Color Resistance

Chapter 374 Master of the First Abyss!

Divinity, that is, the nature of God, is the core of God's immortality!

Demons and devils, precisely because they are born with a little bit of divinity.

And they will plunder each other's origin as they fight each other, so as to accumulate divinity, so that after being promoted to the demon lord, they will have the immortal essence and powerful strength comparable to the gods.

Divinity, this thing can be said to be worth more than legendary equipment in every bit,

Especially Su Yun, whose flawless divinity has been wiped out by the Nether Scroll, if it is put up for auction, how many legendary powerhouses would want to get it at any cost!

Divinity, as the immortal essence of the gods, naturally also contains the will of the gods.

Once you absorb divinity, but there is no way to erase this will, then the gods can take over your body!

As the golden light merged, the woman's rapidly draining vitality finally slowed down, and a trace of vitality began to emerge.

However, a bit of divinity poured into its body did not completely heal it.

"One point is not enough, then add another point!" Su Yun didn't feel too disappointed about this, and directly used the Scroll of Nairi again to inject divinity into the opponent's body.

To be honest, he had tried more than once to integrate divinity with his own body, so as to improve his strength in all aspects.

But not being a legend is a mortal after all, he was afraid that he would not be able to control this kind of power, that's why he didn't absorb the divinity for a long time.

Next, under the infusion of Su Yun's extreme pain, he consumed a full 4 points of divinity, and finally let the opponent get rid of all injuries, and his vitality no longer passed away and became stronger.

4 points of divinity, after bestowing on the other party in this way, these divinities will be dispersed and integrated into their body.

It also means that even if the opponent is killed now, there is no way to reabsorb these divinities.

It is equivalent to beating a dog with a meat bun, and there is no return!

"Let's do this first. If you can't give me an equal return, then don't blame me for being rude." Su Yun looked at her coldly.

This is a high-level legendary mage with a career level as high as level 28!

It can be said that in its heyday, it is completely possible to get rid of the slavery of the parasitic demon species casually.

But now, it was attacked by the outer gods and fell into the weakest state, so Su Yun could take advantage of it.

It was also because of his strength that Su Yun would not hesitate to consume 4 points of divinity to heal him.

These divinities have the control of the volume of resistance, even after they are decomposed and integrated into their bodies, they can be controlled accordingly, and their bodies can be controlled by this.

From this, it can be ensured that even if the other party completely returns to its heyday, it will be impossible to break free from Su Yun's slavery!

"Level 28 legendary mage, I don't know what kind of spells the other party is good at."

This mage can be said to be Su Yun's biggest harvest so far, second only to getting the parasitic demon seed!

He was not worried that the other party would not be able to cast spells if he left the Shadow Demon Net.

As a high-level legendary mage, thousands of years of time have changed, even if the City of Shadows has turned to the Goddess of the Night, it is impossible not to learn the spellcasting methods of the public.

But what is certain is that if the opponent leaves the Shadow Demon Net, his combat power will definitely drop drastically, and it will be difficult to cast many high-level and even legendary spells.

Compared with the magic net, the shadow magic net is like the difference between a private server and a public server.

The Goddess of the Night is the administrator of the private server, with absolute control authority, and anyone who "goes online" needs His consent.

Therefore, the mages and warlocks who can use the Shadow Demon Net are basically his disciples.

On the contrary, the words of the magic net are more open, and can be used by all heavens and myriad worlds.

The goddess of magic can only control the main material plane and some magic nets subordinate to the gods. The magic nets in other places such as the abyss, hell, and elemental world are in a disordered state.

As for the magic net on the main material plane, the actions of Karthus five thousand years ago made it completely runaway. At that time, the goddess of magic had to dedicate herself to repair the magic net under the burden of her priesthood.

The newly born goddess of magic almost wanted to completely block the magic net, but unfortunately had to let it go under the opposition of the gods, but also imposed many restrictions, closing the spell-casting authority above the legend of the ten rings.

Not only that, before arcanists cast arcane arts, they were directly in contact with the internal energy system of the magic net.

That is to say, the arcanists directly memorized the spell model, and then only needed to borrow the magic net energy channel to cast spells.

This method of casting spells is not just like a blue bar mage, it is not limited by spell slots.

It can also deeply analyze the source of energy, so that the power of the spell is far stronger than the current caster.

This is also the reason why Karthus can directly leverage the source of the magic net to plunder the divine power of the goddess of magic.

The current spell slot system is purely the goddess of magic castrating the power of the mage.

It lowered the threshold for casting spells, but it also limited the growth of mages, so that they could no longer threaten the gods like the original arcanists.

Now, even if one obtains the Karthus God Conferment Art, it is impossible to really seize the divine power of the gods and gods.

The only reason why Su Yun wants to get it is naturally to analyze it through the Scroll of Nether, so as to transform it into the terrifying 12-ring spell that can be cast now!


As for the reason why the gods objected to blocking the magic net, it didn't care about mortals.

