number of living creatures!

Kobolds, Gnolls, and Ogres may seem stupid, but they are humanoid intelligent creatures after all. They can also provide a lot of power of faith, and each has a race god of its own race.

Now, Su Yun's only prayer is to pray that there are no gods and beliefs in it, or there are only some false gods.

Otherwise, even if he discovers a new world entrance, he will not be able to reap the power of faith wantonly!

"Leave immediately and take me there!" Su Yun took a deep breath and said.

For him, the New World is no less than the discovery of the New World by Columbus in ancient times, representing endless wealth.

Countless high-level and legendary mages are tirelessly searching for space coordinates of space-like spells, looking for new plane world space coordinates from the vast astral world, and the probability of finding them is even more illusory than finding a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, every time they will specially spend money to ask a professional fortune teller to make a prediction, and increase the success rate of finding—probably from 0.0000...01% to 0.0001%, a pretty remarkable improvement!

"Okay!" Kang Ning realized that this discovery was definitely a great discovery, and quickly brought some soldiers of the Phoenix Legion, and the group hurriedly left the Fort Watch on horseback.

What's special is that this time Su Yun is also in full body armor, with a helmet on his head, covering himself tightly so that no one can see clearly.

The discovery of the new world is of great significance. If the gods see him going out together, they will definitely attract a lot of prying eyes.

Those rogues are all good at tracking and lurking, and it is not easy to find them, so it is better to prevent this in advance.

Be careful there is no big mistake!

After more than an hour, the group traveled tens of kilometers to the opposite side of the valley, and found the strange place Kang Ning said.

This is a very ordinary low-lying pit, surrounded by vines and thorns.

But it seems that there are all kinds of messy and complicated footprints, which have already stepped on a solid road on the ground.

The thorns around the road have been deliberately cut down, exposing a large open space in the center.

The ground there is full of fallen leaves, empty cobwebs, and the bones of some animals.

"My lord, look here is a stone with writing on it." Kang Ning pointed to a stone next to him.

Su Yun walked over and saw that it was a stone full of fracture marks, the whole body was as black as ink, and it seemed that it was originally a huge square block.

But now, only the core is left, and the rest has long since collapsed and scattered around.

He knelt down and stared at the strange and mysterious lines above, which made his eyes shrink:

"The magic words of Netheril!"

These black stones are exactly obsidian, which can last thousands of years without weathering, and it is also an expensive construction material for the top mage tower.

But now, there are very clear traces of weathering on it, which means that thousands of years have passed, plus the words engraved on it.

The result is already obvious, this is the space channel left by the ancient Netheril period!

What a powerful force this is, it can keep a space channel intact for thousands of years, and it can still be used today!

Su Yun was more and more amazed at those great arcanists. The other party had completely touched the immortal domain of the gods, and they were not weaker than the gods in many respects.

It is a pity that the text on it has been weathered and corroded for thousands of years, and most of it is missing.

After possessing the Scroll of Nether, he could already read this kind of magic text, and saw some scattered messages: ""

"Search for all the scattered black stones around me!!!" Su Yun turned his head and gave an order.

More than a dozen soldiers set off quickly, turning into the most serious scavengers one by one, digging three feet into the ground to search for stones.

A moment later, a pile of scattered stones was placed in front of Su Yun, most of which were less than the size of a fist, and there were basically no words.

Occasionally, a few words remained on one or two pieces. Su Yun squatted down, staring at the words above, and tried his best to connect some strings.

More than an hour later, in front of him was some words made of scattered stones, on which was written a name that shocked his heart—Iolum!

Any information related to Netheril cannot avoid this name, arguably the greatest arcanist in the Netheril period, even greater than the famous Godslayer!

The core of Mythra, the power source of the floating city, together with the first floating city, was created by this man!

At the same time, he is also the mentor of the entire Netheril civilization and the greatest magic disseminator.

There are more than 3,000 arcanists who came from his disciples, and there are many powerful grand arcanists among them.

His contribution to Netheril is no less than that of Confucius, a sage in ancient China!

"Using a small world as a gift to the other party is really generous! It is probably his student, and it is used as a birthday present for him." Su Yun's heart was tumbling.

A new world is extremely important to the gods, no less than a golden mountain made of gold.

But it was just given to this great arcanist as a gift, so it can be seen how respected he was at that time!

Now, after thousands of years of baptism, this small world that was given as a gift has finally seen the light of day again.

It originated from the small world of the greatest arcanist in ancient times, and what amazing secrets should it contain!

Could it be that there is a complete floating city?

Su Yun's heart was surging, he calmed down after a while, and silently activated the ability on the robe.

The billowing silver mist spread instantly, completely covering the whole place, and the phoenix soldiers, under his vigilance, looked around vigilantly.

The next moment, four clones suddenly appeared beside him.

—Mirror imagery!

In the middle of the period, he strode into the center of the open space, but was instantly torn apart the next moment, making it impossible to enter.

"Well, it seems that we can only use flesh and blood clones." Su Yun smiled helplessly.

The remaining power here obviously prohibits the passage of pure energy bodies.

The flesh and blood clone walked towards the open space, took a step forward, and the figure disappeared out of thin air in an instant, as if it was completely swallowed by something all of a sudden.

Su Yun closed his eyes, silently perceiving everything he saw...

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a huge figure staring at him, and said strange words: "You look delicious..."

PS: There will be another update later. . .

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