In fact, they wished that the powerful divine power of the goddess of magic would bind their hands and feet, and it would be best if they could cancel the strongest profession of mage.

It's a pity that the magic net is not only an energy transmission network, but also a transmission network for the beliefs of the gods, and it is also a transmission network for the gods to bestow magical powers on believers.

In the magic net, there is the inner magic net that is only open to the gods, so that the gods can easily use this network to receive the power of faith from the believers of the heavens and the world, and they can also use it without consuming divine power. Grants magic to believers.

It is true that the gods can completely break away from the magic net and bestow divine spells, but it requires a considerable amount of divine power.

For the gods, divine power is like the spell slot of a mage—no, to be more precise, it is like the elemental pool of the mage tower, which is the energy source that the gods can crush other existences!

This is a high-level energy, and it is also the energy with which the gods can perform various miracles.

A large amount of power of faith can be converted into divine power, and more power of faith is needed to convert it if it is consumed. It will not be used up like a spell slot and can be recovered the next day.

From this point of view, divine power is the wealth controlled by the gods. Naturally, the more the better, the less willing to spend on ordinary believers.

If the magic net is completely closed, the goddess of magic will face a gang fight with the gods of the pantheon!



"Let's go back first, this is Wanyuan Plain after all." Su Yun summoned the invisible servant again.

The previous big disintegration technique almost disintegrated the mage robe on his body, let alone the energy body of the little invisible servant.

However, just as he walked out of the passage, he heard a huge roar not far away.

The demon clone quickly climbed out of the ravine, and suddenly saw a monster as huge as a mountain, falling out of the pitch-black crack.

The space turned into shards of glass, exploding wantonly.

"This son of darkness is still alive!"

After seeing it clearly, Su Yun was speechless. He didn't expect that the other party has not been killed by the original summon.

God knows how much trouble it has brought to Shadow City.

Not only did it not hang up, but the size of this monster has more than doubled since its debut.

The core body has turned into a large mass of flesh with a diameter of more than fifty meters, and each tentacle is two hundred meters long, the whole body is shockingly huge.

If this appears in Lane City, there is no need to cast any ability spells, these tentacles alone can easily destroy the entire Lane City!

"The previous turmoil seems to have used some kind of regular power. Did the Goddess of the Night take action, or did she use the power of the Floating Void City?" Su Yun looked at the terrifying battle in the distance.

This time, the Dark Children were sent to the Bottomless Abyss by the mages of the City of Shades, or to a very special place like the Plain of Myriad Abyss.

Here, as long as the opponent can be killed, it is truly obliterated, and the opponent cannot be revived no matter how powerful the resurrection method is!

"Awesome, a full 10 legendary mages were dispatched at once!"

Su Yun could see clearly that those floating in the sky were clearly powerful legendary mages.

The promotion of a mage to a legend is the beginning of a qualitative change. It is difficult to see so many powerful legendary mages appearing at the same time on the main material plane.

Obviously, the purpose of these mages is not just to kill the Dark Children, but the greater purpose is to dissect them and study them, so as to obtain precious information about the Outer Gods.

Many powerful spells, such as Meteor Burst and Scorching Waterfall, rushed to the stage first, making the place go berserk and turn into a torrent of energy.

Su Yun just watched from a distance, without any thought about it.

Just kidding, the ten legendary mages are all qualified to besiege and kill the demon lord, and he will die without life!

Now he can only be thankful that the battle was so intense that the opponent didn't have time to care about his shots.

At this moment, a large black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky illuminated by the red sun.

Taking a closer look, it's not a dark cloud, it's clearly a group of winged demons!

These demons swooped down from the sky frantically, attacking the fighting twins.

The army of demons is tens of thousands, and they have engulfed both sides in a blink of an eye.

But under the bombardment of the Nine Rings and legendary spells, these demons suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, a space crack opened, and black energy blasted out from it, destroying thousands of demons in one fell swoop!

However, without waiting for it to wreak havoc, Su Yun suddenly saw a dark red light descending from the sky.

Under this ray of light, the descendants of darkness that were raging were directly smashed to pieces and killed!

Not only the descendants of darkness, even one of the legendary mages was wiped out in an instant, and many were severely injured, causing them to flee in haste!

"Could it be that the demon lord Pazuzu, the titular ruler of the first layer of the bottomless abyss, has come?" Su Yun looked at the sky in amazement.

The first layer of the bottomless abyss is called Pazunia, and the Ten Thousand Abyss Plain is only a part of it. In fact, it has a master, that is, the wind demon king Pazuzu.

A terrifying existence comparable to that of a devil prince, who can face up to a strong and powerful divine power with the addition of abyss consciousness!

This powerful demon lord has always ruled the 1st layer of the abyss, but he has rarely cared about what happened here.

However, whenever a devil or spirit goes too far, he steps in to crush it.

The devils had almost captured the entire Wanyuan Plain many times, but they were completely defeated by him!

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